Is the question, "Are you gay?" offensive?


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Yeah. It means that you are openly trying to insult the other person. Sexuality doesn't actually matter, it is simply an insult. Well, where I come from anyway. Wonderful way of starting a slugging match in the middle of the street.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
I find asking about sexually to be rude. Asking if someone is straight, gay, attracted the person over there. You don't know when it will make someone uncomfortable. I never ask unless I really have to. which is pretty much never.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
I think if you phrased it like "What is your sexual orientation?" is less offensive, because the term "gay" has been used as insults.


New member
May 20, 2010
CrimsonBlaze said:
So I've been working on this piece about homosexual relationships and have come across a question many times with no definitive answer:

Is asking someone, "Are you gay?" offensive?

Now, I am referring to their sexual orientation and not at all meant to be an insult. It is merely a personal question about someone that I genuinely want to know without sounding like a jerk.

I believe that it is not offensive because it is question about an individual and not at all an insult. It would be no different if I asked someone if they liked knitting, liked some obscure sport that is not popularized in media, wrote poetry, or had a particular profession. I'm not saying that I'm going to go out and ask everyone I see about their sexual orientation. However, there are many openly gay people in the world and many of us are 'familiar' with certain mannerism and behaviors that it often time places that thought into our heads.

Personally, I would want to know if a girl I'm dating is gay so that I would know where this relationship was going (believe me, it would have saved me some time in past incidents).

So, fellow escapists, share your thoughts and please, let's be civil.
It depends on context. Asking someone you know well is fine, so long is its done tactfully. Asking someone you've just met in a social situation... well that can easily cause offence even if only because its a very personal question to be asking a stranger, but also because the person asking is often homophobic - I'm not saying asking makes you homophobic, its just often homophobic people who pop that question socially.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
As most people have already pointed out, if you're asking someone about their sexual orientation (which is how you should phrase it, because someone may be bi, gay, lesbian, trans, queer etc.) then it's not offensive.

If someone did something and you said "what are you, gay?" then yes. It's offensive.

I know it's not what you asked, but you would not be offending someone asking if they are gay.

Unless they're insecure or closeted, then they may take offense, but it cannot be helped.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Really depends on intention. To be safe, you can always say "I don't mean to offend, but are you gay?"
Then again, you shouldn't have "to be safe". People shouldn't be offended if you ask their sexual orientation, just like they shouldn't with age. I don't see why such a question is offensive or embarrasing if the questioning party is purely curious.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
I think it would be best to ask the question more along the lines of "excuse me, may I ask what your sexual orientation is?" Because this way they can define it themselves.
Otherwise, to take the age example from before, it's like asking "excuse me, are you a teenager?" or "excuse me, are you middle-aged?" instead of "excuse me, how old are you?"

It's much less open of a question. The person might be straight, gay, bisexual, asexual, questioning, and just asking one might not be the right way to phrase it.

Otherwise, offensive... not really. Intrusive? Yeah. But sometimes that's appropriate.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
CrimsonBlaze said:
So I've been working on this piece about homosexual relationships and have come across a question many times with no definitive answer:

Is asking someone, "Are you gay?" offensive?

Now, I am referring to their sexual orientation and not at all meant to be an insult. It is merely a personal question about someone that I genuinely want to know without sounding like a jerk.

I believe that it is not offensive because it is question about an individual and not at all an insult. It would be no different if I asked someone if they liked knitting, liked some obscure sport that is not popularized in media, wrote poetry, or had a particular profession. I'm not saying that I'm going to go out and ask everyone I see about their sexual orientation. However, there are many openly gay people in the world and many of us are 'familiar' with certain mannerism and behaviors that it often time places that thought into our heads.

Personally, I would want to know if a girl I'm dating is gay so that I would know where this relationship was going (believe me, it would have saved me some time in past incidents).

So, fellow escapists, share your thoughts and please, let's be civil.
Context, context ALWAYS matters.

Like asking a man who is married to a woman, "are you gay" you are basically asking him if his marriage is a sham. That IS offensive.

Or lets say an actor has to dress in drag for a part, it is his JOB not his preference. Then asking him if he is gay you are basically challenging is sexual preference just because he has to dress in a non standard way for a theatrical role. Yes, that IS offensive, I learned that the hard way. (it's quite common in British theatre, for both genders to cross-dress).

You have to realise is a question is never "just a question":


Every time you ask a question you imply that the answer might be yes. Like when Senator McCarthy would ask "are you a communist" after stating he knew who were communists the implication is a man of elected office asking if you are a communist means this reputable person thinks you are and he just wants to hear you deny it.

You could ask:

"what is your sexual preference?"

Which is odd, as for any person it may require stating the obvious, but a married man may very well say he is bisexual or straight. The point is that is an open question.

Asking an imperative question "Are you X? Yes or No!" is a closed question, forcing people into the situation of either denying that or confirming that in the circumstances they would rather not. You NEED to accept that some gays DO NOT WANT TO BE OUTED! Respect people's will and preferences, don't just assume it is society's oppression that keeps gay men in the closet, they may want to stay in their for their own reasons.

The point is they are not lying or being withholding, but asking "ARE YOU GAY!" puts them in an awkward position.

This should be obvious to anyone if you just, for a single god damn second, stopped and put yourself in someone else's position and stopped making assumptions about people.


New member
Oct 3, 2011
Aye, what he said. It is not offensive but it is very likely personal/awkward and there is the very real (and warranted) possibility of the person politely (or not so politely) telling you that it isn't any of your business.

Generally the best thing to do would be to simply wait for them to say something, as most gay people will tell you if they feel there's some legitimate reason you need to know. If you absolutely have to ask for some reason, just remember to stay polite and be understanding of his or her situation; there are as many people out there who will comfortably confirm or deny your query as there are who might feel cornered and respond in a much less friendly manner.

Henrik Stavenes

New member
Jul 21, 2010
If it's a genuine question it shouldn't be offensive, since an offensive question implies some kind of negativity. If i ask a person whom might have been flirtatious to someone of the same sex if their gay since I have no idea if they are or not and this is a question that can be relevant to the relation between us (note that the knowledge of sexuality can be relevant to a relation between people without being romanticly invested AT ALL) then the question should not be considered offensive. If I ask someone whom I hardly or just quaintly know if they're gay based on their clothes or something like that it could very likely be offensive since it could carry negative intentions towards that person AND gays.


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
The question itself isn't offensive, but the reason for asking it may be.

For example if someone were to ask me if I were gay, I'd answer yes and ask why they are asking me, if they say it's because I look gay, then, I'd take offence, but not over the question, I'd be offended at the reason for asking the question.


New member
May 21, 2008
The question in and of itself is probably not offensive, how you state the question on the other hand, can be very offensive.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Is it rude to ask a woman 'How old are you?' It is not; many women just like to be snobby and bitchy about their age because they can't realise that they look well anyway. So no, I do not think it is rude to ask if someone is gay, because if they get offended by it, then they are most likely A: Homophobic, or B: Htill inside the closet.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I would be as offended about someone asking me if I were gay as I would be if they were asking me if I was a fish, i.e. not at all. I mean, the only annoying thing about it is that I've got to take one second out of my life to say "no". That's about it.


New member
Oct 3, 2011
The question in and of itself is not offensive. The way the question is asked is the offensive part. What is done with the answer after, is also part of the problem. You could just take the answer and have it or you could totally destroy someone with it. But Gralian is also correct, it is a personal question and just for that reason some people may find the question offensive, following the same vein of thought is where in the world you are, some countries are more receptive towards the idea of being homosexual and others are not. You could always ask the question in a round-about sort of way; just ask if the person is strait. Keep in mind there are other sexual preferences out there then Hetero/Homosexual, so the best question in my opinion to ask is "What is your romantic preference?"


New member
Jul 25, 2009
I'm gay and I find it offensive therefore it is offensive.
jk I really don't care and no one really should.