If you voted for Obama or you're a Muslim, you better not try to learn gun safety in Texas


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Have any of the responders in this thread ever actually BEEN to Mason county or even know where it is? The Texas Hill country is literally in the middle of NOWHERE. Its actually quite pretty some springs when they've had a rainy winter.

Regardless, this man's thoughts are how pretty much everyone thinks around there. 'Everyone' not really meaning much as the Llano river in its entirety can't flow past more than 4 or 5000 people. Really, this story is beyond ridiculous and completely out of context. There are no Muslims in that region and I'm fairly certain the concentration of liberals is very low. That man has no more responsibility, in his mind, to the rest of the world than you have to him.

Its like taking a microgram sample of a cup of water and saying that it represents the entire cup of water. Stop with the generalizations, as it only makes the person who burps them up seem stupid. e.g. the post directly above this.

note: I voted for Obama and I harbor no ill-will towards the Islamic faith. Generalizations just piss me off and I spent a lot of my childhood in the hill country. I hate to see it trashed out of context.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I'd applaud, but it hurts too much.

What exactly was OP trying to say with this thread? Because no one has come up with anything of value thus far.


New member
May 27, 2010
Valagetti said:
Whats wrong with Muslims and Arabs (they have awesome rocking beards!)

I find it's the people that agree with you that turn out to be the most profoundly silly.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
ok i hate Obama and i think socialism is a horrible idea. that said this guys an idiot, i mean it one thing to bash both of those (Obama because hey he ran for the office he knows what he signed up for and socialism because thats fundamentally impossible to do right.) but the crap hes leveled out to Muslims and Arabs is just bigotry and stupidity.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
SpAc3man said:
Only in America. Its hard to believe such bigoted, ignorant people exist.
Not really. You're a prime example yourself, after all. Only in America are there people so stupid and intolerant of people who follow a certain religion? Do you really not see how spouting such nonsense makes you just as bigoted and ignorant as this guy from Texas? And look, your profile says you're from New Zealand, so you just proved yourself wrong. People like you and the gun instructor are not only in America. Hopefully you will take this as a lesson to better yourself and stop spewing such ignorant garbage.

Acrisius said:
Only in America...that's all the words you need.
And here's another one, this time from Sweden. Just in case anyone needed further proof that "Only in America" is indeed quite wrong.

Meanwhile, here I am, a level-headed American who's not about to condemn all people from New Zealand and Sweden as ignorant bigots just because of the words of one person from each country as these two people have. I wonder how many minds I just blew.


New member
Apr 24, 2008
Acrisius said:
Only in America...that's all the words you need.
We must live in different realities where ridiculously racist opinions can only be had by Americans. America is a country that has a LONG history of immigration from many different people throughout many years, and obviously not all of them can get along. How about other countries and their views on people from very different backgrounds living there?

Have a read, I think you'll find this link interesting. http://www.cracked.com/article_19363_6-reasons-your-plans-to-move-abroad-might-not-work-out.html


New member
Aug 27, 2010
We should just cut off relations with Texas, I'm pretty sure Canadian badlands oil is cheaper in the long run.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
It's kind of funny, that fierce pride that Americans below the poverty line in the south put into capitalism, even as the system they dry-hump makes off with their wallets and kidneys while they sleep.

You know I really don't know what's scarier, that extremist rednecks actually exist outside of cartoonish stereotypes or that people seem to be encouraging him.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Leemaster777 said:
You know, it's stories like this that REALLY strain my faith in humanity:


The short version is that this gun instructor in Texas has a radio advertisement stating that "If you are a socialist liberal and/or voted for the current campaigner-in-chief, please do not take this class," and "You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under the law."

But it gets better. He also said "Also, if you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class. Once again, with no shame; I am Crockett Keller ... thank you and God bless America,". The best part? Apparently, he's been receiving calls from locals in SUPPORT of this.

No words, folks. No words.
Um, yeah, he's a Keller dweller. Not terribly surprising. It's damn near impossible to get NPR where I live, but there are more rightwing gasbag punditry stations than anything else.


New member
Nov 1, 2010
thethingthatlurks said:
I moved out of Texas just under two months ago. Glad this wretched and primitive hellhole hasn't changed one bit...

You know that racist grandfather everybody has? Hit him over the head with a shovel two or so dozen times, then leave him out in the sun all day. That's Texas in a nutshell, a state full of idiots, racists, religious zealots, I-am-totally-not-compensating-for-having-a-really-small-penis-by-owning-twenty-guns types, rednecks, and for some reason a really good university. Oh, and Austin is a pretty nice place as well...
As a loyal Texan, Conservative, and Christian, I find 3 things in this thread that are offending. Number one is the subject matter (yes, I am against racism and undermining other religions), number two is what thethingthatlurks said, and number three is how hypocritical everyone is on stereotyping and undermining belief systems, etc. People yell "Those idiotic racist redneck Bible-thumping hillbilly Texans!" and yet defend the Arabs and their religion like crazy, saying "not to judge" and "don't be racist", even though most people don't even have any kind of ties to them. Everyone shuns Christianity and stereotypes them to old-school rednecks who say "You gotta get saved or you gonna go to hell!", while most of the Christians I know are extremely smart, rational, and patriotic people. I just can't believe that the majority of this nation has stooped so low in stereotyping and hypocrisy.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Ah, you see, because if you find one douche, one douche at all, in a group of people...then all of that group are also douches.

Well, if that's the case, I guess #OWS is Douche Central, isn't it?

O wait, it isn't, is it, because you LIKE #OWS, right? It only works for groups of people you would like to display your superiority to, doesn't it? This kind of asinine pseudo-cockmeasuring has got to be one of the worst things about the self-indulgent, narrowminded forum culture of the Escapist.

Anybody who thinks that this story means anything other than Crockett Keller is a narrowminded douche is pathetic.

A pathetic douche.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Acrisius said:
Actually, I think mjc0961's response sounded reasonable and intelligent. The examples he gives are pretty good representations of the broad, sweeping generalizations made about ALL Americans in this thread. Including the ones made by you, who seems to be advocating the opposite of making sweeping judgements of large groups of people. Which does indeed make you a hypocrite.


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
"Gun safety" and "Texas" seem like two horribly mismatched things, especially after reading this article. I know that's not the truth, but it seems like Texas puts a lot of effort into looking like the intolerance capitol of America.