

The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Aris Khandr said:
Just about everyone likes the idea of a threeway with twins. ;)
Not me, honestly I prefer one on one ... what am I talking about!?
But yeah, I wouldn't like that situation, they would fight over you. :/


seydaman said:
-Is incest morally wrong?
In all honesty, I am Christian but I view everything with my own sense of morals.
Is it wrong, nope ... love is a crazy, wacky thing which we can't control most of the time.

And also I can't do anything if it happens. I don't have the rite to disturb that.
I'll let you humans do what you want ... unless it's opening a door to Hell or Heaven and then we have a problem. (Get back on topic Shaun!)

-In the case of no possible offspring?
As I said before ... nope.

-With offspring?
As other people said, as long as they make sure there is nothing going to be wrong with said child.
And adoption could stop anything bad.

-Should incest be legally banned?
That would be pretty unfair I guess.
Though I can't say.

-Does the act of incest disgust you?
For me ... nope.
Though when I think about me being in a relationship with that ... like most people.

Though I can't stop myself if something like that happened.


I have no problem with incest with neither children or not. (Only if they make sure it will be medically fine)
I shouldn't be banned.
It doesn't disgust me and it slightly creeps me out. Though if I can't say crap. :p
Love is a thing we cannot control.

On another note I must say ... I liked the title name.
It just puts the topic out there and leaves many questions.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
seydaman said:
-Is incest morally wrong?
No such thing as morally wrong. No universal moral code, nothing can be universally wrong. By my own personal code its not wrong so long as it isn't being abused and both parties fairly consent.
-In the case of no possible offspring?
See above.
-With offspring?
Depends on how close family it is. Brother/sister, father/daughter, mother/son - probably shouldn't have children. High chance of birth defects. Close aunts/uncles and cousins I also feel that same way about. Things like your mother's mother's sister's grandaughter or W/E I don't see as much of a problem with, though its still better to be cautious.
More to the point I'm not against the idea of them having children, just that they have to take full responsibility for the fact that their kid will have deformities, and do everything in their power to make sure that this fact doesn't impair them, or does to as little extent as possible. This means no expensive cars or W/E, that money goes into any medical surgery or W/E that could benefit your kid. Anything less is not enough IMO.

-Should incest be legally banned?
Nope. Really I don't think many things that aren't encompassed by "Don't be a dick" should be illegal, but W/E.

-Does the act of incest disgust you?
Not really. An exploitative incest where its non-voluntary or heavily coerced for one party, making it rape really, disgusts me, but two people that love each other I have no problems with getting together, no matter what their relation to each other is.

The Ubermensch

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Blargh McBlargh said:
The Ubermensch said:
'm on this boat in theory; though I have Brocon sisters and not all of their dogs bark if you know what I mean.

I'm not going to say that all incestuous relationships between brothers and sisters are messed up, just if I ever said yes I'd probably have a Yandere harem on my hands


I think it must be something to do with being related to perfection yet society telling you your uncontrollable love is wrong.
Are they at least hot? [creepy grin]

We need to know this. For science purposes. Yes.
Kinda... I mean they are my sisters. They might not think of me in that way but I think of them that way.



New member
Aug 27, 2012
Mr F. said:
Its arguable that certain acts which evoke instant disgust universally do so for a reason. Our brain is hardwired to find such acts disgusting because they are detrimental to us. Even if you discount any chance of offspring, it is still revolting. Between a parent and child it is revolting due to the power balance and everything else. Between siblings it is slightly less vomit inducing yet it is still disgusting on just about every level.

I am not talking from a religious standpoint or a genetic standpoint. From a psychological and sociological standpoint, it is revolting. The mere thought of it makes me feel slightly ill.
Well, that *is* pretty arguable.

Evolutionary psychology is quite a faulty source for morality. Your brain might be hardwired to find incest disturbing, but it's also hardwired to find people who are visibly different from your own monkey tribe revolting. Hence, racism. Also, to find sex between different monkey tribes revolting. Hence, interracial sex taboos. You are hardwired to always agree with the alpha male, to ensure the survival of your tribe.
Also, you are hardwired to find the most fertile, youngest post-pubescent teenage girls the most attractive. Hence, ephebophilia.

We are living in a civilization now, we ought to think past these stupid remnants that don't necessarily make sense any more, not encourage them.

Mr F. said:
Finally? There is a reason people sometimes choose not to date their closest friends. Because if it gets fucked up it can destroy friendships. The potential for things to get fucked up if you are fucking your family members is much, MUCH higher and much more destructive. Finally there is the societal level to look at. Yes, technically, we should all pursue our happiness without giving a flying fuck about what society thinks. Some people frown on homosexuality, I do not think that gay couples should not exist though (That would somewhat shoot me in the foot.). However, if it ever got out that you were fucking a family member, that is not your life that has been destroyed.
That's not a biological problem, but a social one. The idea that a relationship where you are bumping uglies is somehow more likely to "get fucked up" than one where you don't, is entirely caused by sex taboos.

It's a bit like saying that we shouldn't allow gays to adopt children, because they would be bullied in school for it.

Which is technicaly true, but there is no fundamental reason for it to be that way to begin with, so it's a problem to be solved, not a barrier. Rather than limiting ourselves, it's more moral to create a world where gay parents' children don't get bullied, even if it's harder.


New member
Aug 27, 2012
Milk said:
-Does the act of incest disgust you?
Yeah but provided no one is getting hurt it is none of my business.

I'm pretty liberal when it comes to this sort of stuff.
If someone would say "I find homosexuality disgusting but it's none of my business", "liberal" wouldn't be my firrst word of choice to describe that.

Or can we think of any reason why incest should be more OK to be shunned even while tolerated? (not trying to be confrontational here).


Dec 24, 2011
I don't know, I don't really think of it as a moral issue, it doesn't affect anyone but the people choosing to do it so there doesn't seem to be much room for morality.

With/without offspring?

Well you'd be better off adopting if you ask me, if you have a kid there's an increased chance of them having problems.

I'll admit, a part of me has always had a weird sort of fascination with incest. By that I mean the concept of it, it's not like I'm actually attracted to my own family members or anything like that. But I guess there's something about how unspeakably taboo it is that makes it seem kinda kinky. It's like the forbidden fruit so to speak. Of course in reality it's still pretty wrong and sick, and there's the problems that arise from it genetically.

In a way though everybody on earth is related fairly closely when you come right down to it. Most of the people you know are probably your 13th cousin or closer.


New member
May 24, 2011
Mr F. said:
Its arguable that certain acts which evoke instant disgust universally do so for a reason.
But is such disgust universal? If it was universal, then why does incest exist? Also, why are there people who are NOT disgusted by it?

Our brain is hardwired to find such acts disgusting because they are detrimental to us.
First of all, I assume you mean detrimental in the long run of the human species in an environment of natural selection.
If you are talking about things detrimental to the human species then that would put a lot of fetish's and philias on that list like masochism or electrocution. Also, that argument could potentially be used against homosexuality or asexuality. However it can also be argued that not reproducing is beneficial to society at the moment.

Also, the brain is varying levels of plastic. Wires move and change every day. Even if such a reaction was "hard-wired" at some point in time, the lack of natural selection in our society has inevitably led to a large variety in the gene pool. There are undoubtedly at least thousands of people who wouldn't have that "hard wire" you're talking about.

Even if you discount any chance of offspring, it is still revolting.

Between a parent and child it is revolting due to the power balance and everything else.
That power balance does not need to affect anything. You're just making an assumption that such distances in power (even if there WAS one in said family) would cause trouble in the first place.

Between siblings it is slightly less vomit inducing yet it is still disgusting on just about every level.

I am not talking from a religious standpoint or a genetic standpoint. From a psychological and sociological standpoint, it is revolting.
You still have yet to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt.

The mere thought of it makes me feel slightly ill.
Evidence that your claim is highly influenced by your opinion.

I mean, I can partially understand it.
Good, a concession.

The bond between parents and their children is unique, as is the bond between siblings. I know I love my sisters more then I could (currently) love a partner. But you love your partners in a very different way. It might still be unconditional love (hopefully) but it is a different kind of love.
You are making a sweeping generalization based on personal experience. What evidence do you have that says that the two types of love MUST be exclusive?

Finally? There is a reason people sometimes choose not to date their closest friends.
Not everyone believes that is a good reason.
Because if it gets fucked up it can destroy friendships. The potential for things to get fucked up if you are fucking your family members is much, MUCH higher and much more destructive.
Frankly, a fucked up relationship is almost always the result of immaturity on one or both sides and the lack of being willing to work things through. Also, there are MANY people who marry their best friends and have been perfectly happy. There are also examples of incestual relationships actually turning out fine.

Finally there is the societal level to look at. Yes, technically, we should all pursue our happiness without giving a flying fuck about what society thinks. Some people frown on homosexuality, I do not think that gay couples should not exist though (That would somewhat shoot me in the foot.). However, if it ever got out that you were fucking a family member, that is not your life that has been destroyed.

That is your life, their life and every member of your families life.
You have yet to prove that there would be any conflict in the first place. You haven't even proven that said conflict would MOST LIKELY happen.

This is without even properly going into the subtle power relationship and how much it would fuck things up.
I would like to see you go into detail on this.

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
If it's with a cousin then I suppose it's okay but with a sibling? Or a parent? Or an uncle? It's....kinda messed up to me.
Do I think it should be illegal? I just don't know. It seems wrong to me but I am open minded if anyone here can help put it into a context that makes it seem "not sickening". I did grow up in a religious household so maybe that's it. I just see it as really, really weird and can't imagine it happening. I've never met an incest couple before though so I have no image in my head of this "looking normal".

Edit: Hmmmm, I guess it shouldn't be banned...but highly discouraged.

Incest between a parent/uncle/aunt and a child/offspring should be illegal though, that is not natural no matter how you look at it. No parent should want to stick their child back into the bits it came out of, that's sick and I really think there are some psychological issues there.

Between cousins and siblings though....I'd say it should just be highly discouraged and seen as dangerous. Aaaaaand the partners involved should first seek counselling, if some psychological cause can be found that can be cured then the relationship must end.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Evil Smurf said:
1. Have I noticed I have an attractive cousin? Yes.
2. Do I want to bone her? Society would shun me forever, not worth it.
i got 4 attractive cousins... <_< one of them is a model, 2 other is sports athlete's... but yeah.. same boat as you mate. you would be forever shunned and probably be hated by the rest of your family.. so oh well :)

The Ubermensch

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Mr F. said:
- Morally wrong? Yes.
- In the case of no possible offspring? Still wrong, yes.
- With offspring? A new level of wrong.

- Should incest be legally banned? Yes.
- Does the act of incest disgust you? Yes.

Its arguable that certain acts which evoke instant disgust universally do so for a reason. Our brain is hardwired to find such acts disgusting because they are detrimental to us.

I'm pretty sure our brains are hardwired to make decisions. I'm not an animal, acting on instinct, are you? Admit that you've made a judgement, be it a personal one or one that you've been taught to make.

Even if you discount any chance of offspring, it is still revolting. Between a parent and child it is revolting due to the power balance and everything else. Between siblings it is slightly less vomit inducing yet it is still disgusting on just about every level.
Psychologically I'll agree, but you can't just blanket the entire human race with having one rationale

I am not talking from a religious standpoint or a genetic standpoint. From a psychological and sociological standpoint, it is revolting. The mere thought of it makes me feel slightly ill.
>Makes me slightly ill

The thought of gay sex makes a lot of people feel ill; these people generally have repressed homosexual feelings

I mean, I can partially understand it. The bond between parents and their children is unique, as is the bond between siblings. I know I love my sisters more then I could (currently) love a partner. But you love your partners in a very different way. It might still be unconditional love (hopefully) but it is a different kind of love.

Diggy Shiggy

Finally? There is a reason people sometimes choose not to date their closest friends. Because if it gets fucked up it can destroy friendships. The potential for things to get fucked up if you are fucking your family members is much, MUCH higher and much more destructive. Finally there is the societal level to look at. Yes, technically, we should all pursue our happiness without giving a flying fuck about what society thinks. Some people frown on homosexuality, I do not think that gay couples should not exist though (That would somewhat shoot me in the foot.). However, if it ever got out that you were fucking a family member, that is not your life that has been destroyed.

That is your life, their life and every member of your families life.

This is without even properly going into the subtle power relationship and how much it would fuck things up.

That was the most beautiful denying of ones own feelings I have ever seen.

I think you need to have a talk with your sisters and tell them about your feelings


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Going to add yet another "fine by me" to the pile, wouldn't do it personally but it's none of my business what people want to get up to behind the privacy of their own doors (providing all the people involved consent). The risk of genetic anomalies isn't raised a huge deal and we still let women 40+ and carriers of genetic diseases reproduce so we can't exactly ban it on that alone.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Apparently most of the US thinks its morally wrong. Law-wise that is. Otherwise it wouldn't be a punishable offense (in my state its a Life sentence).
So... Take that how you will folks.


New member
Feb 9, 2013
amaranth_dru said:
Apparently most of the US thinks its morally wrong. Law-wise that is. Otherwise it wouldn't be a punishable offense (in my state its a Life sentence).
Fucking really? A life sentence if a brother happened to sleep with his sister? I just... what in the fuck? How is that right? Here in Australia, two incest convictions can land you on a sex offenders list, alongside the peadophiles and rapists (unless I am somehow mistaken).

A life sentence? That is just downright fucking disgusting.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
BathorysGraveland2 said:
amaranth_dru said:
Apparently most of the US thinks its morally wrong. Law-wise that is. Otherwise it wouldn't be a punishable offense (in my state its a Life sentence).
Fucking really? A life sentence if a brother happened to sleep with his sister? I just... what in the fuck? How is that right? Here in Australia, two incest convictions can land you on a sex offenders list, alongside the peadophiles and rapists (unless I am somehow mistaken).

A life sentence? That is just downright fucking disgusting.
The US tends to be much more touchy with any affairs of sex, regardless of how the sex is related.

There was a documentary about how movies get slammed with harsh ratings for small sexual inclusions, while horrifically violent films can get as low as a PG-13 rating.
IDK, maybe the film thing is applicable in other countries as well, but I can only speak for my own.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
In all honesty, if two closely related people want to have consensual sexual relations then all power to them! If I am honest, bro/sis or sis/sis porn is hot as hell (mostly!) and, so long as they are being careful to avoid babies with 3 eyes and antennae, who are we to tell them to stop?

And before anyone asks, no - I'm an only child!

Tiger King

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
is incest morally wrong?
Im not sure if it's morally wrong but it's certainly an extremely strange thing to want to do.

should incest be legally banned?
it is isn't it?

does the act of incest disgust you?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Oh, and as far as I remember, it's legal in the UK to sleep with or even marry your cousin...if not an entirely common occurrence!

I think that's one law we can thank Henry VIII for - I can't be arsed to check, though!

And once again, in my case the answer is "no". I'm not saying I wouldn't but I haven't.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
should it be illegal - no
does is sicken me - Hell, yes.
I am sorry but that thought is just really disgusting to me.
I remember a discussion with somebody on the Bioware Forums about DA 2 before release, were they were ranting about the fact that there was no possibility to do your siblings.

Yeah, fun times....

The Ubermensch

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Arakasi said:
CpT_x_Killsteal said:
Arakasi said:
Milk said:
This thread is going to end well.

seydaman said:
-Is incest morally wrong?

-Should incest be legally banned?

-Does the act of incest disgust you?
Yeah but provided no one is getting hurt it is none of my business.

I'm pretty liberal when it comes to this sort of stuff.
Agreed entirely.
Although I think that having a child from incest (however close the relation is that is considered statistically dangerous for the child) should certainly be banned.
But what about if they used that gene selection thingy-ma-bobby that chose that healthiest genes?
And assuming that doesn't work what about just making them have abortions if it's shown that the fetus has physical or mental disabilities?
That'd be fine assuming it were all accurate.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person trolling these forums that has watched Evangelion,GATTACA, Babylon 5, Star Trek, Blade Runner or Ghost in the Shell.

In this context Eugenics probably doesn't sound that bad, but its like with CCTV, yes, it can be used to spy on you but its only going up for your safety. Well, it's up now, may as well use it to its full potential.