I've looked around this group's website... or really a blog, and it's pathetic really.
It feels like a one man operation and here's why:
1) It's just a blog and not a real website. A true website has more than just someone posting entries, or more accurately, an anonymous person posting entries.
2) The only poster is "admin" which makes it feel like it's one guy (even though it looks like a group) who wants to look bigger than what they really are.
3) For every post that I've looked at on the AFGJ website the comment section is closed. That just says to me that either don't have the supporters and/or they don't want to get flack for the posts they make - which if you couple those two together then it makes perfect sense. If you don't have followers and you put out false, almost inflammatory, information, no one will come to your aid as the supporters of what you just attacked rip you apart.
It feels like there is really only one person really running this and the rest are just ther....
Wait, I've helped set up non-profits before, you need a minimum number of people and in official positions (aka a board committee) before the government (state or national) will recognize you. It's for the safety of the donators.
So maybe it really is one person doing all this who just talked a couple other people into being apart of his board committee. Which this is exactly what it feels like when I look at and read the website.
Whether this a group or one man: Fuck this pissant group. They're just trying to find a way to get attention and bad press is better than no press at all. So they're gunning with BS information to rile people up in the hopes that it gets them publicity.
On a side note: if this was an actual large group with a HUGE following, I would buy the CoD:BO just to piss them off.