How the public (your school, work etc) sees you


v11.1 beta2
Apr 10, 2009
The image I put out there (and that I'm not going to change any time soon) is that of one who has no self confidence, but always seems to have an in-depth knowledge of whatever the topic of conversation happens to be.

What I've been told on the other hand, is that I'm the one who people don't notice in conversation, because I stay quiet the whole time, but then I come up with either something incredibly witty or something incredibly relevant to the conversation. I'm like Ferb from that show "Phineas and Ferb" only a bit less philosophical. That's with one group.

With most groups, I'm seen as a nerd. And I don't mind that. I pride myself on being able to fix any problem you may commonly come across in a computer. I'm proud of my gaming history. So people see hat I take nerd as a compliment rather than a jibe.

In some of my closer groups, including my family in fact, I'm seen as a HUGE cynic. For example, I always seem to see how patterns in life are repeating themselves, well before anyone else notices it. Ok, a bit confusing to understand? A more 'examply' example then:

yesterday, I saw an advert for "3D-ready TVs" so I turned to the person next to me (my dad, and had the following rant:

Oh great! 3D ready tv... Those'll cost a fortune. And then the equipment you need to take advantage of it will cost even more! Oh sure, the price'll come down, but as soon as it does, they'll bring out "Full-3D" tvs... And they'll cost even MORE, and the equipment...? Forget about it. Might as well wait until it's mainstream. But by then, they'll have invented the fucking holodeck or something........
see what I mean? Patterns. And it's not just that; if I want, I can generally find something in any situation to be cynical about. However, this does not a great tactic for keeping friends make, so I shut up unless I'm sure others will understand what I'm talking about.

Yay wall of text!


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Ugh... I'm known as the skinny, uncoordinated guy who freaks out at people easily in my hometown. At my high school, I'm known as a really deep bass singer and... not much else.

Everywhere else, I'm not seen or heard about at all because I don't stand out. I mean, I'm not boring enough to be a boring guy, not interesting enough to be an interesting guy, and I don't have a group or style that one could attribute to me. The only reason people don't forget I exist at all is because I have a unique name.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Ehh. I'm been seen as the quiet girl, the skinny girl who is painfully bad at sports, the girl who is always reading/writing/drawing, or the girl who gets sick all the time. I've had some people see me as attractive for it and have had other people think I'm a serious weirdo because of it. That's pretty much true for anyone who keeps to themselves, though. :)


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I'm now "the mentally ill one" which is extremely annoying to say the least. At a time when I most need friends and support, everyone backs off in case I infect them with my crazy. Also, I've always been a nerd, and odd, so I get the universally looked-down-upon feeling.
I'm not socially retarded or anything. People... I hate negative stereotyping, especially on large scales. Everyone should get their fair chance to show their personality for what it is. And being a nerd should stop being bad! I like it! All the best people I know are nerds. Guess when you're figuratively bottom of the pile, you get a bit more consideration for those similarly placed?


New member
Jun 17, 2009
drdamo said:
mathadawg said:
I've got two contradicting ones:
Some see me has a cocky narcissist, who brags way too much.
Others see me as a highly likable person. Quoting an acquaintance, I'm the "least hate-able person" he knows (I don't remember the exact words, but it was something along those lines).

I think most people see me as the latter, but I know there are some people that see me as the former, because I'm relatively smart and I like to share when I do well (like let's say 100% on a really difficult AP World History test). It also doesn't help that my grades come easy for me.
Do those people even know the true meaning of being a narcissist?
I've made the same error once, by calling someone a narcissist, while i actually ment him being self-centered.
And to further overthrow their words (and to clarify how of an idiot i've been myself): Everyone is self-centered in some way, even altruists.
As altruists need to do good towards others to feel good themselves. Ofcourse, this is the most positive form of self-centeredness, but logically still self-centeredness ;)
On the narcissism thing, that wasn't quoting them, that was a mistake on my terminology. They just called me, or implied that I am, self-centered. I didn't really pay attention when I said narcissist there. Sorry :)


New member
Apr 24, 2008
I don't think anyone sees me as a stereotype of something. I think the only think that characterizes me in school is my Russian-ess and my smoking habit. Also the fact that I am not the friendliest guy around.

(Speaking of school, I have an exam in like 7 hours and I lack the knowledge to answer a single question, so yay for failing the first exam :D

Also yay for procrastinating a whole week!)


New member
Feb 8, 2009
That fucking dirty ginger fatass whiteboy cracker. Girls dont like me because I don't look like a girl and guys don't like me because I don't constantly hit on girls. Fuck you all.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
The nerd due to the fact that I can acually read and use that ability on a regular basis.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
People see me as a potential serial killer. All because I don't talk to anyone and have tried to stab a few people. Who knows, they might be right.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Redweevil said:
Pr0 InSaNiTy said:
Eukaryote said:
Apparently their is a stereotipe that science students are bad at english. I beg too difer.
Kind of ironic due to the three spelling mistakes.
Im hoping this is satire :p
Yes. I realise now it's hard to portray that over the internet. I wasn't being serious.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
I'm seen as the guy to ask for help
really annoying, seeing as when people ask me for help i'm normally helping someone else or doing my own work
and most of the people who ask me for help are idiots
oh yea, and the dirty smoker of my group of friends as i'm the only person who actually smokes


New member
Jan 16, 2009
I'm just a ***** according to the people that know me. But that's because I get tired of taking shit from people and I'm a ranga (redhead)


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Eukaryote said:
Apparently their is a stereotipe that science students are bad at english. I beg too difer.
that's pretty funny.

let's see. in australia i'm probably seen as cheerful, sensitive, loud, clever, japanese-obsessed, and terrible at holding back insensitive comments. in england i'm all of those plus "australian". :p


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I don't really think I've ever really been stereotyped. Back in my school days I had friends in every clique there was, and I dressed, as far as I was concerned, just normally, usually a short-sleeved t-shirt (no logos, but maybe a band of some sort) and jeans.

nowadays, again, I guess little has changed. Still have a pretty varied group of friends, though most of them are nerds, and some of them make the fatal mistake of making nerd references around non-nerds, or talking about nerdy things around non-nerds. I suppose I'm seen as mostly just a semi-quiet, not shy mind you, mid-sized guy who doesn't get a haircut or shave often enough, but who is able to make anyone laugh if I really care to.