Joss Whedon Officially Directing The Avengers

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
I think HG131 has the right idea. We must be in some messed-up AU where only about four people like Joss Whedon. What the hell, guys? The guy who made Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dr. Horrible, and Dollhouse (it got much better after half a season) is directing The Avengers and everyone is reacting with "WAH WAH ALIEN RESURRECTION"!

This movie is going to kick ass.
Apr 28, 2008
HG131 said:
JaredXE said:
Didn't Joss also write a lot of Toy Story?

Just mentioning that to counter all the Alien: Resurrection's I've been seeing.
Yup, he did.
Irridium said:
HG131 said:
Irridium said:
Could be worse, could have given the movie to Micheal Bay.
Please, what's going on?
It is strange that he's garnering so much hate.

I personally don't hate him. I just don't like him all that much.
After all, he did make Firefly, so yeah.

Don't know what all the hate is about...
If you dislike Firefly, well, it adds proof to my idea that I got sent to an AU. If you like it, cool.
Yes, I do like Firefly. In fact I love it. I thought it was a law or something to not like it.

Also, I did not know he wrote a lot of Toy Story. This changes everything(for me).


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
If this turns out right perhaps people can forget about that whole Firefly-fias(k/c?)o, cuz deep down he's not that bad of a director.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
HG131 said:
Whew, another Whedon fan.
Well I am a firefly fan, never taken the time to watch his other work. You have some allies here.

I never cross a movie off of my list based off of actors or directors, movies with actor/directors I don't like just make me nervous. It could turn out to be a fun movie, it just means I do more research before I go see the movie.

However on this moive I see three camps, the crystal ball says the "it was a fun movie I guess will be the majority of humanity. However it show me a war between two camps one blaming the director and the other defending him and his work. There will be quarter given in this war.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
So they're going to hand the coolest thing in the world to the dude who made the epic fail Doll House? Good lord it's going to suck.....

Edit: Before I upset anyone, this is just my personal opinion. This could possibly be good, but don't expect me to hold my breath.
Dollhouse's demise was more to do with Fox's meddling and undermining of the project, as they did with Firefly. Besides, a TV series with multiple directors does not directly compare to a film with a single director. The Serenity movie was excellent. Whedon has the chops to make this film. And who else would the studios have chosen? More than likely some unknown who made a videoclip once.

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Ulquiorra4sama said:
If this turns out right perhaps people can forget about that whole Firefly-fias(k/c?)o, cuz deep down he's not that bad of a director.
You must be thinking of a different Firefly than me. You're not referring to the cult classic sci-fi/western considered to be one of Whedon's best creations, are you?


New member
Aug 27, 2008
"Whedon countered that he didn't own anything nearly as cool, but 'I do have an Alien egg, but I had to bury the franchise to get it'-- referencing his writing gig on Alien: Resurrection of course."


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Ulquiorra4sama said:
If this turns out right perhaps people can forget about that whole Firefly-fias(k/c?)o, cuz deep down he's not that bad of a director.
What fiasco? It was a great series. Fox is what ruined its chances.
JaredXE said:
Didn't Joss also write a lot of Toy Story?

Just mentioning that to counter all the Alien: Resurrection's I've been seeing.
Indeed, and the novelisation of ALien 4 is based on Whedon's draft but the film was based on drafts made by other writers who came on afterwards. The novelisation shows many instances where the film was changed for the worst by these subsequent writers.


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
L1250 said:
Ulquiorra4sama said:
If this turns out right perhaps people can forget about that whole Firefly-fias(k/c?)o, cuz deep down he's not that bad of a director.
You must be thinking of a different Firefly than me. You're not referring to the cult classic sci-fi/western considered to be one of Whedon's best creations, are you?
I'm not saying i thought i was bad, but what do you think it was that lead Littlekuriboh on youtube to make the joke "...before you can say "Directed by Joss Whedon") I wouldn't call Firefly a success considering it's run-time on TV

Brok3n Halo

New member
Jul 5, 2009
Mechalemmiwinks said:
He wrote Alien: Resurrection (IMDB). He then blamed all the actors and the director for how bad it was. And it was written bad. BAAAAD. So, yeah, when this guy fails, he blames everyone around him and distances himself from the project.
Wow, that was sooooooooo 13 years ago. People have a tendency to improve as writers you know? Since then he's produced a lot more win than fail:

Speed (1994) - co-writer (uncredited)
Toy Story (1995) - co-writer
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) - creator, executive producer, writer, director
Angel (1999-2004) - co-creator, executive producer, writer, director
Titan A.E. (2000) - co-writer
X-Men (2000) - treatment (uncredited)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) - treatment (arguably, I haven't seen it but critical reviews go either way)
Firefly (2002) - creator, executive producer, writer, director
Serenity (2005) - writer and director

Waterworld (1995) - co-writer (uncredited) (even though I liked it T_T)
Alien Resurrection (1997) - writer
Dollhouse (2009-2010) - creator, executive producer, writer, director

(Filmography blatantly copied from wikipedia and rearranged)

Win to Fail ratio... 3:1

I consider that pretty good.

Also, because I didn't see anyone crack the joke yet:
"In related news, Fox is looking into possible ways to cancel the movie without closure. More at 11!"


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Mechalemmiwinks said:
CJ1145 said:
Oh right, I forgot that this was the Escapist. All you people hate things here for the sake of hatred.
Whedon wrote a script but not the final script. It was changed significantly after his draft. The novelisation is based on his version. It differs from the finished film in many ways. Also, Whedon didn't have anything to do with directing that film. Jeunet is apparently a large part of the why that film was changed as much as it was.


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
UberNoodle said:
Ulquiorra4sama said:
If this turns out right perhaps people can forget about that whole Firefly-fias(k/c?)o, cuz deep down he's not that bad of a director.
What fiasco? It was a great series. Fox is what ruined its chances.
<For reply, see my other post in this thread>
JaredXE said:
Didn't Joss also write a lot of Toy Story?

Just mentioning that to counter all the Alien: Resurrection's I've been seeing.
Indeed, and the novelisation of ALien 4 is based on Whedon's draft but the film was based on drafts made by other writers who came on afterwards. The novelisation shows many instances where the film was changed for the worst by these subsequent writers.


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
Mechalemmiwinks said:
"Whedon countered that he didn't own anything nearly as cool, but 'I do have an Alien egg, but I had to bury the franchise to get it'-- referencing his writing gig on Alien: Resurrection of course."
Yes, that's nice. Kindly stop saying words now. It's called a joke. I never really cared for the Alien/Predator series... Yet I quite enjoyed Avatar... Hm.. Oh, right. James Cameron (who, y'know.. Pretty much created the damn thing) directed that too!

You win some, you lose some. I firmly believe that, with Joss Whedon adoring comics since he was a child, this can't go wrong.

So Edward Norton isn't the Hulk? WOW. I've seen better. You can never replace Lou Ferrigno anyway! I will be quite happy if Nathan Fillion gains a role in The Avengers. He'd make an interesting Hulk..