Konami Shuns Kotaku Japan Over Corruption Comments


New member
Dec 4, 2003
Shamanic Rhythm said:
Depends what kind of philosophy student you're talking about, but in general I agree. Fanboys seem diametrically opposed to the notion that people are allowed to have opinions, because they are convinced that logic should override said opinions. Not unlike arguing with, say, a utilitarian.
People are plenty allowed to have opinions. If Brian Ashcraft wants to review MGS:pW and describe it as the next blight on earth he can go right ahead with my blessings.
On the other hand accusing a developer and a competing publication of foul play without any proof and when his own publication has done the same multiple times is something I deeply frown upon. It's unprofessional, unethical, hypocritical and simply disgusting.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Abriael said:
At the moment all we know is that PW is easily the best looking game on a portable console. Will it also be fun? We'll have to see.
The Famitsu reviewer played it, People at Kotaku didn't, so for the moment Kotaku has much less authorithy on the possibility of it being any good.

And about opinion.
-Saying "this videogame is bad, because..." is an opinion. As misinformative as it can be, it's still an opinion. It doesn't suggest foul behavioir on anyone's part.
-Accusing someone of foul behavioir without proof is not opinion. It's libel.

-Accusing someone of foul behavioir when you've done exactly the same things multiple times is libel, AND hypocrite.
It's really that simple :D
Oh goody, for a second I thought I'd have to find someone else to entertain me.
well since I have never been to law school, and seriously don't care about a company getting smack talked and their best comeback is to ***** about it instead of throwing proof back in their accusers faces. If fuckface A did a accuse them of this, what (beside konami throwing fit and banhammering kotaku.) do they have as proof that they didn't?


New member
Dec 4, 2003
vikeif said:
well since I have never been to law school, and seriously don't care about a company getting smack talked and their best comeback is to ***** about it instead of throwing proof back in their accusers faces. If fuckface A did a accuse them of this, what (beside konami throwing fit and banhammering kotaku.) do they have that they didn't?
Good for you. You're allowed to live peacefully in your little world. But in that case, why are you even commenting if you don't care?
Personally I'm a bit tired to see wannabe journalists kicking ethics in the face in order to try and stir a bit of controversy at the expense of game developers that work hard and bring me great games.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Abriael said:
vikeif said:
well since I have never been to law school, and seriously don't care about a company getting smack talked and their best comeback is to ***** about it instead of throwing proof back in their accusers faces. If fuckface A did a accuse them of this, what (beside konami throwing fit and banhammering kotaku.) do they have that they didn't?
Good for you. You're allowed to live peacefully in your little world. But in that case, why are you even commenting if you don't care?
Personally I'm a bit tired to see wannabe journalists kicking ethics in the face in order to try and stir a bit of controversy at the expense of game developers that work hard and bring me great games.
As I said, you entertain me, but you didn't answer my question, What does Konami/Famitsu Have to prove there accuser false?


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
Abriael said:
People are plenty allowed to have opinions. If Brian Ashcraft wants to review MGS:pW and describe it as the next blight on earth he can go right ahead with my blessings.
On the other hand accusing a developer and a competing publication of foul play without any proof and when his own publication has done the same multiple times is something I deeply frown upon. It's unprofessional, unethical, hypocritical and simply disgusting.
Dude your view of libel is the most screwed up thing i've ever seen. Your interpretation basically eliminates any sort of opinion editorial or speculative piece of writing... I feel i've been trolled.


New member
Dec 4, 2003
vikeif said:
As I said, you entertain me, but you didn't answer my question, What does Konami/Famitsu Have to proof there accuser false?
Glad to be of service :D

You might want to know, though, that in any kind of civilized exchange (including courts) when someone accuses someone else, the burden of proof lies on the ones that accuses.

Since Kotaku/Ashcraft don't have the slightest shred of proof theirs is just libel.


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Sep 22, 2008
sneakypenguin said:
Abriael said:
People are plenty allowed to have opinions. If Brian Ashcraft wants to review MGS:pW and describe it as the next blight on earth he can go right ahead with my blessings.
On the other hand accusing a developer and a competing publication of foul play without any proof and when his own publication has done the same multiple times is something I deeply frown upon. It's unprofessional, unethical, hypocritical and simply disgusting.
Dude your view of libel is the most screwed up thing i've ever seen. Your interpretation basically eliminates any sort of opinion editorial or speculative piece of writing... I feel i've been trolled.
I mean really, The content of op-ed is moot if it is opinion.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
sneakypenguin said:
Abriael said:
People are plenty allowed to have opinions. If Brian Ashcraft wants to review MGS:pW and describe it as the next blight on earth he can go right ahead with my blessings.
On the other hand accusing a developer and a competing publication of foul play without any proof and when his own publication has done the same multiple times is something I deeply frown upon. It's unprofessional, unethical, hypocritical and simply disgusting.
Dude your view of libel is the most screwed up thing i've ever seen. Your interpretation basically eliminates any sort of opinion editorial or speculative piece of writing... I feel i've been trolled.
Well when you add in the fact that he's a blogger and he's busy calling out a Kotaku writer as a wannabe journalist, then yes I think he's trolling. Or just incapable of admitting his own hypocrisy (how ironic)


[-Militaires Sans Frontieres-]
Aug 12, 2009
Meh, there two arguing game magazines. I'm sure both feel the other is shady and dark. A good number of people can get "dark and shady" for the right price. It is a editorial though, there's no solid proof to back it up. I'm sure there's people that are idiotic enough to beleive editorials, since ALOT of people are idiots nowadays. Probably part of the reason why Konami pulled the plug. No wait, that's probably all the reason, to "punish" and not look bad.

The thing I think people are forgetting a bit, Kojima actualy makes good games, atleast in my opinion, and there's something that alot of the game nowadays are lacking...STORY... I know I've read a few forum topics and they said they've liked certian MGS games. MGS4 got a perfect rating. I'm not sure now if Konami was "putting millions of dollers into Famitsu" for MGS4, but a MGS game was a perfect rating BEFORE the whole advertisment thing. My opinion, it's just politcs, like how alot of things are nowadays. The one Kotaku editorial just kinda...was out there....and Famitsu had the backings of Konami.
(This is probably all over the place, I apologize about that, it's 10:30, and I've had only 2 hours of sleep. I hope it makes sense)


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Abriael said:
vikeif said:
As I said, you entertain me, but you didn't answer my question, What does Konami/Famitsu Have to proof there accuser false?
Glad to be of service :D

You might want to know, though, that in any kind of civilized exchange (including courts) when someone accuses someone else, the burden of proof lies on the ones that accuses.

Since Kotaku/Ashcraft don't have the slightest shred of proof theirs is just libel.
AGIAN You have not answered my question.
What proof does Konami/Famitsu have to prove Ashcroft wrong?


New member
Dec 4, 2003
sneakypenguin said:
[Dude your view of libel is the most screwed up thing i've ever seen. Your interpretation basically eliminates any sort of opinion editorial or speculative piece of writing... I feel i've been trolled.
Unproved accusations of fool play don't fall under "opinion editorial" nor "speculative piece of writing".

I'm sorry if i have to burst the bubble of delusional immunity internet wannebe journalists think they have, but if you accuse someone of foul behavioir publicly and without proof, you're doing nothing else than libel.
What is YOUR definition of libel then?

A (debatable) Opinion piece on the matter would be "Famitsu reviewing the game after taking part on it's advertisement without a full disclosure is in poor taste"

What Ashcraft wrote is: "Famitsu gave the game a perfect score and took part in it's promotion, therefore the review is bought", much, much different. This is libel.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
AceDiamond said:
sneakypenguin said:
Abriael said:
People are plenty allowed to have opinions. If Brian Ashcraft wants to review MGS:pW and describe it as the next blight on earth he can go right ahead with my blessings.
On the other hand accusing a developer and a competing publication of foul play without any proof and when his own publication has done the same multiple times is something I deeply frown upon. It's unprofessional, unethical, hypocritical and simply disgusting.
Dude your view of libel is the most screwed up thing i've ever seen. Your interpretation basically eliminates any sort of opinion editorial or speculative piece of writing... I feel i've been trolled.
Well when you add in the fact that he's a blogger and he's busy calling out a Kotaku writer as a wannabe journalist, then yes I think he's trolling. Or just incapable of admitting his own hypocrisy (how ironic)
Hell, he's avoiding my questions like the plague.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Abriael said:
Shamanic Rhythm said:
Examples? I don't follow.
The article on kotaku that spawned this controversy is the perfect example. A wannabe journalist that goes as far as accusing a competing publication of foul play without the slightest proof in order to stir controversy and get hits.
I think it's only really an issue because his argument does have some merit. I mean, this wouldn't be the first time it's happened (Kane and Lynch, anyone?). You're right in saying that he's a hypocrite for doing the same thing with his own magazine, and his article reads like he's just attempting to start a flame war. But if the review system wasn't in the state it was, people would simply scoff at him and say "yeah right", because for a game to garner that kind of score it would have to have earned it. After all, there will always be shit-stirrers.


New member
Dec 4, 2003
vikeif said:
dude, close your blog, your just as bad if not worse than he is.
Actually that's two full articles (preceeded by a lot of hate in previous articles) full of unproven accusations.

Looks like you're getting pretty much bent out of shape on this subject. Enough to resort to personal attacks.
How comes? :D


New member
Dec 4, 2003
lapan said:
If anything, i doubt that Nintendogs deserved a perfect score.
As much as I hate nintendogs with a burning passion, it's a game that can be pretty much defined "perfect" in relation to it's target and audience.


New member
Dec 4, 2003
Shamanic Rhythm said:
I think it's only really an issue because his argument does have some merit. I mean, this wouldn't be the first time it's happened (Kane and Lynch, anyone?). You're right in saying that he's a hypocrite for doing the same thing with his own magazine, and his article reads like he's just attempting to start a flame war. But if the review system wasn't in the state it was, people would simply scoff at him and say "yeah right", because for a game to garner that kind of score it would have to have earned it. After all, there will always be shit-stirrers.
It would have merit if he looked in his own camp, or made a broad analysis of review scores in genera, maybe even bringing examples (without throwing unfounded accusations of course). That'd sure be a pretty interesting article. But singling out Famitsu? That's just hypocritical.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Abriael said:
sneakypenguin said:
[Dude your view of libel is the most screwed up thing i've ever seen. Your interpretation basically eliminates any sort of opinion editorial or speculative piece of writing... I feel i've been trolled.
Unproved accusations of fool play don't fall under "opinion editorial" nor "speculative piece of writing".

I'm sorry if i have to burst the bubble of delusional immunity internet wannebe journalists think they have, but if you accuse someone of foul behavioir publicly and without proof, you're doing nothing else than libel.
What is YOUR definition of libel then?

A (debatable) Opinion piece on the matter would be "Famitsu reviewing the game after taking part on it's advertisement without a full disclosure is in poor taste"

What Ashcraft wrote is: "Famitsu gave the game a perfect score and took part in it's promotion, therefore the review is bought", much, much different. This is libel.
No, dude. You are wrong. This has nothing to do with "delusional immunity internet wannabe journalists think they have." This is something that has been on the journalist op-ed page from the very beginning - if you can make an argument and support your argument and your conclusion, then go ahead, say what you want to say.

Go ahead, pick a newspaper. Any good, old-fashioned paper newspaper. Open it to the op-ed page, or political cartoons if there are any. Under your definition, much of what you could find there would be libel, because it could in some way be construed as defamatory. I see a bunch on the New York Times website right now. Are they delusional internet wannabe journalists now?

If the world operated under your view, libel suits would be everywhere. But it doesn't, and they aren't.

And with that, I go to bed. And I leave you a reminder to tone the attitude down.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Abriael said:
vikeif said:
dude, close your blog, your just as bad if not worse than he is.
Actually that's two full articles (preceeded by a lot of hate in previous articles) full of unproven accusations.

Looks like you're getting pretty much bent out of shape on this subject. How comes? :D
Bend out of shape? I'm just getting warmed up.
Again I wanna see the Proof they didn't do it, and there is a decent reason behind why I ask. If Konami/Famitsu wanted to do anything more than cry about it, they would need to PROVE themselves innocent of the tomfoolery in order to do so, because if they don't they discredit themselves to a demoralizing degree.
Secondly, Reason I say close your blog is because you only looking in ONE direction if you want you point to be even taken seriously, you need to look at what your defending as well, because if THEY DID buy the review and the game comes out as shit, every reviewer (fake or no.) will rip the shit out of there asses and feed it to them journalistically.