GreatTeacherCAW said:
Double edged. The mod reflects poorly on the gamer side, so I don't really understand the hatred. Well, I do. The man is clueless to the culture we live in, but I do have to say that the mod makes us look terrible. It's a hard subject to approach. Do I defend the mod or do I condone it? I do neither. I stand neutral on this. Blindly hating everything the man says isn't going to get us, as gamers, anywhere. It is a mod that will raise eyebrows and fists in the non-gamer community, and I think that it may be pushing the envelope a little too far. We already are under so much stress for M rated games, so pushing it as far as it can go is a little much, especially when non-gamers view us as social deviants.
The part that pisses me off about the lack of understanding is that the M-rated games are just that: M-rated. The games aren't intended for and (usually) not marketed toward children openly. Yes, many of the titles are childish and many parents will buy the game for their under-17 children, but if the game company gets the M rating, anyone that sees the M on the case should be aware that it's going to be either overly violent or overly sexual, often both. People that say these games have an impact on kids should really get all huffy and start blowing smoke at the parents of these kids.
I played my first M-rated game when I was 5. That is less than a third of the age at which I could buy them. I don't have any problems other than a general minor bit of misanthropy which came from the heavy doses of bullying at school over the years. I'm not violent by the standards of 19-year-old boys. I have yet to consider taking a life. Even as a child I could understand that these games were not things one should do in real life.
Now, if I hadn't been releasing my massive amounts of frustration on virtual people, I almost definitely would have been taking it out on real people. I would either have gotten into fights a lot instead of just letting things go, or almost as likely probably seriously harmed somebody. Thus, video games saved the health and wellbeing of if not me then everyone who ever picked on me.
Here's just a couple of afterthoughts. (And I know these have been thought and said many times before.) Many parents will let their kid watch an incredibly violent movie without batting an eyelash, yet not play a less-violent game. Also, I have played every Call of Duty game in addition to several other first-person shooters with real weapons featured in them. I still have no idea how to operate any of the weapons in those games except for single shot rifles and shotguns. You know where I learned how to use THOSE? Boy Scout camp. Would someone like Jack ever tell people that Boy Scout camp teaches us how to murder things with real weapons? No. But they do. Just sayin'.