Let's Not Ban RapeLay


Nov 11, 2009
Ok, here is the deal American Media: STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!

Seriously, what I mean is by focusing on something like "RapeLay" you are basically telling people who probably are not interested in the game that: "Hey guys, there is this game out there, that lets you rape women, FOR FREE!"

I added the "For Free" because we all know how to find whatever we want on the internet, don't we? So by making a big deal out of nothing, the media is drawing focus on something that isn't a big deal.

It's not being sold at Toys R Us, or any other place in america for that matter, so its not like your kids will get their hands on it. And by the time (s)he is old enough to find it on the internet, then it's the parents job to make sure they don't, not the government, not the schools, not Mr.Miller across the road, its your job as parents not to be ignorant.

Now over to the other topic, is the content in the games wrong?
No! Not any more than any EA Sports game out there. I don't like sports games, and I don't like anything depicting rape. So I choose not the play them. But some people do, and if they are old enough to vote, they are old enough to choose their own entertainment. AS LONG AS THE CREATION OF THE ENTERTAINMENT DON'T HURT INNOCENT PEOPLE!
A computer game doesn't hurt a fly. It can depict whatever it wants for all I care, if I don't like it, I don't play it, 'nuff said!

As for children in sexual content in video games and animation:

Not something I like myself, but it didn't hurt anyone did it? So why should you care, no one is forcing you to watch it.

There is a line to be drawn, and that line is drawn when innocent human lives are hurt or abused.

But isn't it better to depict abuse in written fictional literature and animated media rather than in reality?

All in all its up to the parents of the world to start raising their children. And for the Parents and all other grown ups of the world to be allowed to choose their entertainment themselves.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
rekabdarb said:
sinclose said:
John Funk said:
sinclose said:
Um... yeah, according to Kotaku they officially banned rape games in Japan itself, which is some news...
Not... really.

They're just not calling them rape games anymore. Unless something's changed since then.
Whatever be the case, these games are normally meant to act as 'social valves' to let people live out their fantasies virtually instead of criminally(although the recorded crimes in Japan are beyond sadistic)
What I'll never agree with, though, is kiddie porn.
Japan enforced strict laws on that(outside animation and manga) only after foreign pressure to regulate that content.
doesn't japan actually have one of the lowest counts of rape in the "1st world countries?" where us united statesians have a much higher count
Reported rape, anyway.


New member
Oct 7, 2009
First it was books, then movies, now it's games. There has always been some sort of scapegoat for society at large to point at and say, "THERE IT IS! THat's what is causing all of our problems!", even though it isn't that simple. Oh god, when realistic VR comes out, John Q. Public is going to flip the fuck out, and it'll be so lulzy.
Jun 11, 2008
Foggy_Fishburne said:
Of course we shouldn't ban it I mean wtf? Why should we ban it? Is this the old bullshit claim that if you play a rape game you're automatically a rapist yourself? Riiight. I suppose that if you see gay you do gay aswell then? If you play GTA IV then you're a fucking psychopath that needs to be chained to the bathroom pipes every night in case you get any funny ideas like killing your neighboor with a lawnmower..?

It's bullshit. Games are a form of escapism, what seperates it from books and movies etc is that it's interactive. If we have a fantasy that we desperatly we want to live out what better way to role-play than in a game. I have a drivers license but I would never dream of driving reclessly like a fucking idiot. That's what racing games are for, or GTA IV with it's uber realism.

If I want to kill people, I play Manhunt. It certainly doesn't mean I'm a lunatic, just that I need to vent my frustrations. That's why I'm still waiting for developers to let us kill children. Ever sit next to a annoying kid in the buss that just behaves like a brat and won't shut up? You can't slap him on the spot but it'd be nice to play a game where the only thing you're doing is killing kids.

Not a long time ago there was a thread about if we should be able to kill the US president in a game. Why the hell not? I think we can all agree that politicians are bastards so why not let us vent? Better to do it in a game then sending them a letter with white powder.

For the record I've played the game with my friends and it was very interesting. In my eyes it was an interactive porn movie, living out a fantasy of a man who's in complete control, dominating and utterly deciding another persons life. I see nothing wrong with it. Let people enjoy the game. Bloody hell
I know love this comparison if you do it a game you want to do it in real life. So I apparently want to dress up in armor and start raiding castle then fast travel back to a town sell my stuff then continue my main quest line. The magic would be nice though....

OT: I have never seen the point in the censorship the more you say no to something like this and put it up on a pedestal of something you shouldn't have the more peopel want it to rebel.

Caiti Voltaire

New member
Feb 10, 2010
Void(null) said:
Take away the rape games and perhaps the people with these urges will just have to go off and rape some real women. Because that's so much better.

Have any of you ever played a Video game in anger to blow off steam? Kill a couple of thousand people in Dynasty Warriors, Curb stomp the CPU in a Beat 'em Up, Shoot a few hundred guys in an FPS because you had a bad day at work? Or your girlfriend left you? Or your mother is dieing of cancer?

Yeah... we all have, there is something therapeutic about letting go of that emotion in a healthy and safe environment where no real people can actually be harmed.

I can see the same sort of psychology that could follow something like Rapelay. Sexually frustrated guys who are getting their kicks or exploring fantasy's in a safe environment where no one can actually be harmed. Rather than just bottling those feelings up until the individual explodes and takes it all out on a real person.
Without a pressure valve people are going to be all the more likely to do that, is the real scary thing.


New member
Nov 18, 2008
Don't ban them, but keep them stigmatised is the simple answer. Maybe stop giving this games publicity too would help?

That way, game manufacturers won't touch them with a bargepole and any games in this genre that are made will continue to be poorly made messes and have little audience (except among the distrubed, the curious and show-off dickhead teens wanted to break the rules).

I wouldn't object to a serious treatment of rape in a game, but I don't think we'll see the point man attending therapy any-time soon...


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
JaredXE said:
I am a strict constitutionalist, with a heavy emphasis on the Second Amendment. I don't believe ANY form of speech or non-violent expression(and a rape GAME is not violent) should be banned or censored. It's all about personal responsibility folks. If everyone had it, then we wouldn't be discussing this, but because some people can't wrap their minds around the concept, we get 'scandals' like this.

Utter bullshit.
Dude, Seconds Amendment is Right to Bear Arms. First is Freedom of Speech, Religion and Media.

OT: Great article.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
I believe in the right to choose. As an adult, if you understand that this behavior is illegal, then by all means, play the game, it's no worse than some of the porn readily available for free on the net. Censoring this without censoring that is a bit...insipid, really.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Oh look it's the video game community hating on the news community for doing their job: giving people interesting stories so they can get angry about something and then forget they cared about it; the media's not gonna stop and I don't really care if they try to ban video games and stuff, they're not gonna ban video games because it makes too much money. And if they do ban video games like rapelay, good for them, I wouldn't play such a dumb thing anyway. Actually I think i might try it.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Im not for censorship in any way, so that alone makes me not want any banning done. Aside from that, its a fucking game. Its ok for graphic vicious killings of thousands, but we draw the line and loose our shit when one cheap sex game is made about a rape fantasy, one that is increadibly popular with hentai. What a hypocracy we live in! Dont get me wrong, real rape, and violence along with that, is horrible and dispicable, but censorship is such a wrong doing in terms of human rights I dont support banning anything but the most vile atrocious shit out there, not a cheap video game. I also dont support shitty news orginizations that finaly found something new to them, but thats been out for like 4 years, and regardless of any research just come to conclusions. Shit, if anything, this game helps some of those truly sick people who would go out and rape get their crazy fill without having the actual act done.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
I always thought that you have to be either completely for censorship or completely against it. Either you agree that some things are too bad, and the government has to have the right to say what you can and can't watch, or you say that one must be free to look at everything. Either you agree the government may have the right to ban Bocage's poetry and the Communist Manifesto and The DaVinci Code if it finds it's bad for society or you agree that it should allow rape games and pedophilia stories and what have you. This is because there is no middle point. There is for one person, but when you're making a law you can't write it into it, you can't say to what point something can be protected because there's no way to write it that can't be interpretated differently later, so either you go along with it or you don't.

There's a great article on Neil Gaiman's blog about it, someone less lazy than I should try to find out. Two quotes that are relevant: "Law is not a scalpel, it's a sledgehammer." (I.e., you can't draw a fine line on what you can and can't forbid, because that's just not how it works.) And, of course, "If you don't stand up for the things you don't like, when they come for the things you like, you've already lost."


New member
Dec 15, 2009
Foggy_Fishburne said:
Of course we shouldn't ban it I mean wtf? Why should we ban it? Is this the old bullshit claim that if you play a rape game you're automatically a rapist yourself? Riiight. I suppose that if you see gay you do gay aswell then? If you play GTA IV then you're a fucking psychopath that needs to be chained to the bathroom pipes every night in case you get any funny ideas like killing your neighboor with a lawnmower..?

It's bullshit. Games are a form of escapism, what seperates it from books and movies etc is that it's interactive. If we have a fantasy that we desperatly we want to live out what better way to role-play than in a game. I have a drivers license but I would never dream of driving reclessly like a fucking idiot. That's what racing games are for, or GTA IV with it's uber realism
The difference between mainstream games and things like this as I see it is the word mainstream itself. People will play CoD or they will play GTA without actually wanting to go out and kill people or steal cars or whatnot, it's just a bit of fun. With things like this however I get the feeling, as do a lot of people as comments in this thread seem to show, that the only people who would be attracted to RapeLay are the ones who would be most likely to act upon their fantasies.

Foggy_Fishburne said:
If I want to kill people [...] it certainly doesn't mean I'm a lunatic
..yes, yes it does...

On a side note, has anyone any idea how games such as this would relate to England's Extreme Porn Act? [http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/01/24/extreme_pron_law_live/] Surely they'd fall foul of it, thus making them illegal?


New member
Apr 29, 2009
The fact that these games exist sickens me, but censorship sickens me at least as much, so I will never be fully in favour of a complete ban. Just let me keep the right to think of those who want to play them as purile arseholes :)

Dark Angel Warlord

New member
Mar 20, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
Let's Not Ban RapeLay

Banning videogames about rape sounds like a good idea. Here's why it's not.

Read Full Article
only a truly sick disturbed person would get any joy out of raping a female ( or male i dunno they could have gay rape games for all i know )

u have to be sick and twisted to get your shits and giggles out of terrorizing s virutal person

whats the matter not big enough in real life to get a date in real life so u have to rape them in a game thats sick and twisted and games like that will bring about the downfall of videogames
thats the kinda stuff like snuff films are to porn movies
keep in black market places away from folks with decency and morals
yes i play videogames and some of the most violent
but i dont go commit crimes

but the FBI did a study on this website a few years ago it was a rape fantasy site and they monitored the site for a few months and they found most of the people who signed up are convicted sex offenders

it was on the news like 2 months ago

Dark Angel Warlord

New member
Mar 20, 2010
dannymc18 said:
Foggy_Fishburne said:
Of course we shouldn't ban it I mean wtf? Why should we ban it? Is this the old bullshit claim that if you play a rape game you're automatically a rapist yourself? Riiight. I suppose that if you see gay you do gay aswell then? If you play GTA IV then you're a fucking psychopath that needs to be chained to the bathroom pipes every night in case you get any funny ideas like killing your neighboor with a lawnmower..?

It's bullshit. Games are a form of escapism, what seperates it from books and movies etc is that it's interactive. If we have a fantasy that we desperatly we want to live out what better way to role-play than in a game. I have a drivers license but I would never dream of driving reclessly like a fucking idiot. That's what racing games are for, or GTA IV with it's uber realism
The difference between mainstream games and things like this as I see it is the word mainstream itself. People will play CoD or they will play GTA without actually wanting to go out and kill people or steal cars or whatnot, it's just a bit of fun. With things like this however I get the feeling, as do a lot of people as comments in this thread seem to show, that the only people who would be attracted to RapeLay are the ones who would be most likely to act upon their fantasies.

Foggy_Fishburne said:
If I want to kill people [...] it certainly doesn't mean I'm a lunatic
..yes, yes it does...

On a side note, has anyone any idea how games such as this would relate to England's Extreme Porn Act? [http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/01/24/extreme_pron_law_live/] Surely they'd fall foul of it, thus making them illegal?
thats the problem some people cant tell teh differance between fantasy and reality

you and i know stealing cars and commiting virutal crimes in a videogame is fun
but never do them in real life
but some sick twisted people cant tell the differance and will go to the extreme and go too far


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Personal responsibility and accountability is something that has to exist on both sides of the fence, both the content creators and the consumers of content. While I am not for banning things either, I do have to call-out game developers for stirring up trouble by introducing such games. While one is allowed freedom of speech and personal expression, it is expected that one will be mature and rational to know when and where something is appropriate(for instance, going to church in a bikini is not a good idea, no matter how great you may look in it). It is expected that one is mature and rational enough to realize the effects one's words and actions can have on others and to be appropriately considerate. When people fail to have such maturity and persistently abuse this freedom such to cause unrest, you get these slippery slopes of censorship and banning started.

As for myself, normally in situations with controversial content, any problems I have is usually not with the what but the how and why. Basically, is the content necessary to the story, flow, and portrayed reality of the game, or is it just the developer shamelessly inserting some trite geek fetish? (This game is probably a poor example on that particular point because the whole game is about committing rape; how can you have a rape game and no rape actually occurs?)

Be that as it all may, I will say that I find this particular game in poor taste and definitely not something I would purchase or play under any circumstance, even for the sake of curiosity.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
dannymc18 said:
On a side note, has anyone any idea how games such as this would relate to England's Extreme Porn Act? [http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/01/24/extreme_pron_law_live/] Surely they'd fall foul of it, thus making them illegal?
Actually, the poor graphics of these sort of games (if the descriptions one of the posters on this topic gave earlier are acurate), then they might be uneffected as the victims are clearly not real people.