Is there a developer who has never failed you?


New member
Aug 1, 2009
rockytheboxer said:
Bioware and Valve come to mind for me.
I can't think of one that hasn't failed me

Valve have just plain said no to the PS3
Bethesda Withheld The Fallout DLC and released it 2 months late.
EA are just...well EA.
Bioware.No Mass effect for us.
Activsion have said the PS3 isn't getting a MW2 DLC(i think).
Konami got greedy.
Rockstar.I don't think we're getting the GTA 4 DLC.

The PS3 gets treated pretty badly by developers.If someone can think of one tell me.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
whaleswiththumbs said:
Wow your beleifs are so shaky that they can only be sustained by pointing out typos. Just cause you can't beleive in your dumbass futile cause doesn't mean the rest of us.. you know what, fuck you.
I'm not the one who opened conversation by casting aspersions. Also, you're welcome.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
I can always count on Bioware to lay down the goods. Every single Bioware game I've bought has been a game-gasm, Mass Effect, KOTORs, Baldur's Gate's and most recently Dragon Age. I would personally make every one of them a Spectre/Jedi Master/Sith Lord/Bhaalspawn/Grey Warden if I could.

Back when it was up an running, Origin could do no wrong either. Wing Commander series equaled pure joystick satisfaction. Cookies and waffles to those of you who can remember Origin.

Personally, Blizzard has a bit of spotty record with me though, none of their games actually caused me to scream in frustration (except Diablo 2 and those damned Fetishes) but they've been somewhat uppity, Starcraft Ghost getting canned comes to mind (although since it was not to be released on PC it doesn't exactly surprise me) as does WOW which I to this day refuse to touch with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole. Diablo 3's non-release is also a bit of a letdown as is the smugness with which they are going on about Starcraft 2 (though I do hope it lives up to the hype).

Finally, LucasArts. Just to clarify, by this I mean the old school LucasArts, the Fate of Atlantis, Rebel Assault, Sam and Max slinging LucasArts though I suppose the Jedi Knight series is good too. They've never let me down with a game they've released which I've bought per se, but they have been choking on releasing games, for example the Full Throttle sequel and the new adventures of Sam and Max (thank God though the latter was picked up by an indie).


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Bioware, Valve and Blizzard.
rockytheboxer said:
Squid94 said:
Naughty Dog and I have had a pretty good run. Same applies for Bethesda.
Oooh, Bethesda. Great call.
Goddamnit NO! Oblivion was crap, and Fallout 3 could have been a hell of a lot better. When they release an new game that isn't just a more shiny version of Morrowind, I will review my position on this matter.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Bungie, I enjoy everything about their Halo trilogy, haven't played ODST or Wars.

Also Bethesda's two epic games gave me a good impressionm of them.


New member
Nov 3, 2009
lewism247 said:
rockytheboxer said:
Bioware and Valve come to mind for me.
I can't think of one that hasn't failed me

Valve have just plain said no to the PS3
Bethesda Withheld The Fallout DLC and released it 2 months late.
EA are just...well EA.
Bioware.No Mass effect for us.
Activsion have said the PS3 isn't getting a MW2 DLC(i think).
Konami got greedy.
Rockstar.I don't think we're getting the GTA 4 DLC.

The PS3 gets treated pretty badly by developers.If someone can think of one tell me.
I guess from your perspective, it makes sense; but disliking a developer because they don't want to work with the console of your choice is a little narrow minded. That's like saying Ninendo sucks because I can't play mario galaxy on the 360.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
rockytheboxer said:
lewism247 said:
rockytheboxer said:
Bioware and Valve come to mind for me.
I can't think of one that hasn't failed me

Valve have just plain said no to the PS3
Bethesda Withheld The Fallout DLC and released it 2 months late.
EA are just...well EA.
Bioware.No Mass effect for us.
Activsion have said the PS3 isn't getting a MW2 DLC(i think).
Konami got greedy.
Rockstar.I don't think we're getting the GTA 4 DLC.

The PS3 gets treated pretty badly by developers.If someone can think of one tell me.
I guess from your perspective, it makes sense; but disliking a developer because they don't want to work with the console of your choice is a little narrow minded. That's like saying Ninendo sucks because I can't play mario galaxy on the 360.
Why would you want to play Mario?

I kid i kid

I don't mind that.It's just the way they've said it.Saying they would have to devote more time to it than the 360 which wouldn't be fair when they treat the PC better than the 360.

and i wanna kill zombies :(


New member
Oct 9, 2008
rockytheboxer said:
Bioware and Valve come to mind for me.
Pretty much. I would mention Capcom though, although I don't like all their games I think I love them the most if you're going by how many great games one dev has given (for me at least)


New member
Nov 13, 2009
I can think a couple that HAVE failed me, however this is not the thread for them. ;)

Valve consistently never lets me down, However, that's all I can think of that comes to mind right now.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
InfinityWard, GameFreak, Blizzard, Valve.

I think most of the devs tend to be pretty good, it's the larger companies (like the relationship between IW and Activision) that messes up the games.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
rockytheboxer said:
lewism247 said:
rockytheboxer said:
Bioware and Valve come to mind for me.
I can't think of one that hasn't failed me

Valve have just plain said no to the PS3
Bethesda Withheld The Fallout DLC and released it 2 months late.
EA are just...well EA.
Bioware.No Mass effect for us.
Activsion have said the PS3 isn't getting a MW2 DLC(i think).
Konami got greedy.
Rockstar.I don't think we're getting the GTA 4 DLC.

The PS3 gets treated pretty badly by developers.If someone can think of one tell me.
I guess from your perspective, it makes sense; but disliking a developer because they don't want to work with the console of your choice is a little narrow minded. That's like saying Ninendo sucks because I can't play mario galaxy on the 360.
well, not really, because these are 3rd party dev's neglecting the console.
if you only had a ps3 from launch, you too would feel betrayed.
I'm going to say DICE, as with the exception of ME, they have yet to make i product i don't love, but i don't need to hold it against them, it was an expirement, didn't violate a franchise, and with BF2 1.5, even fix the imperfections in the games.
As a fan of PC gaming as it always was, and as a CoD1,2 fan, i say that IW and everything under activision pisses me off, as well as the foolish people whom suck up whatever overpriced, slaughtered franchise they serve up. *cough*


That's Cap'n Taint to you
Jan 26, 2009
Mordaci said:
dark_taint92 said:
Furburt said:

I wuv them so.
valve have yet to fail me, hl,hl2,hl2ep1,hl2ep2,tf2,portal,l4d,l4d2,hl2ep3? The list goes on I cant wait for what valve brings out next.
Your acronyms make my brain 'splode.
Yeah i thought that looks like ive just banged my head on the key board.


Beware of Snow Giraffes
Jun 13, 2009
Bioware, Bethesda and i would say valve but they have a habit of fucking around a lot with release dates/times


New member
Feb 15, 2008
DICE and Valve (although L4D has some problems). I guess there are more good devs out there like Naughty Dog and Rockstar who just delivers all the time.
rockytheboxer said:
Spleenbag said:
On the flip side, Ubisoft has failed me every single time.
I don't think that can be true. Ubisoft has produced some great games. Beyond Good and Evil, Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six. There's some definite quality in there.
That doesn't make them less French.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
Hm hm.. yeah most peoples lists are pretty much the same. I have to say Troika too. Closely followed by Bioware and Bethesda. No surprises here.