Man Murders Girlfriend Over GTA


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Horrible, I think her addiction to GTA was the least of their worries. I'm sure there is a whole lot more to this story than we know. Interesting...I should link this to the gun control thread or start a knife control thread.


New member
Mar 9, 2008
We're all utterly aware that this murder had nothing to do with GTA IV, and everything to do with sociopaths who shouldn't have been together, let alone raising children.



Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Hmmm, sounds like some reporter trying to get his name out there by using the well known "Grand Theft Auto" name to generate traffic.

I fail to see how The Playstation and GTA really figure into this. Okay she was playing a video game for half a dozen hours a day, and she moved a TV into the bedroom. My bloody parents have a TV in their bedroom and earphones if one of them want to watch it while the other one sleeps. I fail to see how this forced him onto the couch.

I am also thinking their relationship must have been rocky to begin with for a video game to put stress on it, and the whole "affair" thing seems to be the crux of the situation. I'd think if they guy is rambling about her spending too much time on the Playstation that says more for his mental stability than anything.

But whatever, the article has been written, and by discussing it we're giving the author exactly what he wanted.


New member
Jan 27, 2009
Great, another gamer killing someone and...wait a second, the VICTIM was the gamer?

...Plot twist. Not that the media won't spin this somehow. "Gamer Killed Over Relationship Strained By Violent Video Game" I think this does highlight a problem in society in which some people are all too quick to resort to violence. His reaction at the end makes it rather clear he lost control...
Feb 13, 2008
Therumancer said:
Hmmm, sounds like some reporter trying to get his name out there by using the well known "Grand Theft Auto" name to generate traffic.

... But whatever, the article has been written, and by discussing it we're giving the author exactly what he wanted.
Care to elucidate a little further there, Therumancer?

Sable Gear

New member
Mar 26, 2009
notoriouslynx said:
So its like an opposite gaming death? Where the victim is the one that got killed by a friend or family member. First time I've ever heard of one of these.
Agreed, this time it wasn't the avid gamer that did the killing. Mind you, games are never usually the root cause of things like this. So sad...


Maintenence Man of the Universe
Mar 19, 2009
Ok i just have to say this: The woman was the man's girlfriend, not wife. But ya, that's a little crazy. This time it's the gamer being killed


New member
Oct 17, 2007
Well theres the obvious problem. Second-hand gaming. Jack Thompson knows all about this. Being near gamers causes MORE insanity than to the gamer itself, like second hand smoke. More proof that video games were invented by Satan himself. Thanks Jack


New member
Apr 23, 2008
A sad story, although I doubt this will stop Jack Thompson from using it like a chip in some media poker game.

Domestics are nasty.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Irony that the "normal person" murdered the "addict". Impulsive murderers are normally thicko "normals" and the addicts are normally bored-outta-their-skulls intelligent people.

Life is weird.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Therumancer said:
Hmmm, sounds like some reporter trying to get his name out there by using the well known "Grand Theft Auto" name to generate traffic.

... But whatever, the article has been written, and by discussing it we're giving the author exactly what he wanted.
Care to elucidate a little further there, Therumancer?

I thought I explained in enough detail, sorry.

Basically the guy wants attention. The game "Grand Theft Auto" has gotten tons of attention from the press for YEARS for being excessively violent and anti-social, and then there was the whole "Hot Coffee" thing, and how the developers censored Manhunt and everything else. Basically people know the name Grand Theft Auto and react to it. Gamers defend it, and a lot of non-gamers think it should be banned.

If he just wrote the article straight up without the inane focus on the video-gaming aspects, it would have just been another "invisible" story about violence and tradgedy. Some guy thinks his wife is having an affair and he kills her for it. Tragic and horrible, but happens all the time. The writer's article gets lost in the tide of similar articles. Nobody is even likely to remember it in a couple of days it's so "normal".

But now he's focusing on the off the wall video gaming aspects, dropping the name "Grand Theft Auto" which is going to get attention. Gamers are reading his article to see what he actually wrote and going on rants, and the whole "we must censor games" movement is doing the same thing and will probably use this "case" to support their arguements in the future. It basically means his work is now out there.

The more we discuss it, the more attention it gets, and the more likely someone is likely to produce equally ridiculous spins on stories specifically to get the attention. Any publiicity being good publicity for a writer if it gets people to read his stuff.

Why is this article getting attention on "The Escapist", why because it mentions GTA, that is the only reason. Even if only to verify it's ridiculousness, how many hits have we given the guy?


New member
Feb 24, 2009
0 sounds like he killed her for having an affair and leaving him, not because she played GTA.


New member
Apr 7, 2008
At 62 i think we can attribute this to a mental disorder, most likely delirium of some sort rather than the game.

Paranoid delusions are obvious when the wife is staying at home playing the game and he thinks she's having an affair with someone upstairs.