Tanis said:
Steve Jobs was about as 'innovate' as Zynga.
I agree. You see, Steve Jobs changes to the world will probably fade in a total of ten years. Thomas Edison's / Telsa's innovation can lasted about one hundred and thirty two years we have been using electricity.
While I'm just showing that technically, Steve should be below Edison who should be below Telsa and etc. I don't think this is a list of innovators, its a list of very popular people, not of innovation.
Also, where in the hell is Bill Gates, at least in the bottom of the list, he did great things.
Manji187 said:
So, the Escapist's list would be?
1. Nikola Tesla
2. Nikola Tesla
3. Nikola Tesla
4. Nikola Tesla
5. Nikola Tesla
6. Nikola Tesla
7. Nikola Tesla
8. Nikola Tesla
9. Nikola Tesla
10. Nikola Tesla
Sorry, I had to edit in the names after 1 because it looked so sad without a name near those numbers. Also, may I ask, should we be heavily biased to Nikola Tesla since were on this site.. Or? Is it peer pressure.
Flac00 said:
Mmhm. So do you like using your mouse? Cause without Steve Jobs no one would be using one right now since Xerox certainly wasn't gonna do anything with that. Have you bought that many CD's (or at least known about other people commonly buying them) in recent memory? Cmon man, just because he perfected an idea means that he stole it? Do you know how many famous innovators we know who didn't invent anything? Ironically, you are sounding more "hipstery" by decrying the actions of a man who has INNOVATED constantly. Open your eyes, much of what we take for granted may never have existed had it not been for him and the after effects of his actions.
He never innovated, at all, in the history of ever. We can even go back far, far back to the original track ball, it was never pateneted, but it was made in 1952 by Tom Cranston, Fred Longstaff and Kenyon Taylor. Then we can go even further in and find the first mouse prototype, made by Douglas Engelbart in 1963. The term "Mouse" was made because, originally, because the device had the wire coming out towards the user, not away. Now lets go and find the first Apple mouse.
Apple's first mouse was made in 1986, and it was called the Apple Desktop Bus. This mouse was relitevily square, but was able to keep its head above the water, unlike the two other examples. It had its wire coming out the front, reverse of what the past ones have been like. As far as I can tell, the only difference between them was the fact that one was commercially successful, and the others failed to be so.
Yes, Apple is innovative because they have buisness smarts. /sarcasm/
Heres a wikipedia article on the matter for reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouse_(computing)#Early_mice
Then another source for you, however, I have not read through it, but it should back up my statement in full: http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/compmouse.htm