I'll post my opinions here that i posted in the other thread, but why are you saying with any luck? I mean... fightings usually you want to avoid.
Anyway, opinions:
Fight to kill. If someone calls the ambulance and you have to be held back, you're doing it right.
Hit in jabs, keep your pace and breath, and keep out of your opponent's reach. you dont need to give a haymaker everytime.
Break every joint you can. Break the arms at the elbows, break his legs at the knees. Ensure he cant get back up to throw another punch.
Aim for the throat. A gasping enemy is a vulnerable enemy. Hold him to the ground and threaten to crush it, to make sure he cant take in air. Dont be on his level, hold him with your foot and ensure he knows you're not joking.
Hit the sides of the eyes, they cause temporary to permanent blindness. I'm guessing he's not a blind samurai so without sight he'll fall fast.
Dont be afraid to bite. Just dont swallow the blood. The human mouth is a dirty place and infection can bloom. Make sure you bite for something vital. It desont have to be the neck, thats a bit rough to do. Instead, bite the wrist and pull, make the hand lose blood flow. Another good place the achilles tendon. If it keeps hockey players down for 4-6 weeks if not more, it will bring this guy down.
Never assume the fight will be fair. Anything can be turned into a weapon. Keys are great, especially mailbox keys (small ones). Aim for the temporal lobe (where the ears are), its the softest and weakest part of the brain, but holds some of the most important zones of the brain.
Gauge out the eyes. If possible, dont cut your fingernails. Yeah, it looks girly, but so what. Deep scratches will be bothersome, and a missing eye is crippling.
Use the opponents momentum against them. Stay on your toes and let your opponent's fists slide off yours. This leaves you still pointed directly at them, and your opponent open and falling towards you.
finally, never let them get behind you. If they are ever out of your view at all, immediately swin, back of the hand out, knuckles out, and hit the person. it may hurt your hand, but it will hopefully knock the opponent back and into your site.
Always remember, this is for the kill. Dont stop, make the crowd stop you. You want to ensure the person is scared of you, that they wont want to try again. make them fear for thier lives, if you can, bring them within inches of death. This also scares other people out of fighting you, and lets everyone know shit will go down if you are fucked with.
As a side note, IMO nut shots and guns are low class. dont bother with either. a nut shot stops to hurt if a person is hit there enough, and it only makes it so the person is ready next time. They're also very easy to block and at least redirect and lessen the power of. A simple turn and a leg up will knock the leg away. If your opponent is that close to you where they can kick you, you are doing it wrong, or you deserve it. If you're that close, there's no reason to not go for something more vital.
And dont bring friends unless tehy're there to carry you beaten body home. Ganging up on somoene is just you being a pussy.