"Kill Castro" Mission Leads to Black Ops Boycott Call


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Lord Kloo said:
Fumbleumble said:
I'd love to see a game get made where you get to kill American Presidents...

Then we'd REALLY see if people thought it was 'just a game'
Well you do get to kill the Vice-President in one of the previous Hit-man games, none of which ever got any controversy, in Fallout 3 you can 'blow up' a President and in Fallout 1 you can kill the president...
..it's also in a clearly fictional universe. Some allegory might be there, but it's up to the player to approach the different parts, and make any links to real people.

Black Ops takes a reasonably well known historical event, and rewrites it until it sounds like a faery-tale for particularly extreme patriots. They've added the usual rant about property, they've included Fidel's "attaché" and double-agent female friend - and makes the Fidel person hide behind her.. until she turns around and shoots at the player. But most importantly, the game is completely on rails. It even pulls the trigger for you. And lets you lay waste to any number of taxi-driving revolutionaries.

So.. one game is about choice and careful story-telling in a fictional universe.

The other is about perversely rewriting history for extremely obvious propaganda-purposes.

But hey - no big deal..


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I hate every sinlge person who is in favor of ever doing anything to video games in the way of censorship FFFFFFUUUUUUU


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
There's more important things to worry about than offending Castro.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
Jfswift said:
There's more important things to worry about than offending Castro.
Indeed there are...for instance, getting on with our lives. Who cares about Castro that much anymore? The man's a miserable old bastard who admitted that his sytem didn't work. He failed as leader...the end. Now let me enjoy Black Ops in peace!


New member
Jul 28, 2009
Apparently, video games don't need a sex scene to be classified as pornography anymore.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
AstylahAthrys said:
I think these people need to look up the definition of "pornography."

Also, it's Castro. It's not like he's a saint or anything. Also, he wasn't actually assassinated, so it's not THAT big of a deal. Controversial? Yes, it is, maybe it's borderline tasteless, but it's not like it's JFK.
And this is exactly what I was expecting... "it's ok as long as it's not ours"

I want a game where I can kill all of your presidents in fully realised glorious 3D "You too can be J. Harvey Oswald and John Willkes Booth"... then we'll see if you all just think it's a harmless game and any arguements about it being silly and not worth talking about.

LMAO... if a company did bring out a game like that... all of your citizens would explode and go nuts about it... You 'd probably want to start a war over it.. the company would certainly be sued..and I would imagine that the devs would be put on some kind of watch list as potential terrorists.

It's always the same with America... arguements are derisable, not worth talking about and the people who do are stupid... until it's about you.

BTW..... you all NEED to read a dictionary.. "Pornography" has a larger meaning , it's just more often than not linked to sex.. but it means more than that.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
There is no way stores will take Black Ops off their shelves right before Christmas! Unless the government actually goes out of its way to censor, or in other words, make the distribution of the game illegal, the game will still be sold in all of the stores.

The game has already sold so much even when there are many people (including me) who have not picked up the game yet. There are still many potential buyers, thus, there are still many potential dollars to be earned. A business won't opt out of selling a game unless ALL of the other distributors do so also. For instance, why would GameStop stop selling the game if Best Buy is still selling it? This group has to convince a lot of people if it wants to gain any ground on this issue.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
They live under your fucking roof but you still whine about the Industry not doing their job. Morons...


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Where does this pornography occur in the level? Ive beat the campaign twice and i haven't seen anything that i would relate to pornography.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Just to make sure: I'm not the only one that thinks pornography is directly related to sex and not any obscene stuff (since obscene can be spread to contents of violence and other stuff that some people have problems seeing or hearing), right? That already makes me laugh at such low levels these idiots can go.

Plus, I always laugh when I hear Lovejoy's wife (from Simpsons) saying "Won't anyone think of the children?", but it's very saddening hearing that in real life. You think of the children? Then you don't buy shit you don't think they can handle! Even better: You can actually TALK to them and realize they're probably smarter than you! That alone obviously, if you have a brain, shows that they won't start killing people because they did it to NPCs in a game! If they do, I'm sorry to tell you, but they have bigger problems than playing violent games and you should be very concerned about what they're really learning from you.

Holy crap... if these people could ban games because they don't like them, eventually they would even stop children from reading some books. If they are religious I wonder if they rip some pages of the Bible that contains violent and cruel stuff, so their children can read it.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
Outside of his treatment of his people, and political views....Castro has openly stated that if he was given the authority by the Soviet Union to launch nukes during the Cuban missile crisis, he would have (in fact he requested the Soviet Union to do just that). That is right, this is a man that would have started a nuclear war if given the chance, and most likely would have destroyed most of humanity.

While this may sound cruel, I would have no problem killing him in real life let alone a video game. Would you have killed Hilter or Stalin given the chance? If Castro had that type of power, he very well have done much worse than the two of them combined.

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
How can it be pornography? That doesn't even make sense?

OT: They do realize that you don't actually kill Castro right? And after seeing World at War, this Call of Duty is actually a lot less graphic.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
The Wykydtron said:
Hide yo' wife
Hide yo' kids
They be trollin' everyone out there
GOD ONLY KNOWS what they'll do next

(Cookie if you think I know what your avatar's from XD)


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Wait wait wait wait! Why are they yelling about Castro when the main characters fantasizes about pointing a gun to JFK?! Honestly I thought this would cause a lot of hype but no the assassination of a Castro double makes a game become porn?! Wow... humanity... I wish I would have just been born an animal.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Dont buy it for your god damn kid! It's rated M for a reason. When the ESRB, an organization who's job it is to rate games, says it's for adults, then it's for adults! Dont blame EA or retailers for crappy parenting. Parenting tip of the day: dont buy your child something that is recommended for adults. Damn!


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Did they do an article about the 'pornography' that was JFK Reloaded? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JFK:_Reloaded

Alon Shechter

New member
Apr 8, 2010
AstylahAthrys said:
I think these people need to look up the definition of "pornography."

Also, it's Castro. It's not like he's a saint or anything. Also, he wasn't actually assassinated, so it's not THAT big of a deal. Controversial? Yes, it is, maybe it's borderline tasteless, but it's not like it's JFK.
Well, you DO point a gun at JFK at some point


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Lord_Beric said:
To be fair, how do you think Americans would react if they'd included a mission to assassinate President Obama in it? Yes, they're allowed under free speech, but don't expect his supporters to be happy with you. Same thing applies here. Castro is a world leader and he is still alive. Making a mission to murder him in cold blood is in bad taste, I believe.
The Bay of Pigs Invasion was an attempt to bring down his entire government, so trying to off Castro made perfect sense. It's what precipitated the Cuban Missile Crisis(and almost started WW3).Besides, the entire fucking game is doing black opish stuff at the height of the cold war.

What kills me is that nobody seems to care about the scene where you force feed the guy a piece of broken glass and then punch him in the mouth during his "Interrogation". Or the reveal at the end.

But Killing Castro is right out, apparently.