It's Old Flames Only in Mass Effect 3, Says BioWare [UPDATED]

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
How BioWare can screw me over:

I have romanced Tali. If they create a female turian and allow me to sex it, then I will have one very angry quarian friend.


New member
Aug 15, 2010
Android2137 said:
I'll be fine with this just so long as ALL love interests aren't suddenly bi out of the blue. Earth doesn't consist solely of bisexuals, so why would the rest of the galaxy?
That makes no sense, especially in the Mass Effect universe... it'd be like saying because everyone on Earth is "human" obviously everyone else in the universe must be human. Not actually saying I want everyone to be bi-sexual just wanted to say that, that made no sense.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
I tried to stick with my romance option from the first game, but the game wouldn't let me, and as such I moved on. It will be interesting to see what happens, as the two characters never had very much interaction in previous games...


New member
Apr 6, 2009
so they intend to change characters sexualities between games. I expect garrus will be craving for dick five minutes into the game like Anders did.

the fanservice is strong in this one.


New member
Nov 12, 2010
I seriously can't keep my save games around long enough for this, I played ME1 on one computer, ME 2 on another (and just started fresh) and now I'm supposed to have 3 year old save games backed up?

They should have done some sort of cloud storage thing.


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
Oh snap - I foresee a potentially... ugly confrontation between Ashley and Miranda >_>

High in Fiber

New member
Mar 23, 2010
This news of relationships in ME3 and the possibility of deeper connections with existing characters seems like an interesting prospect. Perhaps yet there is hope for the krogan race?

Well, maybe not if they're sporting a half dozen.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
I'm still not sure whether one of the chief games pushing for gay/lesbian/bisexual involvement in games being Bioware is good or not. Yes, it's good someone is doing it, and I love Bioware and all, but that whole stoney-faced dialog/conversation thing may not be as much a step as one could hope. Though, these are really just the first steps, and the Persona guys are a few steps ahead, so I suppose that this is a grand start.


New member
Apr 27, 2011
Leefank137 said:
I'm kind of happy that there will be no new love interests. With the inclusion of the two from the first game and the three from the third, anybody else and that'll just get messy. It'll be interesting to see how the "cheating" (if that did happen) plays out. After all, we did kind of see a bit of that in Lair of the Shadow broker if you romanced Liara in the first game. Honestly, the amount of permutations, just with romances alone is almost overwhelming, in a good way. Can't wait for this game.

P.S. Tali all the way :)

(Update): Damn, even MORE love interests? As I said above, this is going to get messy. I just hope that there will be SOMEONE in the squad that isn't a possible love interest. Luckily Krogan and Geth (if Legion does return) are usually safe bets. Speaking of Krogan, I'd really like to see Wrex make a comeback on the squad. But I digress. I hope that the inclusion of gay and lesbian relationships doesn't hurt the game's sales among the more conservative audiences, and I hope that the gay and lesbian characters are actually fleshed out and not just token archetypes. We see what happens when Bioware puts in a character just for the romance option (Thane, and the result wasn't all that great. Then again that's just my opinion and I have enough faith in Bioware to create a quality game. As I've said in other posts, I just hoped they learned a bit from DA2

I disagree that Thane was just put in as a romance option for FemShep. My MaleShep and Thane were like best buds (he had some excellent dialog, and nearly always had something new to talk about) and he was an excellent addition to my various combat 'loadouts.'

It's just a shame he will probably be dead, or die around the middle of the story, for ME3. Thane was awesome.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I tried and failed in both games. ME1 I couldn't be bothered with going up and down that damn loading elevator just to talk to people. ME2 I spent the whole game hitting on my secretary, only to learn after the game was over that she will only sleep with you if you break up with someone else. Third time's the charm?


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Well I remained faithful to my Love interest Morinth...To bad I never finished the game that way though. *sigh*


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Hang on, you mean there is an option other than Liara?

Hope Casey and Co. got past the storm in a teacup about the 'sex' scenes in ME2 and show them in a more adult and classy fashion. A playthrough with a different Shepherd had Shep and Jack with the two practically wearing combat boots. If Bioware was going to cave to the faux pressure I wish they had gone for total ridiculousness and just had the love scenes with both characters wearing their full space armour. At least it would have been funny instead of incredibly lame.

Thought ME1 was tastefully done in this area, ME2 was a real low point. Here's hoping the series' massive success gives Bioware the courage to approach this as an actual game for adults. They have a huge opportunity here to strike out for gaming for grownups, if EA doesn't just mercilessly coopt them to cave even worse. Tasteful, but adult.

I badly want my all time favorite game series to really nail this with the third outing.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I guess it just comes down
gant618 said:
Leefank137 said:
I'm kind of happy that there will be no new love interests. With the inclusion of the two from the first game and the three from the third, anybody else and that'll just get messy. It'll be interesting to see how the "cheating" (if that did happen) plays out. After all, we did kind of see a bit of that in Lair of the Shadow broker if you romanced Liara in the first game. Honestly, the amount of permutations, just with romances alone is almost overwhelming, in a good way. Can't wait for this game.

P.S. Tali all the way :)

(Update): Damn, even MORE love interests? As I said above, this is going to get messy. I just hope that there will be SOMEONE in the squad that isn't a possible love interest. Luckily Krogan and Geth (if Legion does return) are usually safe bets. Speaking of Krogan, I'd really like to see Wrex make a comeback on the squad. But I digress. I hope that the inclusion of gay and lesbian relationships doesn't hurt the game's sales among the more conservative audiences, and I hope that the gay and lesbian characters are actually fleshed out and not just token archetypes. We see what happens when Bioware puts in a character just for the romance option (Thane, and the result wasn't all that great. Then again that's just my opinion and I have enough faith in Bioware to create a quality game. As I've said in other posts, I just hoped they learned a bit from DA2

I disagree that Thane was just put in as a romance option for FemShep. My MaleShep and Thane were like best buds (he had some excellent dialog, and nearly always had something new to talk about) and he was an excellent addition to my various combat 'loadouts.'

It's just a shame he will probably be dead, or die around the middle of the story, for ME3. Thane was awesome.
You make some good points, I guess it just comes down to opinion in the end.I guess I did like some of the things he had to say. He filled a pretty nice role as a religious figure in a game practically devoid of religion. Maybe I just didn't use him as much as I could have. As for him being dead, who knows? There might be enough time to see him again before the Kepral's syndrome takes full effect.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Leefank137 said:
I guess it just comes down
gant618 said:
Leefank137 said:
I'm kind of happy that there will be no new love interests. With the inclusion of the two from the first game and the three from the third, anybody else and that'll just get messy. It'll be interesting to see how the "cheating" (if that did happen) plays out. After all, we did kind of see a bit of that in Lair of the Shadow broker if you romanced Liara in the first game. Honestly, the amount of permutations, just with romances alone is almost overwhelming, in a good way. Can't wait for this game.

P.S. Tali all the way :)

(Update): Damn, even MORE love interests? As I said above, this is going to get messy. I just hope that there will be SOMEONE in the squad that isn't a possible love interest. Luckily Krogan and Geth (if Legion does return) are usually safe bets. Speaking of Krogan, I'd really like to see Wrex make a comeback on the squad. But I digress. I hope that the inclusion of gay and lesbian relationships doesn't hurt the game's sales among the more conservative audiences, and I hope that the gay and lesbian characters are actually fleshed out and not just token archetypes. We see what happens when Bioware puts in a character just for the romance option (Thane, and the result wasn't all that great. Then again that's just my opinion and I have enough faith in Bioware to create a quality game. As I've said in other posts, I just hoped they learned a bit from DA2

I disagree that Thane was just put in as a romance option for FemShep. My MaleShep and Thane were like best buds (he had some excellent dialog, and nearly always had something new to talk about) and he was an excellent addition to my various combat 'loadouts.'

It's just a shame he will probably be dead, or die around the middle of the story, for ME3. Thane was awesome.
You make some good points, I guess it just comes down to opinion in the end.I guess I did like some of the things he had to say. He filled a pretty nice role as a religious figure in a game practically devoid of religion. Maybe I just didn't use him as much as I could have. As for him being dead, who knows? There might be enough time to see him again before the Kepral's syndrome takes full effect. A ways down, he says that every main character from the series will return in some way provided they survived the suicide mission. As for dying midway through, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


New member
Dec 3, 2007
Bloody Herrrr... And here I was thinking id find a nice normal, non-military/Alien/Perfectionist/ girl. I mean geez almost every female character in the game hits on me in ME2, Everyone from Parasini to Shiala just because ive been patient, Now its going to go unrewarded... damn. You can tell they are tired of scandals and long webs of love conflicts so they decided to keep it simple and say "were just gona let you mix up the combos you already got to prevent further numbers we have to crunch and new dialogue to be added."

Thats not like you Bioware, going cheap on the dialogue.

Still I do Commend you Bioware for punishing the unfaithful (man-)/wh&#^s


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
Fucked Ashley in the first one, Jack and Miranda in the second one. Whatever, let em fight. Shepard don't give a fuck.

Also am I the only one that thinks in game romances are hilariously awkward and sad?

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
Guitarmasterx7 said:
Fucked Ashley in the first one, Jack and Miranda in the second one. Whatever, let em fight. Shepard don't give a fuck.

Also am I the only one that thinks in game romances are hilariously awkward and sad?
No, I am have the same feelings. Just because it was like one mannequin flirting with another mannequin. And Male Shepard's flirty voice is just classic. Everything he says is pure comedic gold.

Also, how did you pull off Jack AND Miranda? I doinked Jack, but every time I approached Miranda, I got her bitchy sass.