Konami Shuns Kotaku Japan Over Corruption Comments


New member
Dec 4, 2003
Shamanic Rhythm said:
Whether or not these allegations of bribery are true (I really don't care), this is a rather distressing sign o' the times.
Actually the distressing signs of the times are dual. Not only the matter of review scores (that honestly I don't care much about, I tend to read multiple reviews and make my own opinion), but also the fact that gaming journalists nowadays will go to whathever end in order to find a controversial topic to blabber about. No matter if it flies in the face of the basic of the basics of professionality.

Funny how, once upon a time, gaming journalism used to be about the games.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
In the screenshot... Humm I think Naked Snake its using his blind eye to snipe.


New member
Dec 4, 2003
I actually have another nail for the coffin :D

There's absolutely no full disclosure about any tie-in on Kotaku's very positive review of WarioWare: D.I.Y. None that would even slightly hint to any promotional deal between the site and Nintendo.

But surprise, surprise! A few days later Kotaku announced the fabulous contest Master WarioWare: D.I.Y., Make Us a Game, Win a HUGE Prize, prompting readers to create a Kotaku-themed minigame using the Nintendo's little platform, and offering "HUGE prizes" sponsorized by... Nintendo.

I Re-rest my case :D


New member
Dec 4, 2003
Knight Templar said:
Abriael said:
That seems a bit silly.
They have a conection to people who have a conection?

Would you demand that GameTrailers say when a game they review had adds on MTV?
They simply do exactly the same thing Famitsu did. That kind of tie-in deals are a very yummy opportunity for sites like Kotaku, and of course they jump to the opportunity very willingly.
They do NOT post any full disclosure about it.

BUT according to them famitsu should have posted a full disclosure, because, you know, Famitsu is special :D


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Abriael said:
John Funk said:
You have potentially the most broad view of libel I have seen in quite some time. Just because you say it is, doesn't actually make it so.
I'm sorry, but my view of libel is the by-the-book view. Throwing open accusations on a written publication without a shred of proof. This is what libel is.

libel [ˈlaɪbəl]
1. (Law) Law
a. the publication of defamatory matter in permanent form, as by a written or printed statement, picture, etc.
b. the act of publishing such matter

There isn't much to argue about this.
I fail to see the point of this entire argument, Konami, Famitsu, and Kotaku are big boys and defend themselves and none of this will even bear any merit in a week when shithead A flag Dull Game B as being the anti-christ.

but on a side note, Why the hell should Famitsu or Konami care, much less bother with firing back? Metal Gear is gonna sell, Komani and Famitsu get money, foul or not.

Edit: Spellcheck are fail


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008

When reviewers or "journalists" as they like to be called stop going to fancy parties, hotel rooms and stop snorting coke off of unreleased game discs then he can talk. Until they stop treating "journalists" like celebrities they will just be writers of gossip magazines.


New member
Dec 4, 2003
vikeif said:
I fail to see the point of this entire argument, Konami, Famitsu, and Kotaku are big boys and defend themselves and none of this will even bear any merit in a week when shithead A flag Dull Game B as being the anti-christ.

but on a side note, Why the hell should Famitsu or Konami care, much less bother with firing back? Metal Gear is gonna sell, Komani and Famitsu get money, foul or not.

Edit: Spellcheck are fail
Because yanno, when companies are target of libel, normally they respond and retaliate in order to protect their threatened image. It's how the big boys' world works. Obviously some journalists at Kotaku still have to get used to it.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Abriael said:
Because yanno, when companies are target of libel, normally they respond and retaliate in order to protect their threatened image. It's how the big boys' world works. Obviously some journalists at Kotaku still have to get used to it.
Those aren't the big boys those are the pansies, beside if calling things shit is so bad, Explain Yahtzee.


New member
Dec 4, 2003
vikeif said:
Abriael said:
Because yanno, when companies are target of libel, normally they respond and retaliate in order to protect their threatened image. It's how the big boys' world works. Obviously some journalists at Kotaku still have to get used to it.
Those aren't the big boys those are the pansies, beside if calling things shit is so bad, Explain Yahtzee.
While i strongly dislike Yahtzee, because i find his "reviews" misinformative at best, he does nothing else than stating opinions, as warped as they can be. He says a game is shit because this or because that, but he doesn't accuse the developers of said game of foulish behavioir without any kind of proof. That's very, very different.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Abriael said:
vikeif said:
Abriael said:
Because yanno, when companies are target of libel, normally they respond and retaliate in order to protect their threatened image. It's how the big boys' world works. Obviously some journalists at Kotaku still have to get used to it.
Those aren't the big boys those are the pansies, beside if calling things shit is so bad, Explain Yahtzee.
While i strongly dislike Yahtzee, because i find his "reviews" misinformative at best, he does nothing else than stating opinions, as warped as they can be. He says a game is shit because this or because that, but he doesn't accuse the developers of said game of foulish behavioir without any kind of proof. That's very, very different.
well couldn't have been any less arrogant about that? Jeez...
Sooo... What-his-face gives his opinion, it's evil? yahtzee blathers about something and it's nothing? Opinion is opinion, subject is moot.

Besides uninviting some to a lauch party? big deal, it become a public product right after. not like What's-his-face can't go pick up a copy or god help konomi if he learns to preorder.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Abriael said:
Oh and by the way, I was almost forgetting. Just to slam the last nail in the coffin of Kotaku's hipocrisy:

I don't see Kotaku putting a full disclosure on their (extremely positive) review or on the several articles they wrote about Forza Motorsport 3. Guess what?
Their sister blog Jalopnik, part of the Gawker network, has a tie-in with Forza 3. They helped chose the cars in one of the forza DLC package with an event called "Forzalopnik", and VIP players of Forza Motorsport 3 got a Jalopnik themed car delivered in game by Turn 10.

Yet there's no full disclosure anywhere in the Forza themed articles on Kotaku.

Still so eager to defend Mr Ashcraft, John Funk?

I rest my case.
oh dear god, Like he would even be reading this...


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I love zealous fanboys projecting onto the internet with all their mighty ***finality*** and man am I glad I don't need to put up with them. I swear, if you've ever wondered where all the philosophy students go to make themselves feel important, pretending to know everything about things they don't have the slightest grasp over with the power of their logic + wikipedia definitions, look no further than an internet forum. Always such a blast reading a mind of MIGHTY LOGIC which completely fails to grasp the necessary context. :D


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Loonerinoes said:
I love zealous fanboys projecting onto the internet with all their mighty ***finality*** and man am I glad I don't need to put up with them. I swear, if you've ever wondered where all the philosophy students go to make themselves feel important, pretending to know everything about things they don't have the slightest grasp over with the power of their logic + wikipedia definitions, look no further than an internet forum. Always such a blast reading a mind of MIGHTY LOGIC which completely fails to grasp the necessary context. :D
Meh seems like my fanboy is done, and I'm bored now. Really I wish they would bugger off the forum take their fight to Kotaku (as futile as it would be.) and stop running defense like they where fuckin Phoenix Wright.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
vikeif said:
Meh seems like my fanboy is done, and I'm bored now. Really I wish they would bugger off the forum take their fight to Kotaku (as futile as it would be.) and stop running defense like they where fuckin Phoenix Wright.
OBJECTION! clips will soon follow, I am certain, heh.[


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Loonerinoes said:
vikeif said:
Meh seems like my fanboy is done, and I'm bored now. Really I wish they would bugger off the forum take their fight to Kotaku (as futile as it would be.) and stop running defense like they where fuckin Phoenix Wright.
OBJECTION! clips will soon follow, I am certain, heh.[
I hope. I'm so bored I just read Abrieal blog, he pretty much re-posted his entire blog in the comments...
But seriously I doubt konami earned a 40/40 on that game, the fact fight to much against famitsu.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Abriael said:
Shamanic Rhythm said:
Whether or not these allegations of bribery are true (I really don't care), this is a rather distressing sign o' the times.
Actually the distressing signs of the times are dual. Not only the matter of review scores (that honestly I don't care much about, I tend to read multiple reviews and make my own opinion), but also the fact that gaming journalists nowadays will go to whathever end in order to find a controversial topic to blabber about. No matter if it flies in the face of the basic of the basics of professionality.

Funny how, once upon a time, gaming journalism used to be about the games.
Examples? I don't follow.


New member
Dec 4, 2003
vikeif said:
I hope. I'm so bored I just read Abrieal blog, he pretty much re-posted his entire blog in the comments...
But seriously I doubt konami earned a 40/40 on that game, the fact fight to much against famitsu.
At the moment all we know is that PW is easily the best looking game on a portable console. Will it also be fun? We'll have to see.
The Famitsu reviewer played it, People at Kotaku didn't, so for the moment Kotaku has much less authorithy on the possibility of it being any good.

And about opinion.
-Saying "this videogame is bad, because..." is an opinion. As misinformative as it can be, it's still an opinion. It doesn't suggest foul behavioir on anyone's part.
-Accusing someone of foul behavioir without proof is not opinion. It's libel.

-Accusing someone of foul behavioir when you've done exactly the same things multiple times is libel, AND hypocrite.
It's really that simple :D


New member
Dec 4, 2003
Shamanic Rhythm said:
Examples? I don't follow.
The article on kotaku that spawned this controversy is the perfect example. A wannabe journalist that goes as far as accusing a competing publication of foul play without the slightest proof in order to stir controversy and get hits.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Loonerinoes said:
I love zealous fanboys projecting onto the internet with all their mighty ***finality*** and man am I glad I don't need to put up with them. I swear, if you've ever wondered where all the philosophy students go to make themselves feel important, pretending to know everything about things they don't have the slightest grasp over with the power of their logic + wikipedia definitions, look no further than an internet forum. Always such a blast reading a mind of MIGHTY LOGIC which completely fails to grasp the necessary context. :D
Depends what kind of philosophy student you're talking about, but in general I agree. Fanboys seem diametrically opposed to the notion that people are allowed to have opinions, because they are convinced that logic should override said opinions. Not unlike arguing with, say, a utilitarian.