This is almost cartoonish in it's ridiculousness. It's almost like someone out there noticed how much I dislike Activision nowadays, and how I've been suggesting people don't buy this game, and set in motion a massive conspiricy to find a way to get me to take the other side.
Let's be honest, I don't think you should buy "Black Ops" but not for anything connected to this issue. I've covered that in other messages.
I'll also be honest in saying that Castro is an enemy of the USA, and arguably to the free world. He always has been. There is no reason why this position and wanting to deal with him as an enemy should not be expressed.
I guess because it's Pro-American (and Pro-Democracy and Pro-Capitolism) there is something wrong with it. The US can't blow it's own horn, have enemies, or anything else. God forbid we exercise our free speech in a general sense to make it clear we don't like someone.
I notice this "Global Justice" group is not out there going after China or The Middle East for Jingoism that makes this look pathetic in comparison (it's just someone took an anti-Castro position in an American game about The Cold War... when we were actually fighting him to boot). Well that and the whole video game slant.
What's next? We won't be able to try and kill Hitler Or Stalin? How about banning movies from the 1980s where you had guys like Leslie Neilson (in a comedy) violently rub the birthmark (revealed to be paint) off of Gorby's balding pate with a towel.
Here is a news flash, nations that we don't like, and are our enemies (even if not actively anymore) are generally treated like we don't like them, and like they are our enemies. I mean it might be a novel concept that we act like anyone else in this regard to some, but well... that's how things are.
At any rate, if I sound extremely POed about this, consider that we have things like this going on too:
While that represents a happy ending of sorts, the bottom line here is that a School was able to be taken seriously in trying to ban a student from displaying an American flag on a bike when he was driving to and from school. This done because of "tensions" with Mexican Students, displaying Mexican flags and such for Cinco De Mayo. This isn't the first incident of it's kind either.
I think we need to analyze our priorities if you think that the US shouldn't be able to have enemies, or treat it's enemies as such in the media. I think that's akin to the whole attitude that can lead to someone being prevented from displaying the US Flag, in The United States, even temporarly. The simple fact that something like this can even become an issue to turn news worthy is disturbing.
Despite how it might sound, I'm actually a fairly tolerant person. On the other hand I think our country needs to do some house cleaning. I do not consider disliking Castro, or flying an American Flag to be offensive, or something that should offend anyone who is an American. If your in the US, and do something like display a Mexican Flag, and get offended by the display of a US Flag, you shouldn't be here. If your a citizen, then you should have your citizenship revoked. I mean honestly, why the heck do we have people who are basically Mexicans with Citizenship papers, who are offended by the US, receiving educations at the expense of American tax payers?
Oh sure, I suppose it's a bit differant for other countries to not agree with the US on it's enemies. This is however a boycott on the product in general, and seems to be as aimed at the US market as anywhere else. However this is a historical game about the US military. It takes place where the conflict with Castro and his regime was "hotter" than it is now despite being the "cold" war. Cuba is exactly the kind of target you'd expect American Black Ops. teams to be going after in this time period, sort of like how during "World War II" we'd be after Hitler. It's not even offensive currently because Castro is hardly on our Christmas Card list.... if you have a problem with this, why is a nation bothering to import/want to play ANY games about the US military? What's more (for those censoring it) consider that at it's core it's no worse than say doing a Napoleanic combat simulator where you play British Commandos trying to kill Napolean, or French agents trying to kill Wellington. Both of which would be pretty much "common sense" things for someone to be attempting at the time.