Is there a dev company whose games you will play, no questions asked?


New member
Oct 29, 2009

Also, any Valve title except Left4Dead (absolutely no interest in zombie-onslaught games).


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Considering if I were a games reviewer no game would be safe from my scrutiny; and while I question any serious change in any game series I have an interest in, it's very hard for me to come up with an answer.

So. The developers whose products I would purchase, with nothing more than an eyebrow raised at any questionable changes to style, would be:

Bethesda Softworks & DICE![footnote]HATERS GONNA' HATE.[/footnote]

Very closed seconds go to Bungie and Epic Games, I will continue to buy their products, but not necessarily as pre-orders. Reach's multiplayer swayed too far from the trademark Halo formula; and EPIC, whilst making a good job of Gears, ruined Unreal Tournament for me completely with UT3 - and that was my most favourite game series up until that point.


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Gizmo1990 said:
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Gizmo1990 said:
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Rack said:
Not quite Valve because they do a lot of multiplayer stuff that I'm simply unable to play. Any single player titles though I'll get no questions asked. I'll get anything from Platinum. I think that's it though, Bioware, Blizzard and Nintendo have all dropped off that list.
Most definitely Platinum. BioWare was on the list until the announcement of the new C&C game, which I will not be getting because I fucking hate RTS games.

And you know what? Square-Enix. If it is developed by Square-Enix, I will usually go out of my way to play it. Published by them... well, not so much. But I still like most of their developed games.
If you had asked me 5 or 6 years ago I would have said Square Enix but I cannot think of a single game they have made that I liked. The last Final Fantasy that I liked was 10 and that was the last game made by SquareSoft before their merger with Enix. I never liked Kingdom Hearts (borrowed them of a friend), 10-2 was crap in every way but I like the bonus ending (it is Cheesy and a Cleché but I love it), FF 12 was Return of the Jedi without Jedi or Sith and 13 was the single worst game I have ever played (and I have played The Force Unleashed 2). So now there is no one. Bioware was the only other contender but they blew it with Dragon age 2.

Man, you must hate most games that are released. I thought FF12 was one of the best in the series, and I liked 13. As for Dragon Age 2... I really liked it. Sure, some dungeons were recycled, but the characters were awesome, and the gameplay kept me glued.
How does me saying I disliked 3 games mean I hate all games that are relesed? I must say through that i did enjoy the gameplay in FF12 (except for the summons). I just did not like the story. Rip off Return of the Jedi. Fine. Rip of Return of the Jedi badly. No. Just...No)
Well, I mainly meant that since you think FF13 is the worst game ever made, you must dislike a lot of games. You know what? I don't even remember the story from FFXII. I think I'll go replay it. Bad rip-off of Return has piqued my interest.
The bad guys are called the Empire (Seriously), there is a Darth Vader wanabe who has a famly connection to one of the party members, there is a character that is a sky pirate with a Copy and past personality of Han Solo but instead of cheiwe he has a tall bunny girl in near to no clothes (really, she has bunny ears). There is even a Death Star at the end and it is attacked and destroyed by a small reble fleet lead by someone whos first name is Admarial.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Gizmo1990 said:
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Gizmo1990 said:
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Gizmo1990 said:
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Rack said:
Not quite Valve because they do a lot of multiplayer stuff that I'm simply unable to play. Any single player titles though I'll get no questions asked. I'll get anything from Platinum. I think that's it though, Bioware, Blizzard and Nintendo have all dropped off that list.
Most definitely Platinum. BioWare was on the list until the announcement of the new C&C game, which I will not be getting because I fucking hate RTS games.

And you know what? Square-Enix. If it is developed by Square-Enix, I will usually go out of my way to play it. Published by them... well, not so much. But I still like most of their developed games.
If you had asked me 5 or 6 years ago I would have said Square Enix but I cannot think of a single game they have made that I liked. The last Final Fantasy that I liked was 10 and that was the last game made by SquareSoft before their merger with Enix. I never liked Kingdom Hearts (borrowed them of a friend), 10-2 was crap in every way but I like the bonus ending (it is Cheesy and a Cleché but I love it), FF 12 was Return of the Jedi without Jedi or Sith and 13 was the single worst game I have ever played (and I have played The Force Unleashed 2). So now there is no one. Bioware was the only other contender but they blew it with Dragon age 2.

Man, you must hate most games that are released. I thought FF12 was one of the best in the series, and I liked 13. As for Dragon Age 2... I really liked it. Sure, some dungeons were recycled, but the characters were awesome, and the gameplay kept me glued.
How does me saying I disliked 3 games mean I hate all games that are relesed? I must say through that i did enjoy the gameplay in FF12 (except for the summons). I just did not like the story. Rip off Return of the Jedi. Fine. Rip of Return of the Jedi badly. No. Just...No)
Well, I mainly meant that since you think FF13 is the worst game ever made, you must dislike a lot of games. You know what? I don't even remember the story from FFXII. I think I'll go replay it. Bad rip-off of Return has piqued my interest.
The bad guys are called the Empire (Seriously), there is a Darth Vader wanabe who has a famly connection to one of the party members, there is a character that is a sky pirate with a Copy and past personality of Han Solo but instead of cheiwe he has a tall bunny girl in near to no clothes (really, she has bunny ears). There is even a Death Star at the end and it is attacked and destroyed by a small reble fleet lead by someone whos first name is Admarial.
hahaha, oh man. I definitely need to replay it. I remember the bunny girl (Fran or something like that), and I think Han Solo would be Balthier, but I don't remember the other stuff.
i never thought of it as a return of the jedi ripoff but maybe i was distracted by how shitty the gameplay was and how poorly the characters were developed


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Boiware, Infinity Ward, id, Bungie, Platinum Games (I loved Vanquish and Bayonetta WAY more than I thought I would) and FromSoftware (Dark Souls is the only game that could get me away from Skyrim!)


New member
Mar 24, 2011
redisforever said:
the guys who make Total War
That would be Creative Assembly. ;)

The closest I come is buying all the single player Final Fantasy series (never touched XI or XIV). Otherwise, I much prefer to judge a game on its individual merits as to whether or not I'll get it. I know my own tastes well enough by now. Consequently, I've not bought a game I thought was crap.

And for those that like Platinum Games, you may be interested in Anarchy Reigns which is due out this year. Essentially a mass multiplayer brawler. :)


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Thyunda said:
Durgiun said:
Rockstar games.
Thank God, I was actually scared I was the only one, and that I'd missed some major Rockstar fuckup somewhere along the line.
Every game that I played I either liked or loved. Even GTA IV on the PC (which people deride for some reason), even though I found it to be a welcoming change from the usual GTA formula up until that point.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
TheKasp said:
Thyunda said:
Durgiun said:
Rockstar games.
Thank God, I was actually scared I was the only one, and that I'd missed some major Rockstar fuckup somewhere along the line.
Well, there is this one big fuckup they repeat over and over again. It's called "PC Ports".

Don't get me wrong, I have no problems if a company ports a game to the PC. But if you do so, do it right. I am playing L.A. Noire right now. And everything in it reeks of the laziness of the port. Which is quite a shame, it would've been an overwhelimingly good expirience, now it is just a good one.
It's too bad, their PC games used to be great. I still play San Andreas on my PC sometimes.

Bethesda always has a great game conceptualized but they can never execute properly, so it works on a basic level. So I don't even buy their games when they come out anymore. If they could make a ps3 port that would work, I would name them. But I just can't

Q Games and Q Entertainment never seem to disappoint me. They never make very big games but all their titles are tight, entertaining, and priced well. Something about that letter Q I guess.


New member
May 4, 2009
TheKasp said:
Thyunda said:
Durgiun said:
Rockstar games.
Thank God, I was actually scared I was the only one, and that I'd missed some major Rockstar fuckup somewhere along the line.
Well, there is this one big fuckup they repeat over and over again. It's called "PC Ports".

Don't get me wrong, I have no problems if a company ports a game to the PC. But if you do so, do it right. I am playing L.A. Noire right now. And everything in it reeks of the laziness of the port. Which is quite a shame, it would've been an overwhelimingly good expirience, now it is just a good one.
Well, as an almost exclusively-console gamer, I guess that one doesn't apply to me. But I can't get my head around driving games on the PC...'cause with the triggers, you can ease on the pressure and the acceleration adjusts itself to fit it. How do you do that with a keyboard?


New member
Mar 24, 2011
Solaire of Astora said:
Is it developed/published by Atlus? You can count on my purchase. Oh, SMT series...
Same here, Atlus always seems to publish stuff that is right up my alley.
So is Valve.
Other companies like Konami and Capcom usually force me to ask questions because they tend to screw things up occasionally. (IE: Latest DDR Games are SHIT)