"Kill Castro" Mission Leads to Black Ops Boycott Call


New member
Aug 30, 2010
I must say that the initial idea is good: Keep away from little children.
/devils advocate
All other points they attempt to make fail, utterly, because they go way to crazy. Although this was so creative it was worth a laugh.
Also, we know the f***er wasn't really killed, stop spoiling it. Also, why would it be more offending if we we're to shoot, let's say; Bush? It shouldn't be, but it is according to some of you. If you're agreeing with the people that say the soccermoms use dual measures, then you shouldn't say Bush is more offensive.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Damn I forgot how much Americans Castro...Wait...Hey maybe there actually annoyed he doesn't die in the game! It's all one big conspiracy...Meh oh well can't wait to here about the next controversy, it actually feels like yesterday when people were complaining about MW2 and the airport mission.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Has anybody thought to tell them...

It isn't actually Castro you shoot? It's a double!

Mr.Pandah said:
At least they didn't have you actually assassinate JFK...
I think they should have just to fuck with people who want the game banned.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Well statistically speaking, Everyone and their dog owns Black Ops so banning it won't do jack shit.
Aug 17, 2009
Most of their reasons are asinine, but I do agree that it's wrong to portray any real nation as villains; it's childish, and if anyone was the bad guy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, it was America. Even their NATO buddies were sceptical about the embargo.

Therumancer said:

Holy Crap! The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

You're making yourself look like a raving loon.


New member
Jan 1, 2010
Soet Poet said:
Wolfinton said:
AstylahAthrys said:
I think these people need to look up the definition of "pornography."

Also, it's Castro. It's not like he's a saint or anything. Also, he wasn't actually assassinated, so it's not THAT big of a deal. Controversial? Yes, it is, maybe it's borderline tasteless, but it's not like it's JFK.
For those that dont see the point of the whole outrage on this subject -- yes, Im looking at you! ^^

You may be assassinating a decoy, but you are assassinating a real life previous president. Think about it, if *insert your country here*'s president was assassinated in a game -- decoy or not -- you would not be happy would you? Now, put your feet into Cuban shoes and think about it. You play a game, and you just assassinate your countries previous president -- DECOY OR NOT. It just doesnt feel right that -- game or not -- you would go about doing such a thing.

Distorted Stu said:
Wasnt it a double you killed? So no acklash on the whole JFK stuff yet? Im suprised.
From what I have heard -- haven't seen that part yet -- it is implied that you assassinated him. It doesnt actually show you shooting him as to leave it up to the players imagination. Im going off what I've heard here.
That's true, although they were gonna include it in the original script. Was cut for obvious (and about as stupid as this topic) reasons.

Why can you kill 9 million regular guys (fictional names or not, the war was real and so were the soldiers) but not a certain leader? Are you people so brainwashed that you completely worship them like gods, or what?

I wouldn't give two shits if my country's leader was killed over and over again in a game (or real life for that matter) since he's just a regular guy, only more pretentious and self-righteous (all leaders are, absolutely no exceptions).
It is different because -- like you said -- those soldiers are fictional. No indication to real people that lived, but when you kill a named person -- especially a man of importance -- it is a different and delicate matter.

Also, I do not agree with these people.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
N.1 Ninja Of 2010 said:
Sigh, don't people have anything better to do then complain about Video games?

KaosuHamoni said:
It's not even fucking Castro. Its a decoy. -.-
Ever heard of a spoiler button?

Use it

SnootyEnglishman said:
You made me choke on my sammich! -.-

Sorry, slipped my mind.
May 5, 2010
The idea of censorship is bullshit, anyway. If you're worried about your kid getting their hands on something you don't want them to see, it's YOUR JOB, and no one else's, to make sure they don't. It isn't right to take something with artistic value away from an ENTIRE COMMUNITY of people, most of which are mature enough to handle it, just because you're a lazy parent.

This isn't even about preservation of games as art. This is about preservation of art, period.

[sub]also, in Inglorious Bastards, a film nominated for at least one Oscar, Hitler gets gunned down and an entire theater of nazi civilians is burnt to the ground. BY THE GOOD GUYS. Just saying.[/sub]


New member
Apr 4, 2010
ClockWork said:
I'm not a huge fan of Call of Duty, but I can't help but feel kind of bad for this game. First the thing with the Taliban thing, now this? Well, it's still probably going to make a profit roughly equal to the GDP of a small country anyway.
Correction" it was medal of honour who got the Taliban thing.

OT: really? pornography? that's it, im going in exile away from stupidity....


New member
Apr 15, 2010
...Like you said, it's rated M/18...so kid's shouldn't be playing it.

Porn is 18+ but under 18's can still get access to it, and that stuffs 'real', so why aren't they getting aggy over that?

Urgh rage.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Mechsoap said:
ClockWork said:
I'm not a huge fan of Call of Duty, but I can't help but feel kind of bad for this game. First the thing with the Taliban thing, now this? Well, it's still probably going to make a profit roughly equal to the GDP of a small country anyway.
Correction" it was medal of honour who got the Taliban thing.

OT: really? pornography? that's it, im going in exile away from stupidity....
My bad


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
KaosuHamoni said:
Did you edit your post three times, changing the statement within the space of 2-3 minutes? xD

TheDoctor455 said:
But "role-playing" doesn't just apply to leveling-up.
For Call of Duty to suddenly be a role-playing game, they would at least have to present the player with an actual choice every now and then.
Which COD never does.
To you maybe, but to me RPGs are more statistic centric as a genre, with leveling and the like.
Get yo fire extinguishers, I see two people with different oponions which ofcourse means shit is going down.
OT: "sigh"


New member
May 10, 2008
Yes, we must get rid of games that targets famous world leaders. Where were they when Civilization V game out with War God Gandhi? Or even when games and movies targeted Hitler? What about movies and games that targeted the U.S. president with countless assassination attempts? We can't be having double standards now can we?


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Funny. If you were to put a test in front of a child about US / Cuban relations and he could tell you the date of the Bay of Pigs invasion, who Fidel Castro is, and knew that he was the subject of a large number of assassination attempts, among the details covered in the game, you would likely be proud of that child and mark the test quite high. Could you then subjectively reduce that mark because that child learned those accurate and relevant facts about history from so called "pornography"?

It's times like these I wish Marshal McLuhan were alive today.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Wolfinton said:
You may be assassinating a decoy, but you are assassinating a real life previous president. Think about it, if *insert your country here*'s president was assassinated in a game -- decoy or not -- you would not be happy would you? Now, put your feet into Cuban shoes and think about it. You play a game, and you just assassinate your countries previous president -- DECOY OR NOT. It just doesnt feel right that -- game or not -- you would go about doing such a thing.
I wonder how CoD sells in Russia [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/video-games/6588218/Call-Of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-2-not-banned-in-Russia-says-Activision.html] or Germany [http://www.next-gen.biz/blogs/germany-and-call-duty], seeing as those two make up the large majority of the bad guys in the series? Funny, it's still pretty much popular in both of those countries... [http://www.videogamer.com/news/modern_warfare_2_tops_20_million_sales.html] After all, this so-called "pornography" is nothing that's been done before. And if a citizen doesn't want to assassinate their president, they they just don't buy the fucking game. Their wallet, their call. And that's what these "advocacy groups" don't realize: that everything in consumerism is personal choice. If a product is not good, is not fun, and is offensive to the majority, it will do well. It's not as if the games industry is (pun unavoidable) holding a gun to the purchaser's head to force them to buy it, it's their decision to go out and get it. And just because some nannying moralists get their panties in a twist is no reason to abridge free media, even for something as ridiculous and badly-written like BlOps. And before you call me a fanboy, just know that I hate BlOps and MW2.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Oh, god, someone said mean things about videogames!

Seriously, what do you expect from a self-righteous bunch of morons who support suicide bombings against Israeli civilians? They support tearing down the security barrier that has reduced suicide bombings to virtually zero and support for Hamas indoctrination of kids to glorify terror.

Figures they would be oh so politically correct about a dictator like Castro but not care about a real leader like JFK