How to fight.


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Jul 17, 2010
Death on Trapezoids said:
Brass Knuckles.

Buy them and soon, you too can enjoy the crunch of your enemy's face beneath your brass-coated fist.

Lacking those, smash his nose as hard as you can, THIS HURTS. Then keep swinging.
I think brass knuckles are illegal to carry on your person. I'm not criticizing or anyhting, i just think they are.

Death on Trapezoids

New member
Nov 19, 2009
emeraldrafael said:
Death on Trapezoids said:
Brass Knuckles.

Buy them and soon, you too can enjoy the crunch of your enemy's face beneath your brass-coated fist.

Lacking those, smash his nose as hard as you can, THIS HURTS. Then keep swinging.
I think brass knuckles are illegal to carry on your person. I'm not criticizing or anyhting, i just think they are.
I never said that brass knuckles are legal. Heck, in some areas it's illegal to even own them. But in those same areas they are still available.

Isn't it interesting that brass knuckles can be outlawed while equally and/or more deadly weapons like knives and bludgeons can't?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Death on Trapezoids said:
emeraldrafael said:
Death on Trapezoids said:
Brass Knuckles.

Buy them and soon, you too can enjoy the crunch of your enemy's face beneath your brass-coated fist.

Lacking those, smash his nose as hard as you can, THIS HURTS. Then keep swinging.
I think brass knuckles are illegal to carry on your person. I'm not criticizing or anyhting, i just think they are.
I never said that brass knuckles are legal. Heck, in some areas it's illegal to even own them. But in those same areas they are still available.

Isn't it interesting that brass knuckles can be outlawed while equally and/or more deadly weapons like knives and bludgeons can't?
Well I'm pretty sure you cant carry a switchblade in some states. um... other then that, yea, its actually kinda funny in a dark humor sort of way. BUt you know Americans. Gotta have us our guns, yes sirree.

though i never found guns appealing, so i dont get the purpose of why we need them besides war, since most people who use them "hunt". if you can call kill an animal from hundred of yards away that has no real defense against it and may never even know you're there "hunting". but thats a different topic for a different thread.


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Jul 6, 2008
emeraldrafael said:

Way to ensure this dude will get a criminal record for a brawl, if not charges for excessive force to manslaughter. Honestly, you have no idea how to fight if this is your concept of "best tactics ever" to use. Really, I'm surprised you're not in jail right now if what you say is true, if not a mental institution. Don't start putting guides to taking another human being's life on a public forum.


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Jul 17, 2010
HellsingerAngel said:
emeraldrafael said:

Way to ensure this dude will get a criminal record for a brawl, if not charges for excessive force to manslaughter. Honestly, you have no idea how to fight if this is your concept of "best tactics ever" to use. Really, I'm surprised you're not in jail right now if what you say is true, if not a mental institution. Don't start putting guides to taking another human being's life on a public forum.
??? What? He asked, I answered. What about the people who say, pack heat, bring a knife, bring brass knuckles? Give them the lecture as well. Again, I dont kill people. i just ensure they know not ot fight me again. Thats the point of a fight. To settle things. If you're not going ot make your opponent scared to piss with you later, you're just delaying the inevitable rematch. And i didnt say kill him, I said fight to kill. if you fight till the person is on their back, or till tehy give up, they'll just get back up and come find you later.

Besides, its what my uncle taught me, and its what they taught him in the marines. So if its good for the US Marines, its good for me and should be good for anyone else.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
...I don't even know why I'm going to argue this...

emeraldrafael said:
Besides, its what my uncle taught me, and its what they taught him in the marines.
You know why that might be? Because the Marines are a branch of the United States military and their job is to enter situations in which people are trying to kill them! They fight to kill because if they don't, they'll die! Going overseas to fight wars and protect the citizens of your nation is just slightly above "fight the schoolyard bully" on the totem poll of "force needed to end conflict". You're essentially telling someone to gouge someone in the temple with a car key because, what, he stole someone's lunch money? Seriously dude, get help if you don't see what's wrong with that statement.

Someone who's beaten won't be challenging another person anytime soon, especially if you won convincingly enough. It's an ego bust and that's all. Lethal force (and that's exactly what you've condoned, in detail no less) is reserved for last case scenarios in life threatening situations! Fighting to kill is indirectly telling this guy to kill whoever he's fighting. If you need to break five bones in a man's body to make him feel threatened by you, you really need to learn how to handle yourself better, because there are far more efficient and less dangerous ways of doing that.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
HellsingerAngel said:
...I don't even know why I'm going to argue this...

emeraldrafael said:
Besides, its what my uncle taught me, and its what they taught him in the marines.
You know why that might be? Because the Marines are a branch of the United States military and their job is to enter situations in which people are trying to kill them! They fight to kill because if they don't, they'll die! Going overseas to fight wars and protect the citizens of your nation is just slightly above "fight the schoolyard bully" on the totem poll of "force needed to end conflict". You're essentially telling someone to gouge someone in the temple with a car key because, what, he stole someone's lunch money? Seriously dude, get help if you don't see what's wrong with that statement.

Someone who's beaten won't be challenging another person anytime soon, especially if you won convincingly enough. It's an ego bust and that's all. Lethal force (and that's exactly what you've condoned, in detail no less) is reserved for last case scenarios in life threatening situations! Fighting to kill is indirectly telling this guy to kill whoever he's fighting. If you need to break five bones in a man's body to make him feel threatened by you, you really need to learn how to handle yourself better, because there are far more efficient and less dangerous ways of doing that.
Like i could shoot him? Or stab him? go ahead, tell me. Tell me what are more efficient ways that are less dangerous. I've been stabbed before (not with a knife, with a key, and i have a nice little scar on my side above my kidney), I think i have the right to over react abit. A fight is a fight. To quote Rocky IV, "if he dies, he dies".

And regardless what the marines taught my uncle and for what purpose, its self defense. So maybe I'm a bad person because of this. I'll tell you something, because i fight this way, I've kept alot more of my friends safer.

As for the ego thing, if the person he's fighting is as bad as he wants us to think, That deflated ego is only going ot make them want to get it back. When somone is on a high horse, they wnat to stay on, they like the view.

So no, I dont need to control my anger. and no, I'm not telling him to kill him. directly or indirectly. Everyone who suggested a gun or a knife can be told the same thing. I simply stated how he could fight and defend himself without knives or guns. I dont go out and do this to everyone i see, I dfend myself with it. Most of the tactics I stated will only hurt, not kill. After a few weeks they'll be back up, but they'll just remember not to do that again. In comparison to a kick to the nuts that smarts for a day and then the next they just know to close their legs. Ask anyone who knows me personally, and they'll tell you that i'm a good guy underneath it all, and the last person to resort to violence.

So in a way, when i fight, it is a last ditch effort.


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Aug 12, 2008
Generic Gamer said:
6unn3r said:
Hence why its so effective, strike first and strike hard and your opponent will never have a chance.
I'm all for non-viloent methods of resolving a conflict, however somtimes violance is the only (and normaly) last option. OP asked for methods and i offered some. Personally i would use locks, holds and arm bars to force my opponent into submission and try to reason with him but then i do have 6 years military training to fall back on so i would be at an advantage. However not everyone has had the same training so they do need to know how to quickly and effectivly end a fight without getting themselves hurt.

Kasper Gundersen

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Oct 18, 2010
Side-step his attack, and together with a small sweep-kick, take him and use his own weight against him...
But the best thing is always not to fight, if you can avoid it...


New member
Aug 18, 2009
hit him right below the center of his ribs, he will lose his breath. with the lower palm of your hand hit him as hard as you can in his ribs. he will be completely disoriented, so it is safe to kick him and he wont be able to grab your foot. then just push him over and over again and step on his feet till he falls. then pin his arms with your knees, and then slap him over and over again till um wait.


New member
May 17, 2010
OP ignore the vast majority of this. You already know my opinion. Good luck BTW.

Besides, its what my uncle taught me, and its what they taught him in the marines. So if its good for the US Marines, its good for me and should be good for anyone else.
Tell us again how peace loving you are. That was funny in the last thread. Give advice on how to committ predemitated assualt on someone who's only crime is being a douchebag. Say you are peaceful.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
370999 said:
OP ignore the vast majority of this. You already know my opinion. Good luck BTW.

Besides, its what my uncle taught me, and its what they taught him in the marines. So if its good for the US Marines, its good for me and should be good for anyone else.
Tell us again how peace loving you are. That was funny in the last thread. Give advice on how to committ predemitated assualt on someone who's only crime is being a douchebag. Say you are peaceful.
what? i said i use it as self defense. also, if you're going to quote me, make sure you actually quote me.

Fine, I'll put it this way then. the Army doesnt make you a killer. You dont go into the army as a pacifist and come out as a homicidal maniac. No branch of the US military does that to you. Its the same way with me. I Learn for self defense. i dont go beating down random people and i've never instigated a fight in recent years (sure, i did when i was yougner, like FIVE but not after i turned EIGHT). I'm not a big person. So i need something to show that people with 20, 30, 50 lbs on me that i am their equal.

Instant K4rma

Aug 29, 2008
As said before me, aim for the neck and groin. I suggest an open hand strike to his neck, followed by a swift boot to the groin as he clenches his throat.


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Nov 20, 2009
Dangerious P. Cats said:
Am I the only person here disconcerted that people are advicing someone entering into what sounds like a schoolyard fight to get all fairbairn and potentially kill the other kid?

On another note I really hope that Jack Thompson or Tipper Gore don't ever find this thread, nothing says video games encourage violence like a group of gamers in a forum on a gaming website telling another gamer how to maim or possibly kill someone because another gamer ask how to win a fight they were preparing to have.
This. Don't fight its not worth it. You could get hurt or hurt the other party and then you will be in serious trouble. Most of the tips on here could kill them. It doesn't matter whether its self-defence or not. If you can't talk your way out then run. Simples. Tough the stick out and you'll grow up and it won't matter. Be the bigger person. I was bullied something awful at school and took up martial arts as a result. Thankfully I've never had to use it to fight someone (except tournaments and the like). I wouldn't want to get in a fight as I could genuinly hurt someone. Just take a moment to think about the potential consequences of your actions. Could you live with yourself if you killed or maimed someone over this?

Also, shame on those of you encouraging this. Its not big and its not clever. Sure I do kind of buy into the 'jocks are evil thing' but why should you respond in kind with mindless violence. Come on. Surely we escapists are better than that?


New member
Aug 22, 2009
In a fight victory is the only importance, everything is permitted. My recomendation is the krav maga special: knee repetatly in the groin. An elbow-uppercut is a nice finish.