"Kill Castro" Mission Leads to Black Ops Boycott Call


New member
Aug 25, 2009
All I can say about this is:

Lord Honk

New member
Mar 24, 2009
if ( (Number of Films where a political figure or a doppelgänger are to be assassinated)/(Number of games where a political figure or a doppelgänger are to be assassinated) > 0.5 )
then I give a s?%t.

Seriously, getting so worked up over the virtual assassination of a guy who holds a woman in a nightgown as a human shield? What, if it's a local thug you can go ahead and waste him (many, many such game sequences spring to mind) but if it's a known political figure it's a bad thing?


New member
Mar 24, 2009
The game isn't that great anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if sales slow down by Black Friday.
These people seriously need to take a chill pill, maybe go on a pilgrimage to Tibet or something. This kind of aggressive advocacy can encourage even more extreme people to feel it will be okay to start burning down GameStops, without or with people present inside such stores.
I'd like to see the Justice Boohahs try to blame games for those acts.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Shooting people in the face is now classed as porn?
Bloody hell, it would seem that rule 34 has no limits!

Meh the game is controversial, realistic, gritty, edgy and offensive, and i wouldnt have it any other way. I could drone on and on about the first amendment and right to freedom of speech, but I think some people beat me to it and i dont want to act as a parrot.

"Selling pornography to children" Erm, who the hell said that? Really, they need to be strapped to a chair and forced to play the entire black ops campaign, and then get shown some pornography. I think they may find the differences to be somewhat significant.

And if little kids play this game then little kids will play the damn game, its based on historical events (mostly) and is somewhat educational. I really dont see how black ops could inspire any kiddies to turn evil and corrupt as the government seems to think it does considering its mostly things that really happened. Like it or not, if kids want to play it, then they will find a way.

And then movin on, the whole "Kill Castro" thing. It was a double, you only see the real one for about 20 seconds, and the only time you see him after that is in "five", at which point he is awesome and has some of the best quotes. "Punch me again and ill kill you again!" - Fidel Castro after being smacked by a zombie.

Bottom of the line: Leave games alone.

If agencies keep trying to boycott games, its gonna lead to an uprising.
"If you prick us, do we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh?
If you poison us, do we not die?
And if you wrong us, shall we not want revenge?" - William Shakespeare.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
ProfessorLayton said:
Was anyone really surprised by this? Call of Duty is begging for controversy. But this is just kind of strange... they're simply lying about this. Are people even allowed to lie like that? "Dealing pornography?"

Yes, these people are allowed to have their free speech. We gamers are not allowed to have ours. Don't you get it? :)

I'm glad they didn't list Target. My store makes all of us scan you I.D., even if you look like you're 80 years old. No idea, no game. Sorry folks. I must admit, if these people come to my store, I'm going to laugh.


New member
Oct 23, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
The Alliance for Global Justice is calling on citizens to "demand" the removal of Call of Duty: Black Ops [http://www.amazon.com/Call-Duty-Black-Ops-Xbox-360/dp/B003JVKHEQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1289933154&sr=8-1] from store shelves, warning that dozens of retailers are "dealing this pornography to the children in your community" at this very moment.
Oh, fuck off! Fuck off and leave us alone.

This is getting beyond rediculous. You want to fight pornography? Why not take your case to the guys stocking the magazine shelves of diaries and gas stations (for example) with actual porn.

There's not a single sexual act in Black Ops, therefore it cannot be considered pornography. And hey! Newsflash! Free porn is all over the internet, and a single google search will yeild countless sites that anybody can easily bypass with a single mouse click.

Oh, but this is my favourite part.

"Nonetheless, the AFGJ, which like most such groups claims that it does not "advocate censorship of speech," wants it gone."

There are really no words.




New member
Apr 9, 2009
Typical of gloryifying America yet again rather than trying for something original or something that might strike closer to the truth? Yeah, sure. It's not like I imagine a videogame to ever be made about assassinating George Bush for example.

But come the hell on and get a grip over yourselves already. Fiction is fiction and propaganda for either point of view is not just limited to games.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
WOW...just...wow...yet another reason i turn to religion in life, i already had little faith in humanity and this just crushed a tiny piece of what was left....
Aug 25, 2009
Pornography doesn't mean what they think it means. Because if they think that the assassination of Cuban leader could be considered 'erotic for the purpose of sexual stimulation' then I think they have bigger problems than the games industry.

I hate things like this, really I do. I don't mind people criticising a game, I don't mind people bleating for it to be restricted and forbidden and banned, although I would mind if they ever won, but I really really mind when they criticise and bleat without having done their homework.

It is perfectly possible for me to criticise something with a little bit of research, 'The Indiana University School of Medicine have said that brain wave activity of CoD players shows signs of chemical arousal associated with aggression.' See? That wasn't so hard. I used the right words to describe my case, not trying to appropriate something related to sex and the depiction thereof, and I had an actual study found that supported my argument.

This is how debates are supposed to be held, one side puts forward a supported case, with correct use of something as simple as the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, and then the other side refutes.

Even if I was just to say 'This study is wrong in every way and it shows a basic understanding not only of its subject but also the language in which it is cached,' then my argument wouldn't be accepted because this has no grounding in logic or reality or common human thought processes.

Morons who couldn't even bother to crack open a dictionary should have no business interacting with society.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Hyper-realistic? In regards to which part of the game, the ridiculous story or the imprecise physics?


New member
Oct 11, 2010
I literally LOL'ed at "hyper realistic". It's set in the cold war and there are guns in it which are still in use in some corners...yeah...so hyper realistic :rolleyes:

Shooters are never realistic and the only games thet get CLOSE to it are the ones in the "Operation Flashpoint" and "Armed Assault" Franchises.

And why do they all creep out about killing decoy-Castro when merely minutes later your character
makes movements to kill John F.('n) Kennedy
? That's WAY more controversial if you ask me (which noone does xD)


New member
Aug 10, 2010
Pornography? Seriously? I get more pornographic material from clothing-sales fliers in my newspaper. Someone please get it through their thick heads. Games are NOT just for kids anymore. And I could say the same about animation too. I think this is part of the appeal of some Anime. Some of it has stories and themes that are adult in nature.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Ugh, did we just go through this with the Taliban in Medal of Honor? What really pisses me off about Black Ops is the fucking commercial. It is all live action, with random people and zero actual game play. FEAR 3 did the live action with small game play clips and people flipped out about it saying how stupid it was, but I haven't heard anyone say a single thing about Black Ops doing it...

Draksune said:
Pornography? Seriously? I get more pornographic material from clothing-sales fliers in my newspaper.
Don't forget TV, especially with those Victoria's Secret commercials...


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Who the fuck are these degenerates?

Killing Castro('s double) is unquestionably a good thing. He's a fucking monster. Where was the outcry about the games where we got to kill Hitler?

Is this "Alliance for Global Justice" some communist propaganda machine?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
"Kill Castro" Mission Leads to Black Ops Boycott Call"Tell the retailers in your community that the game is a violation of your community's values and you demand that they take it off their shelves."
Their sad attempt at censorship and fear-mongering is a violation of my community's values and I demand they take their opinions and leave all of us alone.

Soet Poet

New member
Feb 12, 2008
Wolfinton said:
AstylahAthrys said:
I think these people need to look up the definition of "pornography."

Also, it's Castro. It's not like he's a saint or anything. Also, he wasn't actually assassinated, so it's not THAT big of a deal. Controversial? Yes, it is, maybe it's borderline tasteless, but it's not like it's JFK.
For those that dont see the point of the whole outrage on this subject -- yes, Im looking at you! ^^

You may be assassinating a decoy, but you are assassinating a real life previous president. Think about it, if *insert your country here*'s president was assassinated in a game -- decoy or not -- you would not be happy would you? Now, put your feet into Cuban shoes and think about it. You play a game, and you just assassinate your countries previous president -- DECOY OR NOT. It just doesnt feel right that -- game or not -- you would go about doing such a thing.

Distorted Stu said:
Wasnt it a double you killed? So no acklash on the whole JFK stuff yet? Im suprised.
From what I have heard -- haven't seen that part yet -- it is implied that you assassinated him. It doesnt actually show you shooting him as to leave it up to the players imagination. Im going off what I've heard here.
That's true, although they were gonna include it in the original script. Was cut for obvious (and about as stupid as this topic) reasons.

Why can you kill 9 million regular guys (fictional names or not, the war was real and so were the soldiers) but not a certain leader? Are you people so brainwashed that you completely worship them like gods, or what?

I wouldn't give two shits if my country's leader was killed over and over again in a game (or real life for that matter) since he's just a regular guy, only more pretentious and self-righteous (all leaders are, absolutely no exceptions).

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
The Alliance for Global Justice says "it does not advocate censorship of speech." Well, now they're liars as well as idiots who don't know what 'pornography' means. 'Global Justice' does not mean trying to ban things you deem offensive.

Oh and god forbid that anyone kill a scumbag like Caestro in a video game.

EDIT: After checking out their site, these people come off as 'militant pacifists' (never thought I say that), people who are so afraid of war and that their worldview will be challenged that they try to supress any media that portrays the military positively (or at all, for this matter...). Just a bunch of blind, scared idealists who don't even do proper research, nothing to see here, moving on...


New member
Sep 8, 2010
You know if these people actually took the time to play these games before the cry bloody murder I believe that the world would be a better place. The Castro in the game was a fake and violence isnt porn. It could be obscene but not pornographic. Parents really just need to grow a pair and say no to their screaming kids. Whenever before i was 14 i only had two M rated games. Halo 2 and Mortal Kombat. Halo wasnt very M rated so i got that easy from my folks. MK i had traded with a friend. other than that my parents did their jobs as parents and kept M rated games out of my hands.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
This is almost cartoonish in it's ridiculousness. It's almost like someone out there noticed how much I dislike Activision nowadays, and how I've been suggesting people don't buy this game, and set in motion a massive conspiricy to find a way to get me to take the other side.

Let's be honest, I don't think you should buy "Black Ops" but not for anything connected to this issue. I've covered that in other messages.

I'll also be honest in saying that Castro is an enemy of the USA, and arguably to the free world. He always has been. There is no reason why this position and wanting to deal with him as an enemy should not be expressed.

I guess because it's Pro-American (and Pro-Democracy and Pro-Capitolism) there is something wrong with it. The US can't blow it's own horn, have enemies, or anything else. God forbid we exercise our free speech in a general sense to make it clear we don't like someone.

I notice this "Global Justice" group is not out there going after China or The Middle East for Jingoism that makes this look pathetic in comparison (it's just someone took an anti-Castro position in an American game about The Cold War... when we were actually fighting him to boot). Well that and the whole video game slant.

What's next? We won't be able to try and kill Hitler Or Stalin? How about banning movies from the 1980s where you had guys like Leslie Neilson (in a comedy) violently rub the birthmark (revealed to be paint) off of Gorby's balding pate with a towel.

Here is a news flash, nations that we don't like, and are our enemies (even if not actively anymore) are generally treated like we don't like them, and like they are our enemies. I mean it might be a novel concept that we act like anyone else in this regard to some, but well... that's how things are.

At any rate, if I sound extremely POed about this, consider that we have things like this going on too:


While that represents a happy ending of sorts, the bottom line here is that a School was able to be taken seriously in trying to ban a student from displaying an American flag on a bike when he was driving to and from school. This done because of "tensions" with Mexican Students, displaying Mexican flags and such for Cinco De Mayo. This isn't the first incident of it's kind either.

I think we need to analyze our priorities if you think that the US shouldn't be able to have enemies, or treat it's enemies as such in the media. I think that's akin to the whole attitude that can lead to someone being prevented from displaying the US Flag, in The United States, even temporarly. The simple fact that something like this can even become an issue to turn news worthy is disturbing.

Despite how it might sound, I'm actually a fairly tolerant person. On the other hand I think our country needs to do some house cleaning. I do not consider disliking Castro, or flying an American Flag to be offensive, or something that should offend anyone who is an American. If your in the US, and do something like display a Mexican Flag, and get offended by the display of a US Flag, you shouldn't be here. If your a citizen, then you should have your citizenship revoked. I mean honestly, why the heck do we have people who are basically Mexicans with Citizenship papers, who are offended by the US, receiving educations at the expense of American tax payers?

Oh sure, I suppose it's a bit differant for other countries to not agree with the US on it's enemies. This is however a boycott on the product in general, and seems to be as aimed at the US market as anywhere else. However this is a historical game about the US military. It takes place where the conflict with Castro and his regime was "hotter" than it is now despite being the "cold" war. Cuba is exactly the kind of target you'd expect American Black Ops. teams to be going after in this time period, sort of like how during "World War II" we'd be after Hitler. It's not even offensive currently because Castro is hardly on our Christmas Card list.... if you have a problem with this, why is a nation bothering to import/want to play ANY games about the US military? What's more (for those censoring it) consider that at it's core it's no worse than say doing a Napoleanic combat simulator where you play British Commandos trying to kill Napolean, or French agents trying to kill Wellington. Both of which would be pretty much "common sense" things for someone to be attempting at the time.