If a second American Revolution where to happen....


Emcee: the videogame video guy
Jun 26, 2012
thaluikhain said:
Revnak said:
It would end very horrifically. The largest military in the world facing off against one of the most heavily armed citizeries in the world. That's a recipie for disaster right there.
Well, more like half the most powerful militaries in the world and half of the most heavily armed citizenries fighting the other half.


Much of the rest of the world would be desperately hoping it wouldn't go nuclear, and might intervene due to that...if teh rebellion is small enough, possibly trying to help get it squashed, no matter how bad the US government is.
I think the implication is that a bunch of rebels with little in the way of government aid would be the primary components of the rebellion. Though I could see regional military siding with one cause or the other.

Whoever has the commander in chief would likely win, that much I know. The military doesn't betray the president as often as action movies make you think they do.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
SecondPrize said:
Or more of us could bother go show up to the polls on election day.
Would you like to vote for coka cola or diet coke?

Your line of thinking is outstandingly ignorant.


Politicians and our "democracy" doesn't count for anything, people like you are the problem.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Tony said:
Another American Revolution would not happen. The chances of one happening are amazingly tiny. I do believe that America is going to eventually end up like Greece.
What, subjugated to another empire?

Is this that 'China's going to take over the world' crap? That just bugs me... no offense.

OT: I think the closest we'd see to that is if the Mexican drug cartels started trying to expand their influence northwards. That could be messy.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
You mean that republican revolution that Fox News has been trying to spark for the past few years?


New member
May 2, 2011
Sorry to ruin your dreams of having a heroic Hollywood-esque last stand in the name of "freedom" guys:

A revolution..if it ever did happen, would not end well. By that I mean not end well for the civilians. This is not the 1800's so we're not on even grounds by all of us having muskets. The technology gap would be hugely one-sided. Some of the most advanced armoured vehicles in the world which includes apache helicopters, plus that predator drone stuff they are so very fond of using.

They could track anybody and trace any call that they wanted to, so unless you want to use carrier pidgeons to send messages to each other there's a safe bet they will have an unfair advantage in intelligence on top of that military hardware. Any attack that involved extended planning would most likely be found out.

The only hope of any kind of advantage is if some of the military broke off and joined the rebel side but sorry, I just don't see that happening. EU could 'try' to do a no-fly zone but again, I seriously don't see that working. For one, an extended occupation of America would be nearly impossible - save for the most advanced European countries. Even then, their aircraft techology would be at a huge disadvantage. It was much easier for the Libyan stuff because 1) we had America in support 2) Libyan aircraft....Well it's not exactly worth boasting about.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Flimsii said:
SecondPrize said:
Or more of us could bother go show up to the polls on election day.
Would you like to vote for coka cola or diet coke?

Your line of thinking is outstandingly ignorant.


Politicians and our "democracy" doesn't count for anything, people like you are the problem.
So, I have to just accept your worldview that assumes Democrats and Republicans are exactly the same, or I'M the ignorant one.
Never mind that the status quo is only sustainable because of our abysmal voting rates. Never mind that other parties could succeed if far more of us voted. Nope, I'm ignorant because I think voting is worth doing. Thanks, jerkass, for your input.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Tony said:
Binnsyboy said:
Tony said:
Another American Revolution would not happen. The chances of one happening are amazingly tiny. I do believe that America is going to eventually end up like Greece.
What, subjugated to another empire?

Is this that 'China's going to take over the world' crap? That just bugs me... no offense.
China isn't going to do anything. The people who started the "China rules all" was probably created by a group of hardcore republicans.

Assuming one's political views, especially mine, is like trying to predict the 2nd coming of Christ... No offense
I wasn't trying to assume your political views. That's just the primary reason I've heard for America supposedly becoming second fiddle in the not to distant future.

I'd like to hear what your theory is, though.
Feb 22, 2009
It's not gonna happen. The US political system is not very representative of the actual views of its citizens, but those citizens are also pacified by a massive amount of patronising media, and simply too divided to make a revolution possible.

Good job, too, it'd be fucking chaotic.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
SecondPrize said:
Flimsii said:
SecondPrize said:
Or more of us could bother go show up to the polls on election day.
Would you like to vote for coka cola or diet coke?

Your line of thinking is outstandingly ignorant.


Politicians and our "democracy" doesn't count for anything, people like you are the problem.
So, I have to just accept your worldview that assumes Democrats and Republicans are exactly the same, or I'M the ignorant one.
Never mind that the status quo is only sustainable because of our abysmal voting rates. Never mind that other parties could succeed if far more of us voted. Nope, I'm ignorant because I think voting is worth doing. Thanks, jerkass, for your input.
So if more people voted democrat or republican then the problems caused by people voting democrat and republican would be resolved. I want whatever you're smoking.

Now if you are saying we should all vote independent, how will that change anything?

Do you think an independent party could win without the support of big business? Look at how much our society is perforated by mass media and advertising, would millions of people have bought ipads if the television didn't tell them to do it.

And even if an independent party gained any ground do you think it wouldn't become corrupted by this system, do you think those at the top wouldn't sell principle for power?

AND LETS EVEN SAY THIS HAPPENS, a principled independent party gains a large majority of the populous to back it. What would this party look like? Would it just be another liberal capitalist party? What about fundamental issues that nobody seems to give a shit about?

The Culture of greed, selfishness and individualism
THE TREATMENT of drug addiction

All fundamental problems caused or exacerbation by our modern liberal capitalist system

Everyone will just vote to maintain the status quo for aslong as it suits and now the world debt is finally catching up with bankers and corporations. Who is paying the price? We are. For wars we didn't want, goods that we didn't buy, and loans we couldnt pay.

So next time you call me ignorant for not coming to the conclusion that all our problems stem from us not voting enough. You might want to look in the mirror.

It is your fault for enabling such a rancid system to continue.


New member
Feb 27, 2012
This is assuming that another secession from the union would lead to armed conflict. There are some that think that, if, say, South Carolina said it was leaving the USA, the rest of the nation might just let it.

Basement Cat

Keeping the Peace is Relaxing
Jul 26, 2012
There isn't going to be a second American Revolution.

I've been hearing people say that since I was a born in the early seventies. The closest we've come to the country tearing itself apart since the Civil War was turmoil in the sixties over racial/gender etc politics combined with the furor over the Vietnam war.

While REAL revolution and REAL civil war in the U.S. are theoretically possible (just as it's THEORETICALLY possible for an air-born strain of the ebola virus to spontaneously and NATURALLY pop up and wipe out 80% to 90% of the human race over the next few months), our nation's culture and society in general, and our system of checks and balances--while man made and naturally imperfect--none the less manage to keep not only a lid on tea-cup storms but works out developing kinks and ongoing cramps, wrinkles, and problems with surprising ability.

Every generation throughout RECORDED history has had doomsayers that said their world was going to hell in a hand basket. Aristotle even said the same thing. I don't remember where he's recorded as doom saying but it's there somewhere...College was longer ago than I care to remember...

We see our problems here and now and say "THIS is different! What came BEFORE wasn't/isn't the same! THE SHIT'S GETTING REAL, NOW!!!" It's only with time and distance that we see that our problems are OUR generation's problems and when we're old fuddy-duddies we'll hear 20 and 30 year old kids howling about THEIR generation's problems and find ourselves saying "You kids don't know anything!!! Why, back when I was YOUR age we had REAL PROBLEMS!"


Jan 4, 2010
United States
This thread has revealed some hilarious views of how international relations and internal conflicts interact. Keep them coming. I need more uninformed rhetoric since I opted out of fries this afternoon.

Dragon Zero

No one of note
Apr 16, 2009
Tom Roberts said:
If you really want an interesting look at a second civil war (and both world wars with an Americas Divided) check out Harry Turtledoves Opus, How Few Remain/The Great War/American Empire/Settling Accounts (11 Books in all). It's based on the simple idea of a confederate soldier pointing out to a confederate courier that he had dropped some cigars...

If you're a real history buff you'll know why that matters, and how much it could change.
In Bruce Catton's Mr Lincoln's Army (the first of his excellent Army of the Potomac series) one of my favorite parts is when he wonders what happened to the cigars. Seriously Read the Army of the Potomac series if you want a really good history book.

Anyway On topic, I think first of all that this won't happen in our great grandchildren's lifetime but if it did I think that it'd work out similar to our Civil War where many in the military wouldn't want to fight against their family and will side with them. That's just a best case scenario for the rebels.