Jimquisition: Accountability


New member
Oct 16, 2010
probably the worst bit on gaming i've seen on the escapist ever
it's like you sat down and let "enraged random commentator #378539" write the script for you

there are a lot of good reasons for every single thing you criticized
some are inevitable and some are a more or less useful trend

or in short:
since none of those big publishers had to close down by now it doesn't seem to concern a big enough amount of people


New member
Apr 26, 2010
Love you too Jim.

What publishers ask you to do to play a game sometimes is madness, also it doesn't really equal what you are getting for it, even if the game is good. I mean how many other things are there that you get to buy and have to show so much personal details for? Think partly you can buy a car easier than that.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Wow, that was actually a pretty good episode. Still a little more mugging than I would have liked, but the salient points were well addressed and the show moved in a steady, unified direction.

The sarcastic snipe at our hackers was nicely done, too.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Very, very true. The joke at the beginning was hilarious. Great episode.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
Fine point.

I like this guy because he's beating a slightly different drum to the other folk on the escapist.

I mean, liking call of duty!!! Whatever next?!?!


New member
Jan 8, 2007
Jim's starting to grow on me. I might just enter that Jim+ contest :p

It's a good point for this week. Just to play DA:O, I have to use a PSN account, then an EA account, then insert a code for any unlockables, all just to play the game. I have a similar experience with Ubisoft games.

It goes to show that while honest customers are forced to jump through hoops to enjoy a game, pirates rarely do. Every time a developer puts in a new security function to halt piracy or deter used game sales, the paying customers always take it in the pants. It makes me want to buy fewer games, not more.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I can tolerate having multiple accounts for gaming services, what I cannot is the need to log into different services for one game!
I still remember when GTA IV came out and I was expected to log in to both GFWL AND Rockstar Social Network, and that's for the boxed version.
A similar case is with EA becoming more and more of a control freak: Why do EA games require separate logins for games purchased online? I bought Dragon Age through Steam so why couldn't I simply log in and get my DLCs downloaded and authorized through them?
In an ideal situation this could have been unnoticed but while Steam seems functional 99% of the time, the other services don't seems as reliable (EA and Ubisoft).

This is a http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/image?c=03AHJ_Vuu7kIth9oYspAlixlWvKnCXV91Nab9vKV9Z7AxRLGGqEJKM49wOYjqETzgBnoR6mAY8KRUwunB42poOeRbTZcX64zgDz9n1wNI8kan_feZ3v1L60iwqHD0tyg3zkier6iptw6gqN1yrd9GFTM63po4VB8FFuQ
Apr 28, 2008
Reminds me of an article [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/columns/experienced-points/7058-Experienced-Points-I-Have-Seen-The-Future-And-it-is-Annoying] I read about a year and a half ago.

Why do publishers/developer have to screw with such a simple process? I give you money, you give me the game, we all win.

But no, that was too damn simple and nice. They just had to fuck with it until it got to a point where features that were standard with a game are now used as a sales pitch.

Fucking hell.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
'Vitamins' with a long 'I'? I thought most Britons pronounced 'vitamins' with a short 'I'?

Anyway, interesting episode and your visual presentation is improving. I haven't run into any of the problems you've talked about and still get along fairly well gaming wise. Maybe I just don't play the type of games affected by these practices.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
WaaghPowa said:
holy shit, I actually agree with him on this part.

First: if console games are about picking up and playing, why is there so many steps? Patching, installing, accounts, subscriptions etc. It's turning into PC gaming, and I expect at some point that the publishers will force entering serial codes at some point.

Second: DRM, yes, treating us like criminals is not the best way to go about business
Publishers are starting to think they're hot shit. They think they can abuse the consumers and the producers without any backlash. Used games, Let's plays, Walkthoughs, Speed-Runs all allow people to get into "their" product. It's a fucking shame that publishers that do nothing in terms of making games besides passing out money have so much power over everything. Punishing people that didn't have enough money or didn't hear about the game soon enough so that can't get that Day 1 DLC that's on the fucking disk or they'll have to pay before they can play online or download any DLC. DRM making things pointlessly hard. Killing well made fan made games based off their content yet allowing the bad ones to stay around.

Publishers should be lucky a majority of people simply just want to play game and will just go through hoops to enjoy "your" content. While the minority will most like run down the people that gave the green light to adding 2-5 barriers before somebody can properly enjoy your game. Publisher's needs to learn it's about US not THEM also give some proper kickback to the guys that made you lazy fucks rich in the first place.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Well shit, this is the first video where I agreed with every single thing he's said, but I guess it would bound to happen.

It's getting ridiculous with how many accounts I have for gaming let alone for everything else, but I think gaming is the worst. It irritates me that I can't play a damn game right away all because the server was down for some account that I signed up for that I never thought would get in the way of me playing the damn game, and waiting for it to come back up so I can play the damn game.

Nice pot shot at the haters at the end Jim, I laughed hysterically.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
Well, it's better than the previous Jimquisitions, but it still seemed rather disjointed, like the first half didn't seem to put its points in any particular order or build up to an insightful point or solution.

It got better towards the end, but then it was tarnished by that insufferable play-acting-smugness that basically says, "I'm going to pretend to take myself seriously and make a huge deal out of the fact that I'm pretending to deflect criticism... isn't that funny? It's funny, right? Seriously, LOOK HOW FUNNY AND OVER-THE-TOP AND WACKY I AM!!1!!!!"

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
Hit the nail right on head with this one Jim. Also where do you sign up for your subscription? I want me a fridge magnet :p

Fuck publisher specific subscriptions, nothing has ruined a multiplayer service faster for me than me requiring another username and password on top of my psn account. I'm looking at you Konami.

And on used games, publishers if you want me to buy your games first hand then you better make damn sure it's worth the £40 asking price because if it is I'll buy first hand. If it isn't it either gets bought used or not at all, either way you don't get any money.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
vivster said:
probably the worst bit on gaming i've seen on the escapist ever
it's like you sat down and let "enraged random commentator #378539" write the script for you

there are a lot of good reasons for every single thing you criticized
some are inevitable and some are a more or less useful trend

or in short:
since none of those big publishers had to close down by now it doesn't seem to concern a big enough amount of people
Single biggest facepalm I've ever done at the expense of a post. Did you just post so that you could state you hate Jimquisition? Because you could have just said that.

I was going to rant at you, but I don't think you'd care anyway so I'll simplify my original thoughts: The publishers aren't out of business because they make millions of dollars publishing games, not because "The public doesn't care enough to close them down". (Edited last line here to make more grammatical sense.)

In an ideal world, do you really think EA would still exist after: Crushing and buying out other publishers/developers; Working employees for up to 100 hours a week (NOT at "crunch time"); Publishing five games since 2005 that have received average reviews over 89%-90% (Hint: They've published well over 130 games in the last six years); Draconian DRM in Spore and C&C: Red Alert 3, and requiring a constant internet connection at all times to play the single-player in Darkspore; And all of their terrible ad campaigns for Dead Space 2, Dante's Inferno, and Medal of Honor?


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
Jimquisition+ sounds great (almost too good to be true), however when you said "40 Bucks a month", is that 40 Dollars or 40 Pounds Sterling?


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
I'm pleased that the first 5 comments aren't "Who's this cocky douche?" anymore.

Good episode, you mixed your points well with your acting.