If you voted for Obama or you're a Muslim, you better not try to learn gun safety in Texas

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
viranimus said:
I am just pointing out that it is insanely hypocritical.
It really isn't, sorry.

If you dont already know I tend to side against whatever the pulse of the thread is whenever the thread becomes blatantly one sided.
Which is fine, if you're capable of playing Devil's Advocate. So far, you're not doing a good job.

Wheres the discussion value if everyone agrees?
Come up with a point worth discussing, then.

Now my question is, Is it even possible to become tolerant to one position without first becoming intolerant to another? So in essence, is there even such a thing as "tolerance"?
Sure there is. You're taking awful liberties here. I'm not even sure there's discussion value to this question, simply because it's based on a shoddy statement. Would you care to try for something that's a little more....I don't know...Grounded?


New member
Nov 14, 2010
doggie015 said:

stopped reading there.

If that site were to go a lot of hate speech would go with it
yet nobody would share that opinion because it's slamming conservative texas....


Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
ToonLink said:
Huffington Post is the Fox News of the Internet.
Yeah, they probably faked the youtube video and the original ad that spawned controversy before they even picked it up. Damn those Fox-News-Like bastards.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
harmonic said:
Leemaster777 said:
blah blah blah America sucks only in america emo BS
Only in America?

Try opening up a church or synagogue in Mecca. See how fast you are in several pieces.
Try listening to the radio in most of the Middle East as a Jew. You will feel quite scared due to the numerous, explicit threats to your entire religion.
Try dating a black woman in the Bronx as a white guy. Some gangbanger will come put a stop to that relationship at the business end of a gun.
Try being a blonde woman in Norway, who is forced to dye her hair a dark color so as to avoid discrimination and/or being RAPED by hateful scumbags.

Stop pretending that America/Texas is the sole source of all of humanity's ills and the rest of the world is completely benign. It is human to be flawed.

Also, he has the legal right to refuse service anyone he wants. Drop this bullshit about discrimination laws.

Also, the Huffington Post is the liberal equivalent of Fox News. Stop drinking their kool-aid, teenagers of Britain/Australia.

Quoted for truth. Are there racist/sexist bigots in America? Absolutely, but they exist /everywhere/.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Zachary Amaranth said:
viranimus said:
I am just pointing out that it is insanely hypocritical.
It really isn't, sorry.

If you dont already know I tend to side against whatever the pulse of the thread is whenever the thread becomes blatantly one sided.
Which is fine, if you're capable of playing Devil's Advocate. So far, you're not doing a good job.

Wheres the discussion value if everyone agrees?
Come up with a point worth discussing, then.

Now my question is, Is it even possible to become tolerant to one position without first becoming intolerant to another? So in essence, is there even such a thing as "tolerance"?
Sure there is. You're taking awful liberties here. I'm not even sure there's discussion value to this question, simply because it's based on a shoddy statement. Would you care to try for something that's a little more....I don't know...Grounded?
Discussion: should it be legal for him to do this? There. Discussion value.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Strife2k7 said:
harmonic said:
Leemaster777 said:
blah blah blah America sucks only in america emo BS
Only in America?

Try opening up a church or synagogue in Mecca. See how fast you are in several pieces.
Try listening to the radio in most of the Middle East as a Jew. You will feel quite scared due to the numerous, explicit threats to your entire religion.
Try dating a black woman in the Bronx as a white guy. Some gangbanger will come put a stop to that relationship at the business end of a gun.
Try being a blonde woman in Norway, who is forced to dye her hair a dark color so as to avoid discrimination and/or being RAPED by hateful scumbags.

Stop pretending that America/Texas is the sole source of all of humanity's ills and the rest of the world is completely benign. It is human to be flawed.

Also, he has the legal right to refuse service anyone he wants. Drop this bullshit about discrimination laws.

Also, the Huffington Post is the liberal equivalent of Fox News. Stop drinking their kool-aid, teenagers of Britain/Australia.

Quoted for truth. Are there racist/sexist bigots in America? Absolutely, but they exist /everywhere/.
can i date both of you at once?
seriously, i feel like i owe people with common sense a stake dinner.which wouldn't be alot of steak dinners these days...

and look at huffinton's front page! it nothing but anti-conservative articles! some are straight up FALSE!

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Jegsimmons said:
yet nobody would share that opinion because it's slamming conservative texas....

Why would that be an issue? Would the ad, which already had thousands upon thousands of views and generated news stories elsewhere, have gone away?

Would people suddenly be okay with this, if only it weren't posted by the Huffington Post? Were other sites not "slamming" Texas in their report?

The Houston chronicle article isn't significantly sunnier.

Also, just thought I'd point out to the people arguing it's his right to do this, the Texas Department of Safety said this:

Certified instructors are required to comply with all applicable state and federal statutes. Conduct by an instructor that denied service to individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity or religion would place that instructor?s certification by the Department at risk of suspension or revocation
Yeah, apparently it's NOT his right. Well, it's his right to lose his license if he chooses, but not to refuse to educate non-Christians.


New member
Dec 4, 2010
Well, if one can legally refuse service on the basis of race/religion, then the store/shop/bar/restaurant owners who refused service to "negros"/irish/etc were clearly fully in their right? Except they weren't, and current laws, and plenty of court cases, clearly state that doing so was not legal. So I think it'll be shown very unambiguously that what he is doing is illegal either.

That said, it's not at all surprising.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
If anything, this thread makes me want to lose faith in humanity. It's a good thing that I had none to begin with. Views of one guy do not represent those of all fifty of the United States of America, or even the whole of the South.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Discussion: should it be legal for him to do this? There. Discussion value.
A far more interesting question.

Should someone be allowed to decline certification based on race, creed, or colour? I'm saying no, largely because he's still operating within the parameters of the state. If he doesn't want to be a part of it, he can step aside, but otherwise, this functions as state-sanctioned discrimination.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Volkov said:
Well, if one can legally refuse service on the basis of race/religion, then the store/shop/bar/restaurant owners who refused service to "negros"/irish/etc were clearly fully in their right? Except they weren't, and current laws, and plenty of court cases, clearly state that doing so was not legal. So I think it'll be shown very unambiguously that what he is doing is illegal either.

That said, it's not at all surprising.
There's a distinction between public and private establishments.

Public establishments, such as stores/bars/shops cannot discriminate on race or ethnicity by law.

Private businesses can hang a sign saying "No negroes" if they wish.

However, as a certified instructor he cannot, under Texas law, discriminate, so it's really moot as to whether stores can. He can't.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
ForgottenPr0digy said:
well at least he didn't say anything about gays because if he did the entire nation would be covering this story but see how its about Arabs,Muslims and Socialist no one gives a fuck about them.
Except those damn Huffington post bigots!



New member
Mar 30, 2011
Acrisius said:
Only in America...that's all the words you need.
I really wish you were right, but if anyone thinks that ignorant bigotry can be confined to a single country, they're blind or delusional...


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Oh America, you make it so easy for us to make fun of you. Also, I have to wonder... For every message he gets supporting his views, how many would he get that say he's a dumb fuck, not only because he's an asshole, but because it's just a *bad* idea to express views like that? I'm Atheist, am I eligible for your class, Mr. Dumbass? I swear, it's people like this where I just want to smack them upside the head... Thank you, America, you have disappointed me yet again. It's time's like this that make me happy to be Canadian. I gotta cool down, stupidity overdose x.x


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
*Twitch* I hate people sometimes, I really do. I really hope someone sues this bigoted asshole...