Darken12 said:
This will happen, sadly, with every attempt at questioning the status quo. That is exactly how the privileged majorities react. They see the imbalances and inequities as normal and just, and any attempts to change that will seem to them unjust, unnecessary and malicious.
Hey look at that; I agree with you.
Darken12 said:
Whether that's true or not...
It is...
Darken12 said:
...doesn't actually invalidate the points anyone might raise on the industry.
...it does. If someone makes a claim; "The Gaming industry is misogynist" and someone can provide evidence to counter that claim; the claim becomes invalid. The claim must then adapt to the counter evidence with something like; "some of the gaming industry is misogynist" which then becomes a discussion of the levels and/or influence.
Darken12 said:
In fact, I would wager that the "not all feminists think the same and not all gamers are alike" are diversion tactics to avoid dealing with the actual points being raised.
Because they conflict with the narrative of your argument. If there are feminists that support the gaming industry and gamers who are feminists; then the assertion of "feminists vs gamers" posses a bit of a dilemma don't you think?
Darken12 said:
Women do contribute to rape culture as well. Whenever a woman sees a rape report and says "well, no wonder she got raped, dressed like that..." she is contributing to rape culture. And that is but one example, of which there are very many.
Seems like everything supports rape culture. I once heard a good one; denying rape culture supports rape culture.
Darken12 said:
Nobody has ever said that women don't contribute to rape culture. Nobody said that women aren't misogynistic, either, as proven by books like 50 Shades of Grey, which are filled to the brim with male-worshipping misogyny, and are written and primarily consumed by women.
Really makes you wonder doesn't it? Why do so many women freely consume products that represent the hatred of their gender? Just a personal guess; they don't think the same way you do.
Darken12 said:
These facts do not make criticisms of misogyny any less valid.
That depends on whether or not you attempt to generalize the rest of the culture and/or industry through the use of your cherry picked examples.
Darken12 said:
Actually, the idea that women are a depersonalised ideal to inspire men to do great things, property to rescue from other men and prizes to award to the male hero for his heroism, do perpetuate the rape culture.
Is the reverse also supportive of rape culture?
Darken12 said:
But I wouldn't blame videogames exclusively for this, as literature, theatre and cinema have been doing it for far longer.
Well, as long as you can spread the blame around I guess that makes it OK. /rollseyes
Darken12 said:
Your argument seems to be that if I have a theory and find sufficient evidence of it, clearly I am crazy and my theory is invalid precisely because I have found sufficient evidence of it. That is so ridiculous it is actually hilarious.
Sufficient evidence? You really don't understand confirmation bias then. According to you, "The Rape of the Sabine Women" is indicative that art supports rape culture.
It doesn't matter that the meaning of the word "rape" was completely different back then.
It doesn't matter that is was clear no sexual assault occurred in the story it depicts.
It doesn't matter that this is one single piece of artwork in history.
It doesn't matter that art is the outward expression of ideas and thoughts.
It doesn't matter that art depicts many contradictory ideas form artist to artist.
It doesn't matter that people use art to discuss rape culture.
It doesn't matter that a smiley face picture is just a smiley face picture.
None of this fucking matters. Because Art is guilty for supporting Rape Culture. Movies are guilty of supporting rape culture. Games are guilty of supporting rape culture. The escapist is guilty of supporting rape culture. Threads about people's favorite games are supporting rape culture. People who talk about gaming are supporting rape culture. People who talk are supporting rape culture. People support rape culture.
It's quite obvious that everything I say will be supportive of your hysterically, meaningless and brainless theories of rape culture. I'm going to do both of us a favor... /ignore