Jimmy Page and Jack White are confused about what these games make people want to do. Two of my cousins want to play real instruments because of Rock Band. One has bought a real drum set and is looking for an electronic replacement due to noise. The other wants to play bass and will be starting soon.
Further, they had 0 respect or knowledge about 'old' music. Despite showing them it, playing it for them on guitar, and doing any number of things, they just didn't get in to it. At all. When they finally got their hands on 'playing' it on a plastic instrument. By playing it, I mean playing the actual song, they garnered a huge respect for the music that they didn't even know or care about before hand.
Page added that he can't imagine that people are really learning anything significant about playing instruments by playing video games.
It seems he hasn't really played one. Timing. They learn timing. The most crucial thing ever. Timing makes people laugh, cry, smile, get pumped, etc.
It teaches timing.