Korten12 said:
Yeah Crystal Skull wasn't up to par with the first three but it did manage at least to not take a big smelly all encompassing shit on the entire franchise like the Star Wars prequels.
Yes it did....=)
Even though everyone brings up aliens, nuking fridge, and CGI monkeys, those weren't all the issues in the movie.
1. WTF are crystal skulls? I mean everyone knows what the Ark and the Holy Grail are, but wtf are crystal skulls? There was a sense of mystery behind those artifacts that was gone completely with the fourth installment.
NOw you might argue that the Temple of Doom's Shankara stones weren't interesting either, but that movie was about India.
I mean I don't even remember the locals in Indy 4, do you? What's sad is recently I've been playing Uncharted 1 and 2, and those two games take place in El Dorado and Shangra-La, why the fuck does a Indy knock off video game have more mysterious and renown locals than an Indy movie?
2. Replacing Nazis with Reds, it just made Indy look like a Mccarthyist when he says "I like Ike," and honestly I found it a bit offensive.
3. Mudd won't STFU....now I'm not blaming Shia, Shia can only be himself and he's always meant to be a side kick in movies, but why the hell does he have so many lines here. I mean he's already playing out the role of a 'the wild ones' rip off greaser, but it's like they're forcing his character down our throats.
4. Bringing back Marion, I understand they're trying to wrap up the series with this installment, but she just looks old and tired in this film, and no character or presence what so ever. She's such an important person in the Indy series, and she's handled so poorly in this film it was just sad.
5. Shia picking up the Fedora.....FUCK NO, nothing against Shia...again, but the prequels equivalent of this scene was George force feeding us that Medichorians crap that we heard in Phantom Menace. I know somewhere an executive asked George or Steve if there was any way to start a new series to milk the franchise a little be longer, but this was just wrong in so many levels....>=0
6. The stupid quadruple agent thing, they wanted somewhere in the plot a close friend of Indy's to betray him, but they didn't want it to be reminiscent of 'the last Crusade,' so they pulled this shit..../shakes head.
There is so many things wrong with that movie that I feel tired thinking about it....so even though it wasn't as b.s. and forgettable as the Tomb Raider movies, it was just the next worse thing....=(