How old were you when you had your first cigarette?


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Colour-Scientist said:
Why would you bother smoking if you're only having one a week and you only started in your mid-twenties? I don't understand what you could possibly get out of it, would it not be best to quit while you're ahead?
It does help in a way when I'm stressed out because of work or some other thing. Makes me relax a bit and helps to take my mind off of things.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Araqiel said:
Colour-Scientist said:
Why would you bother smoking if you're only having one a week and you only started in your mid-twenties? I don't understand what you could possibly get out of it, would it not be best to quit while you're ahead?
It does help in a way when I'm stressed out because of work or some other thing. Makes me relax a bit and helps to take my mind off of things.
habbits never die.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
Araqiel said:
Colour-Scientist said:
Why would you bother smoking if you're only having one a week and you only started in your mid-twenties? I don't understand what you could possibly get out of it, would it not be best to quit while you're ahead?
It does help in a way when I'm stressed out because of work or some other thing. Makes me relax a bit and helps to take my mind off of things.
The only way it relaxes you is by remedying Nicotine withdrawal though, a symptom you don't really have if you're not a regular smoker, I get the whole occupying your hands thing.
I don't mean to be one of those annoying people, especially because I hate them as much as the next person, it's just, if I had the option to go back and not start, I definitely would.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Err maybe 17. I don't like fags though they're pretty horrid things though I am partial to the occasional fine cigar.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
Moonlight Butterfly said:
Defensive much?

I was saying you can do what you like and you still get in my face about it, jeez.
Not really, that "self-preservation" comment was meant as a dig at smokers. He probably did over-react a bit but saying that your post was totally innocent just isn't true.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
I've always had the healthy habit of not putting things in my mouth that are still on fire. So, never.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Colour-Scientist said:
Araqiel said:
Colour-Scientist said:
Why would you bother smoking if you're only having one a week and you only started in your mid-twenties? I don't understand what you could possibly get out of it, would it not be best to quit while you're ahead?
It does help in a way when I'm stressed out because of work or some other thing. Makes me relax a bit and helps to take my mind off of things.
The only way it relaxes you is by remedying Nicotine withdrawal though, a symptom you don't really have if you're not a regular smoker, I get the whole occupying your hands thing.
I don't mean to be one of those annoying people, especially because I hate them as much as the next person, it's just, if I had the option to go back and not start, I definitely would.
It might be just a psychological effect, something I have associated with having a cigarette in my hand. You're not coming across as one those annoying people btw ;).


New member
Jan 17, 2009
WolfThomas said:
Like 15 while camping. Almost set my long hair on fire accidentally.
I've done that, not cool. "Hey, Dan, careful with that lighter, you're gonna set your hair on fire" "No I won't" *waves lighter near hair* *FWOOOOOSH*

That sucked. Smells horrible too.

OP: I smoke when I feel like shit. So a few every month or so. I started when I was like, 8. Stole my mothers. Then quit when I was 11 and started up again this year.


New member
Jun 29, 2012
I had my first cigarette when I was 11 my dad blamed me for stealing smokes from him when it was my sister who did, so I started smoking. When I turned 26 I quit smoking because my habit had increased to 2 packs a day, and I would usually bite or cut the filters down as much as possible.

How I quit was weird to most people, I used camel snus and changed my habits (not going outside for breaks and learning how to clean my nails, also eating), the downside to quitting is that I gained a lot of weight I am now trying to lose, so far I have lost 30 of the 60lbs I gained.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I've never smoked a cigarette in my life.

But, I've smoked plenty of cigarillos, cigars and pipes. Oh and I'm also a fan of snuff. Definitely the cleanest way to get a tobacco hit.


New member
May 22, 2010
I've never had one. If I want a stimulant, I'll grab something with caffeine in it. No sense killing myself for nicotine when there's other drugs in the same class that are a /lot/ less dangerous.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Not sure, probably 14? I only smoke tobacco on its own when I'm quite drunk for some reason, otherwise I don't really like the taste of it. I don't see the gain from it being worth the possible health problems, unlike alcohol and other drugs. If you like it then fair enough I guess, but a lot of my friends that started have now either quit or wish they could. I'm not going to be one of those cuntish non-smokers that gets on their high-horse every time there's a smoker around.

The only thing I really have against smokers is that I'm not sure if the NHS should have to cover smoking related illnesses as much. It does seem a touch unfair for a guy smoking 40 a day to be soaking up a shitload of taxpayers money for years. But then, the same can be said for alcohol I guess, and lots of things. I'm not convinced that second hand smoke will damage your health enough to give a fuck about unless you're living in a house with a smoker that smokes indoors all the time.

Basically, I don't care about smokers, but people who give smokers shit need to relax. It's really not worth it, I'm sure most smokers know what you're saying to them, and they don't give a fuck. You're just being a dick.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Rastelin said:
But in a park out in the fucking air, and some poor sod lights one nearby you, there is nothing to fear. Comments like this ticks me off.
It depends on your definition of "nearby" but it's not about fear a lot of people just don't like the smell and they were there first.

Now if you someone comes next to you when you're smoking and decides to go on a rant, get as pissed off as you want, that's their own stupidity, but it's pretty rude to start smoking next to people that aren't.

Acrisius said:
they're HEALTHY, why would they cost money? They'll be alive and healthy for longer. They can work longer, pay more taxes, consume more goods. Loss of income in the millions. Yes absolutely. But a saving in the billions on healthcare costs. And yes, fatty foods and alcohol are next, but then maybe you'd prefer to keep seeing the obesity rates and related disease keep increasing...
The problem I have with this mentality is that in a "free" society you can't stop people from doing things that are bad for them you just have to deal with it.

The arguments usually fall under smoking, obesity, alcoholism take resources(hospital beds, doctors etc) away from those that deserve it, but I ask how many people truly deserve it? how many people are hospitalised because of their own stupidy? how many people are hospitalised from a sport or hobby? do we ban these things to?

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Colour-Scientist said:
Moonlight Butterfly said:
Defensive much?

I was saying you can do what you like and you still get in my face about it, jeez.
Not really, that "self-preservation" comment was meant as a dig at smokers. He probably did over-react a bit but saying that your post was totally innocent just isn't true.
Well I have an illness that could easily develop into cancer if I smoke :p so yeah, self preservation. I did not mean to sound snotty.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
I started with 15, smoked for about half a year regulary, stopped (apart from the irregular smoke at a party) and then started again last year, when I had a shitty job and some other things went nasty.
I felt a bit better then and I had something to do.

I moved now, quitted my job and stopped aswell again. (Now I am almost 20)


New member
Jun 1, 2012
Acrisius said:
Spinozaad said:
People who haven't smoked, shouldn't smugly proclaim they haven't smoked. Cool story, bro. Us smokers keep social welfare affordable and other taxes low. Yes, it's expensive to keep a smoker alive until he dies. It's even more expensive to keep all healthy people alive until they die.


I've been smoking since I was 16, with a one year gap when I was 20-21. Only reason I see to quit is the financial aspect. Then again, the moment all smokers quit, governments are suddenly confronted with a loss of income that's in the millions. So, fatty foods and alcohol will be next in line.


And then they whine healthcare costs are on the rise. Sigh.
You're incredibly misinformed if you think the taxes on tobacco are anywhere near to cover the costs. Almost literally every disease we can imagine is either caused by or more likely to occur if you smoke. Treating people costs a shitton of money. In any system with public healthcare, you're never going to balance it out.

"It's even more expensive to keep all healthy people alive until they die"??? No it fucking isn't, they're HEALTHY, why would they cost money? They'll be alive and healthy for longer. They can work longer, pay more taxes, consume more goods. Loss of income in the millions. Yes absolutely. But a saving in the billions on healthcare costs. And yes, fatty foods and alcohol are next, but then maybe you'd prefer to keep seeing the obesity rates and related disease keep increasing...
In terms of taxation vs healthcare it really depends on which country youre in. In China where a pack of 20 costs less than a dollar than youre certainly right. But here in Norway a pack of 20 costs around 15-17 USD and so it certainly does pay for itself by the time it gets to healthcare, taxes paid etc etc.

Also "healthy" people (ie people who have lived a healthy life through excersice, abstaining from any form of chemical abuse etc) on average cost more in the end than most others. The reason being that, while a few will live a long life and then suddenly have a fatal heart attack in their sleep, most wont. Most people will need care of some kind for years - often decades - because the slow decline into death for a "healthy" man or women takes longer than with others.

And its not like because you dont smoke you cant contract illness and disease. My father led what I think you would call a healthy life and then at 52 contratced lyphoma and died about a year later.

Your argument seems to come from the idea that people who live a healthier life dont cost anything whereas selfish buggers like me cost vastly more. That simply is not the case.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Don't smoke.

Hell, second hand smoke smells and tastes like ass. I can't imagine enjoying straight from the source.