Drauger said:
Well if you want the game to be practical lets add all the things an assasin would need to be like 47 in the end we end up wiht splinter cell like character:
Why do they dont add all that stuff?, well because fictional world were a bald clone can pull out all that stuff without wearing all those pockets and stuff on..... like the nuns pull out the rocket launcher and other weapons out of god knows where
Ah, well allow me to further explain my point; 47 is an assassin, his job is to blend in to any number of environments (usually urban ones) not military complexes hence him being in a suit, typically he carries a silenced pistol or two and a blade, so for 47 to be effective in this world, he is the way he is, sure he looks bad ass, but it's practical bad ass, as lets face it a bald man in a business suit is either just that or if he's built like a brick private security and you wouldn't look twice. Ergo his costume is an effective and efficient choice for his style and methods of assassination. To wear full combat gear given his chosen environment would be like wearing a massive exclamation point over his head.
As for the nuns, unless they spend their time in goth clubs or S&M hotels, which they very well could do, their costumes do not make sense beyond basic titillation. In other words, they break the sense of disbelief... I can believe 47 pulling a shotgun out of his ass, even taking them all out without taking a single hit, but I can't believe that those nuns have ever been effective at their jobs, then again, the use of a rocket launcher does belie any sense of subtlety and maybe that's their schtick, that they aren't subtle at all.
It's basic character design 101... and admittedly without seeing any real context for the nuns, it fails.
But of course, you're welcome to disagree with me on this and I doubt I've changed your mind any, I just thought I'd offer an expanded explanation of what I said.
As an aside; "Well it's just a fictional world" is fine for some people, but personally I consider it a weak excuse, a fictional world needs to be consistent to it's own internal logic and that's the difference between believing a man can fly and scoffing at nuking the fridge.