How or why did your parents choose your name?


New member
Feb 23, 2009
My older sister (5 at the time) wanted to name me superman, thank GOD my parents talked her down to Kent (as in Clark Kent).


New member
Nov 20, 2009
I'm Francesca. It took my parents 9 months post-birth to name me (I was Nutsy 'til then (After the character from Blinky Bill)) and I was named after my eldest brothers pre school girlfriend...


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Well im black, born into a predominantly white catholic family. So giving me 5 catholic first names as my full name was probably an act of overcompensation.


Feb 9, 2010
My first name came from one of the children in the old Irish myth "The Children of Lir"

My middle name is my maternal grandfathers name


New member
Mar 6, 2010
My Mother had wanted to call me "Eyan" or "Yan" and my Father wanted to call me "Andrew" but since they couldn't agree they instead made my First Name completely different from what either of them had wanted and made my Middle-Name Andrew and my Last-Name was the name of my Fathers family.
But I prefer to be called by "Andrew" or "Andy" when spoken to and I somewhat prefer the sound of my Mother's side Last-Name.
My actual First-Name means "Handsome", from what I've heard Andrew means "Courageous or manly" and my Mother's Last-Name means "Son of John"... so I suppose you can guess what my Mother's Last-Name is from that. =P


Social Justice Squire
Jan 3, 2010
My first name... my mom liked. So I got it.

My middle name, my dad liked, and wanted to be my first name. My mom pointed out that then I'd have 2 "Ks" in a row when someone used my first-last name combo, so it became my middle name.

But now my first and middle name translates to "royal beauty," so... win?

TheDarkEricDraven said:
My dad orginaly wanted to name me Thor, but mother wouldn't allow it, so he settled on "Logan" after Wolverine.
...Your parents are awesome.


New member
Jan 22, 2011
Thomas is my first name, from my father, from his father, from his father :) It means "twin" in hebrew which makes me wonder....


New member
Apr 10, 2011
First name is Tyler and is one of the few names that A. wasn't really common around when/where I was born (That's changed. Also, the mayor's son was named Tyler and they gave him special treatment 'cause his dad was the mayor) and B. Was easy to pronounce where I lived (I was going to be named Jeremy, but where I lived, people would call me Germy). My middle name is Edward which was my great grandfather's name. He had cancer that was spreading, and he tried to stay alive to see me when I was born. He died in February, I was born in April. I used to not like my name, but once my mom told me about that, I loved it and I refuse to change it, freakin' Twilight aside.

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
Practically all the men in my family have names starting with R. My older brother, my father, and my grandfather are all named Robert, and my uncle is named Richard, so my mother insisted that mine be something different, and they eventually settled on Eric. My middle name, Reed, was my father's middle name.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Oh man, before I start, nobody say anything negative, please.

It's a little strange sounding, but this is still my mom, so ya' know. A lil' respect.

Supposedly, my mom had a recurring dream while she was pregnant with me, and in this dream she saw me as both a baby and a fully grown man with the name David. She interpreted it as a religious event and insisted that I be named David.

My dad, being agnostic, severely doubted any religious occurrence and wanted to continue the tradition of naming all the firstborn sons in the family Anthony, so I would have been Anthony Brancato III. But he settled for my middle name being Anthony. My mom, like many other women, always wins arguments.

The freaky part though, is that my mom said that I looked exactly like I did as a baby, and almost like I do now in her dream.

You can take that story with a few teaspoons of salt, but my mom's not the lying type.

She also had a dream around five years ago that my uncle was in a plane crash, and when she called to tell him in the morning, she found that his flight for that day had been canceled due to an engine malfunction. She literally woke up, told me about her dream and called my uncle only to find out later that day that his flight was canceled.

It could be coincidence, it could be a carefully fabricated story between the two, or it could be something a little more telepathic.

I dunno, and part of me doesn't really care to know anyways. But it makes for some interesting conversation!


New member
Oct 19, 2009
My grandparents picked my name because my parents were fighting so much over it. They chose poorly, but it was so hilarious to my parents at the time (Total stoners)that they rolled with it. Thus my name is a pun. (Also, unmarried Latina, I gets four names! My mother's maiden name and my father's name together mean priceless executioner. Kick. Ass.)

Loremaster P

New member
Nov 23, 2009
My parents didn't name me per se, when my mom was pregnant she had a working colleague come up, pat her on the belly and ask: How's little Petter doing? ( yes that's my name ) Funny thing is, noone knew if it was gonna be a boy or a girl at that point. And my middle name is Klas, my dad's named it and i'm pretty sure it's from my grandfather or even further back.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
My name was chosen as a compromise between my two grandmothers, (Malaysian and New Zealander respectably) Therefore I have a name which on my birth certificate that translates to Alexander which my New Zealand side of the family call me by.

But everyone else calls me Edward.


New member
Apr 14, 2011
The reason I was named what I am is because, no joke, they thought it was easy to yell. Once again, not a joke. Still funny though.

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
Tiger Sora said:
I was named after my grandfather. Tom. Well thats the short Thomas really. It's a sucky name I'm going to change it in afew years.
WHAT?!?! Tom is a kickass name! You should keep it!

Anyway, my name was decided by a random drawing. My entire family wrote down their suggestions on pieces of paper, threw all the pieces into a pot and then someone drew one of the pieces. The winning suggestion was from one of my brothers, who got the idea from the name of an athletic swimmer that was famous at the time.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
My name, Jenessa, was originally supposed to be my sister's name, but my dad didn't like it at all, saying something along the lines of "Hell no! That's a black girl name!", so she ended up being Shannon.
When my mom was pregnant with me she decided my name would be Jenessa before my dad even knew she was pregnant.
Funny thing is, he liked it the second time 'round.