Jimquisition: Accountability


New member
Jan 24, 2010
I completely agree. In fact I recently got an email from Sega Pass about a recent breach in security and warning me that some of my information might have been stolen. And you know what?

I don't even remember signing up for Sega Pass !


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Great episode. This show keeps on improving. Looking forward to more.

One question though. Will the Jimquisition plus package also feature a cash shop allowing us to buy extra jimpressive items for a small additional fee? I'm thinking WWJD (What Would Jim Do) bracelets and things like that?

Possibly sending the WWJD bracelets to every Jimquisition plus subscriber immediately but packaged in locked titanium cases requiring the purchase of a 15$ key to open them, in addition to a matching fingerprint and sperm sample?


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Holy shit... I have to remember not to get used to this... but this weeks video made a lot of sense and wasn't just useless complaining. NICE!

It's pretty basic economics, you want your customers to have as easy access as is humanly possible to your product, or you won't keep them coming back. I ran into the Ubisoft sign in on Splinter Cell Conviction and should have requested a refund right then and there. I already won't buy a game that uses GFWL and if Battlefield 3 wasn't going to be awesome, I would say fuck off to EA at this point. I am already not going to play TOR unless it gets superb reviews across the board, from everyone. They have me to the point where I simply won't purchase their games if this stuff is included.

I'm also back on the verge of just putting in completely fake information for everything on things like PSN and what not.
Dec 14, 2009
oneshotfinchy said:
At least Jimquisition+ is better than those fucking Konami accounts.
Ah shit, tell me about it.

I spent longer signing up the play MGS4 online than I actually spent playing it. MGS4 controls and clunky movement makes probably the worst multiplayer experience I've ever had.

Konami made my list that day.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Ha, I laughed a lot at this one. This'll be one of the few series on here I'll actually bother to keep up with it.


New member
Apr 5, 2011
Yeah. This shit is getting out of hand. My brother was so pissed when he had to create a GFWL account to play a steam game. Nice video, Jim. As always.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
I was having the same bitching session with a mate of mine just last week.
I'm subscribed to a lot of the same services Jim mentions - and more :/ (If my main PC wasn't out of action atm. I would write a little list to highlight the ridiculousness)
It's damn annoying.

You want a quick game of SF IV on PC? Sign in to Steam. Oh, and GFWL too please. Wait, though!
Capcom needs to make a proprietary network too... then I could sign in to three different networks before I get to play.
Also, quite funny when Steam goes down. Or GFWL. Or both.
And with funny, I think I mean 'retarded'.

Meh. I don't think companies realise that not all of us are super online-social either.
I don't sign in to Steam because I want to use it's vast network of friends and stats. I sign in because I have to. Because I bought a game there and it requires Steam.
Same with all the other networks I'm on.

Stop adding proprietary networks and random software just for the sake of it.

Also, I can see these various networks are going to do nothing more than split up the user-base more and more, which is counter productive to a healthy gaming community.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
I'd forgotten how many shitty services I'm technically signed up to, although the only ones ever used nowadays are Steam and Xbox Live (FUCK Windows live gaming), but in the past been forced to use such bollocks as that EA downloader system. Would have no issue with it if they were voluntary, but they never are.

None of it is necessary, all of it is tedious. Except Steam, which is awesome. Most of the time. Until the servers go down. Or something breaks. Or some weirdo insists on trying to contact you 20 times a day and you feel too guilty to block them.


New member
May 5, 2009
And yet the video ended with an ad to upgrade to the Escapist's Publisher's club... ironic?


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Mouse_Crouse said:
Must say I did not care for this series when it first started. But I have officially become a fan. The production has gotten better and better and I get a good laugh out of his bit.
My only real complaint is when he's on camera the sound quality goes to shit in a sandbag.

Is he using different mics or something. It is just jarring how it goes from clear witty commentary to staticky shit I don't want to listen to.