Jimquisition: Why the Wii U May Have Already "Won" Next-gen


New member
Oct 6, 2009
I was thinking Nintendo might "win" the next generation because there might not be a next generation. Neither Sony nor Microsoft have even announced new systems yet, the economy is still fairly crummy, and hardware is still pretty expensive. I could see it being another 2 or 3 years until we get new systems. I imagine WiiU's biggest competitor is not going to be Sony or MS, but rather, the Ouya. It has similar hardware, Android OS already has more games, and it's less than half the price. Sell a tablet with that (not out of the question at some point) and a WiiU could be hard sell compared to it.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Oh i forgot..Bayonetta sucked. The game was a piece of shit. It was rubbish and will never be missed. :)


No Regrets
Sep 10, 2012
Jimothy Sterling said:
Why the Wii U May Have Already "Won" Next-gen

Reactions to the Wii U among hardcore gamers have been mixed at best, downright cynical at worst.

Watch Video
Love the fresh perspective! its the good,bad and ugly wrapped up in a nice package, and its something to put in the back of the mind going forward. Nintendo has survived this long for a reason and I feel that sometimes not fallowing the band wagon might just prove to be the difference between fallowing the rest of the lemmings off the cliff and ending up where you want to go. Thanks again and keep up the good work.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
zelda2fanboy said:
I was thinking Nintendo might "win" the next generation because there might not be a next generation. Neither Sony nor Microsoft have even announced new systems yet, the economy is still fairly crummy, and hardware is still pretty expensive. I could see it being another 2 or 3 years until we get new systems. I imagine WiiU's biggest competitor is not going to be Sony or MS, but rather, the Ouya. It has similar hardware, Android OS already has more games, and it's less than half the price. Sell a tablet with that (not out of the question at some point) and a WiiU could be hard sell compared to it.
You sure? The WiiU has specs comparable to the X360 while my old, old gaming laptop defeats the Ouya.

OT- I'll wait and see as I'm going PC next gen and I haven't seen the video yet. Come on Escapist, just let us see the videos on iPhones already!


New member
Dec 5, 2010
Rather accurate depiction of the people complaining about Bayonetta 2, I must say. Like I said in another forum (albeit mostly about the Pokémon fandom) this is why the video game communities need an enema to get rid of those who are making the rest of us look bad.

As for the WiiU...definite props for picking up on that point, Jim. I remember back when MovieBob talked about how new forms of what could be considered a PC changed the way we look at PC gaming. SmartTVs are definitely going to change the gaming market for the very reasons you mentioned as well as for the points MovieBob said as well.

Still waiting for occular implant gaming, though...


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Well the solution is obvious then, isn't it? The next Xbox/Play Station(s) need to be tvs, that can play video games.


New member
May 16, 2008
zelda2fanboy said:
I imagine WiiU's biggest competitor is not going to be Sony or MS, but rather, the Ouya. It has similar hardware... and it's less than half the price.
A system with a decently clocked 128bit wide GDDR3 backing its SM4.0+ gpu will easiy outclass any system with a 64bit wide low voltage mDDR2, and the WiiU could be sporting a GDDR5 bus, or even an XDR2 bus.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
I'm actually slightly excited about the WiiU, but I'm sticking to my PS3 until I hear of a Metroid game coming out for the WiiU...that's when I save the money to hop on the bandwagon. The system does seem kind of awesome though...and anyone complaining about Nintendo suddenly getting rights to less casual games...you're an idiot...sorry but you are! I bet you're the same people crying out because the Wii was too casual...though that's just my assumption and opinion

And I couldn't find a video of it without posting the entire hour of love, but for those who saw that panel, the ending made me think of Jim and his depiction of drinking animations...cause it just seemed so natural.


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
Draconalis said:
Wait... Jim had an end credit zinger?

Is this the first? Or have I missed others?
you missed the other ones then

an easy way to tell is if you look at the remaining time and see that it's too long for the end credits to keep going


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Living under this here rock, I guess it's no wonder I didn't realize how big Smart-TVs are becoming. I've seen 'internet TVs' before but hey, if they're really building up steam then maybe that's what Nintendo will be working on from about 2016 on as their final console. I really wish I could have been at the expo...hopefully there will be another next year.

Great show Jim...although that freakout at the end is how I felt when I realized I would likely have to wait until my February 2013 birthday to get my hands on a Wii-U...also I used tonkatsu sauce, not ketchup. Thank Jim for Jim.


New member
Feb 14, 2009
Speaking as someone who:

A) Has owned 11 gaming systems in my lifetime (5 made by Nintendo no less), 12 if you count keeping a gaming PC up to date.

B) Is, frankly, too old to place any personal emotional stock in which game company vying for my money "wins" a given generation.

I have seen nothing as of yet that makes me interested in purchasing a Wii-U later this year. *shrug*


New member
Oct 6, 2009
zelda2fanboy said:
I imagine WiiU's biggest competitor is not going to be Sony or MS, but rather, the Ouya. It has similar hardware... and it's less than half the price.
A system with a decently clocked 128bit wide GDDR3 backing its SM4.0+ gpu will easiy outclass any system with a 64bit wide low voltage mDDR2, and the WiiU could be sporting a GDDR5 bus, or even an XDR2 bus.
Which is the one with blast processing? That's the good one, I bet.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
My kids will turn 4 in a couple of months and be just at the age of starting games. The touchscreen controls are way more kid friendly than gamepads and and the WiiUPad will transition well between controllers and touchscreen.

I'm totally getting this system a few months after the rush is over.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
I pretty much agree with Jim entirely. When I turn on my Xbox, i see a big intrusive square in the middle of my screen, cycling through advertisements of music, movies, sports, tv shows, and if i'm lucky, a game, with the game that's currently in my disc tray appearing as a tiny little box in the corner. Also, none of that can be changed; i'm stuck with that set up. When i turn on my Wii, the only things that have to be on the menu is what's in my disc tray, and the Wii Shop channel, which makes sense because if i deleted the Shop channel, it'd be like deleting any web browsers off your computer. Yah. Woops.

And I think this is partly down to Nintendo just a good old-fashioned game company. They dont make blu-ray discs, they don't make operating systems. They make game consoles, and games. That's it. And it's something that I really respect about it. I'm not being advertised to on the Wii, i'm being given what I want -- games, and the only advertising that will be shown to me will cycle through the tiny Wii Shop window, but even then, at least it's game related.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my Xbox, i play it more than the Wii. But with this new console generation coming up, I'm starting to really question if I want to be an advertisement sponge for Microsoft, or go with Nintendo. Hopefully the third-party support for the Wii U is strong, as that will definitely make the decision a snap.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
daibakuha said:
Who cares about all this superfluous bullshit? Consoles live and die by software, not by what other services they provide. Nintendo can't provide the experience I want out of a console, and I won't be buying from them.
What is the 360 or PS3 providing that the Wii U isn't?

porpoise hork

Fly Fatass!! Fly!!!
Dec 26, 2008
DVS BSTrD said:
I could have guessed Jim would think much of the outrage over Bayonetta 2, but I didn't think he'd condim ent so strongly.

That's just pure epic win right here folks.