How or why did your parents choose your name?


New member
Jan 25, 2010
My family has a long history of "Paul R" names (e.g. Paul Reagan, Paul Rusty, Paul Robert) my dad included, so it was decided I should carry it on. I go by my middle name most of the time. It's only occasionally terribly annoying or inconvenient when the doctor or car repairman gets us mixed up.

XIII's Number XIV

Not in here, you idiot!
Sep 14, 2009
They told me that it was raining, and when I was born the sun showed up. So they named me this weird foreign name for it that none of my teachers and closest friends were able to spell, nor pronounce, for years.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I was named "Cristian",because I was born on the 23'th of december.It's pretty self explanatory.I hate it when people call me Cristian,I prefer Cristi.Everytime people call me by the full name I think of Jesus Christ and religion.

My middle name "Gheorghe" was taken from my grandfather from my mother's side.


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
Parents chose my name since it's both a boy's and girl's name, and they were lazy. And to this day I think my dad was hoping for a boy XD

The Rookie Gamer

New member
Mar 15, 2010
William, because my mom had originally wanted a girl named Sophia, but found out I wasn't going to be one, and I still don't know where William came from. Gabriel, because of the archangel, even though my parents practice religion as much as home root canals with artillery shells, and McCluen was from my dads Irish heritage.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
I was named Andrew because my parents liked the name, and my first name is John after my grandfather. Its also John Andrew instead of Andrew John so i also have the same initials as him. Thats right people. J.A.M.


New member
Apr 18, 2010
Michelle - Beatles song, and its toss up between that and the could not think of anything else for a girl. I was suppose to be a boy lol


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
My parents got my name (Jeffrey) out of one of those baby name books for people who have no idea what to name your child. and it turns out my name means "Heavenly Peace" which I find nice and when I told my parents they told me they named me Jeffrey because of that.

Edit: I forgot about this but my middle name is Alan after my godfathers name, and with that my initials spell "JAK" which is what my Grandpa always calls me.


New member
Apr 18, 2010
Eggsnham said:
Oh man, before I start, nobody say anything negative, please.

It's a little strange sounding, but this is still my mom, so ya' know. A lil' respect.

Supposedly, my mom had a recurring dream while she was pregnant with me, and in this dream she saw me as both a baby and a fully grown man with the name David. She interpreted it as a religious event and insisted that I be named David.

My dad, being agnostic, severely doubted any religious occurrence and wanted to continue the tradition of naming all the firstborn sons in the family Anthony, so I would have been Anthony Brancato III. But he settled for my middle name being Anthony. My mom, like many other women, always wins arguments.

The freaky part though, is that my mom said that I looked exactly like I did as a baby, and almost like I do now in her dream.

You can take that story with a few teaspoons of salt, but my mom's not the lying type.

She also had a dream around five years ago that my uncle was in a plane crash, and when she called to tell him in the morning, she found that his flight for that day had been canceled due to an engine malfunction. She literally woke up, told me about her dream and called my uncle only to find out later that day that his flight was canceled.

It could be coincidence, it could be a carefully fabricated story between the two, or it could be something a little more telepathic.

I dunno, and part of me doesn't really care to know anyways. But it makes for some interesting conversation!
Hey dude my mother says she knew from her dreams while pregnant I would have blue eyes and be the only one in my family to get the blue eyes from my paternal grandfather, and to this day no one else has my or my grandpa's blue eyes.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
riprino said:
the doctors at the hospital I was born thought I was going to be a girl so my parents had a female name picked out so when i came along everyone was stumped on what to call me so i ended up with the generic name of Dylan.
Hahahahaaaaa! Exact opposite of my case: my parents thought I was going to be a boy. (For those of you wondering "What about ultrasound?", yes, they had it, but the picture quality then was no where close to what it is now.) Luke or Lucas were the two top contenders until I was born, then there was a little three-day period of namelessness while they dug up and went over their girl name choices. They wanted something that hadn't been used in the family, hence "Kira" (means "sun" in Pharsi).


New member
Dec 11, 2010
I'm named after an old T.V. star, but I don't remmember who.
My middle name, Frank, was my grandfather's nickname. His real name was Epifano, and he hated it.

Sean Strife

New member
Jan 29, 2010
I think it was a happy compromise between my parents since my dad wanted a girl and my mom wanted to call me Sterling for some ungodly reason. And I guess Shawn sounds like a girl's name... so problem solved.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
My name is Lloyd, which is the Welsh name for Grey. My parents liked it because it was relatively uncommon while still being a nice recognisable name. I rather like it. Although, I do hate people constantly asking "why is it spelt with 2 L's", I don't know, it's a Welsh name and that's just what they do. Also I'm annoyed how people constantly spell it wrong, I honestly cannot fathom why they would think it would spelt "Lyod" or "Llyod". The second one is particularly annoying because they got the two L's bit right, but then fucked up the obvious bit. Oh well, it happens, and I've gone on off quite the tangent.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I was named after my uncle. Who was named after his uncle who was named after my great grandfather (who was his uncle)
My nephew is named after me.

Truth be told my parents unexpectedly had twins when I was born, already had 4 sons before that and... well I think they ran out of ideas.

TheDarkEricDraven said:
My dad orginaly wanted to name me Thor, but mother wouldn't allow it, so he settled on "Logan" after Wolverine.
Thor is totally my name. Yay me.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
They didn't. I did.

And I just took a name out of the last book I had read when I had to pick one.

As to the name I used for the first 10 years... I really can't remember ever asking them.