"Kill Castro" Mission Leads to Black Ops Boycott Call


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Alon Shechter said:
AstylahAthrys said:
I think these people need to look up the definition of "pornography."

Also, it's Castro. It's not like he's a saint or anything. Also, he wasn't actually assassinated, so it's not THAT big of a deal. Controversial? Yes, it is, maybe it's borderline tasteless, but it's not like it's JFK.
Well, you DO point a gun at JFK at some point
Hell, it's heavily implied
Mason killed JFK, because Oswald was Compromised
. But apparently killing a fake Castro is far more controversial.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
BoredRolePlayer said:
If killing Castro is prono then Assassins Creed is a smut fest, I'm getting hot thinking about it lol.
I'm actually surprised nobody complained that Assassins creed II ended with Ezio
Fist-fighting the Fricken Pope
. I would have thought some catholic group would have complained about that.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Umm, okay, it's rated "M" for Mature. Kids shouldn't be playing it in the first place. If a kid gets his/her hands on CoD and plays it, then the parents aren't doing their job. No reason to take the game off the shelves.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
It's called teaching the kids between fantasy and reality. Maybe if the parents would do their job on the difference, then there wouldn't be so much controversy on these games. Hell, my 13 year old son plays this game and he knows it's JUST A GAME!!! These people need to find something better to do with their lives than keep trying to ban everything in this country!!!


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Wallmart and Gamestop executive: Alright then,AGJ we'll just pluck the record holder for first day sales in the industry off our shelves.

Ha, this group is wasting their paper and breath.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Quick! cover your eyes and hope no one notices what was in their history books or stayed awake in history class to learn anything! Ohh and parents look out your 15 year old child may see or hear something you don't want them to in a game you bought for them! Blame everyone but yourself!

A) Games are clearly rated what they are rated and there is a list of reasons on the back.
B) Anyone who is not old enough to buy a M rated game has to be with their parents and their parents know what they are buying their kids.
C) Parents Stop making things difficult for the rest of humanity because you are scared your kids may grow up.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
"dealing this pornography to the children in your community"
The problem with this is as was said in Extra Credits. Video games are still viewed as toys to many people, and kids play with toys, not adults.

I wouldn't buy Black Ops for a child. It's not meant for kids. Any parent buying CoD games for their children need to understand what they're actually doing.

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
You don't actually kill Castro, you kill a body double, but the game does heavily imply (if not outright state) that you kill John F. Kennedy!

Why the hell don't they bother to bring this up? Oh right, they haven't played the game and have no fucking idea what they're talking about. Screw these guys.


May 10, 2010
Dalisclock said:
Lord_Beric said:
To be fair, how do you think Americans would react if they'd included a mission to assassinate President Obama in it? Yes, they're allowed under free speech, but don't expect his supporters to be happy with you. Same thing applies here. Castro is a world leader and he is still alive. Making a mission to murder him in cold blood is in bad taste, I believe.
The Bay of Pigs Invasion was an attempt to bring down his entire government, so trying to off Castro made perfect sense. It's what precipitated the Cuban Missile Crisis(and almost started WW3).Besides, the entire fucking game is doing black opish stuff at the height of the cold war.

What kills me is that nobody seems to care about the scene where you force feed the guy a piece of broken glass and then punch him in the mouth during his "Interrogation". Or the reveal at the end.

But Killing Castro is right out, apparently.
Just because you can name parts of the game that you believe are in even poorer taste than what we've named, doesn't make our objections invalid. If anything, you're just listing more reasons not to buy the game.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
Warped_Ghost said:
The next Call of Duty better have americans being killed. It would make them even with Cuba and Russia.
Actually, there's already Americans getting killed in CoD games. Shadow Company in MW2 is American. Shepard is American; and a general, at that.

But yes. Some sort of bullshit story like MW2, but centering around a Russian soldier named Artyom Petrovic getting sent to America, fighting a long, grueling, bloody tour, killing lots of American patriots, their wives, their children, and eventually giving the go-ahead for a tactical nuclear ending of America, with his last breath, while he dies in his best friend's hands, from a gunshot wound from one, single, poetic .45 slug from an M1911, fired by the President, would be great. For the record, I'm American, and somewhat of a patriot. And yes, I'm as well adjusted as your average Joe.

Point is: It's a game. Go on about how poor the taste is; and you'd be right. Try to get it censored? Well, Japan, and Germany would probably have it censored. Russia, mos' def'. America? That's a no-no. First Amendment, bitches. We need to teach these old motherfuckers that games are an art. They *are* art. They're in the same vein as movies; but they're different, in many ways. You play them, for one. For two, it's always at least a little different at the outcome, or how you got there; and for three, they look better than any other art I can think of.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Oh yes, go tell your community leaders that this game you haven't played is totally pornographic in that really common non-sexual meaning of the term, and that since it's against your values - or so the flyer said, because you sure as hell haven't looked into it or played it - you think that nobody else should be able to buy this perfectly legal game, because plurality in a community and freedom of expression is just so very wrong.

Justice my ass, those fundamentalists are nothing but an alliance for censorship based in total ignorance, bastardization of concepts, and bigotry against new mediums. If they knew the first thing about justice - which apparently they don't either - they'd know it doesn't entail oppressing others because you don't like what they do in the privacy of their own home.

Of course, they'll only add to the games marketing and publicity, making it sell even better. Thus the proper thing to do would be to recognize their own oh-so-evil influence on sales, and tell the local communities that they should ostracise them for having mentioned Black Ops. Nothing less will do.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
For crying out loud...Dont peoples stupididy know no limits?

And to classify it as porn? Really? Dont porn atleast has some nudeity in it?

Fucking morons...


New member
Feb 18, 2009
KaosuHamoni said:
It's not even fucking Castro. Its a decoy. -.-

OT: So what. Its a fucking video game. Get over it.

- Edit -

Onyx Oblivion said:
What would happen if the public discovered some of the shit that goes down in Shin Megami Tensei?


And for the last time, it's not meant for children. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB AS A PARENT!
I second that motion...

[sub]On the ocean...

[sub][sub]Do the Ocean Motion...[/sub][/sub][/sub]
Its hilarious that they act all high and mighty about these mainstream games N stuff when they have NO IDEA how bad other things can be, compared to Certain-Things-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named Black ops is positively Tame.

Besides if they're trying to turn me against Castro, they're doing a bad job. he may be a Dangerous Dictator, but the guy has Style.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Should I laugh or should I cry?

The game allows the player to experience a historical military operation that was illiegaly set in motion by the US government, sorry SEVERAL illiegal military operations. One of them a well known attempt at Castro's life back in the day.

So, because this interactive entertainment medium, designed for adults, marked M for MATURE (meaning, you know, grownups and not children) depicts this kind of operation, then it destroys the kids that it was never made for in the first place?

Does this mean that every war movie, action movie and other movies designed for adult and mature audiences should be illiegal and banned? Should we ban movies like Full Metal Jacket, Born 4th of July, Deer hunter and Platoon? Should we ban last year Oscar winner The Hurt Locker, because it depicts violence and are based on more or less true stories?