Man Murders Girlfriend Over GTA


New member
Mar 5, 2009
So she was having an affair, and he stabbed her? How does GTA fit into all this? Did I miss something?


New member
Mar 20, 2004
Woman eats hot dog. Man thinks woman is having an affair. Man kills woman. Man murders Woman over hot dog.

That's not faulty logic if I've ever heard it, naaaaawwwww.

Seriously, this is really shitty journalism right here. The title implies a causation when at most you could argue a correlation. If that.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
how does "My wife spends all night in the bedroom with a TV and PS3" get turned into "OMG SHES CHEEETARIN' HAX"


New member
Feb 12, 2009
sad, but this does show that some instances are not caused by games and it can happen to anyone, despite age.

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007
James called the police after the attack. When they were on the line, his father took the phone from him and told the authorities, "I'm sorry. I think I've killed her."

After the twentieth stabbing you thought that did you? Really? I mean I would have thought after the tenth time you might have figured that.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
TheNecroswanson said:
How interesting.
Woman estranges husband, makes it impossible for him to sleep in his own bed, and says she's leaving.
Yup, clear cut case of a woman driving a man insane.
Well, this is getting attention (here at least ) because of how the author of the article is putting empathis on video games.

For example, let's say that some psycho likes to go out and rape/torture/murder little girls. He does it for years, but is eventually caught when a gnawed human bone washes up on the beach that somehow produces enough evidence to catch the guy (queue the CSI music).

Okay this would get a lot of attention, but some reported decides he wants to make his article a bit differant than the other reporters and draw in more people. He finds out that when the police kicked open the guy's door he was playing "Final Fantasy" and had a bunch of fanboy junk for the series in his house. So he decides to focus on this little aspect of things and try and connect Final Fantasy (knowing it has millions of fans) to Pedophillia, Cannibalism, and Murder. Perhaps even going so far as to bring up characters like Selphie, Rikku, Yuffie, or (heh) Quina. :p

I guess my point is that the whole article is slanted and I'm not even sure if you can say she was doing anything to drive him insane. I mean moving a TV into the bedroom doesn't seem like an issue, a lot of people have them there, and couples can have one sleep while the other one watches TV. It's quite doable.

I'd personally think the guy is just a flaming psycho who thought she was having an affair, nothing described sounds like it would be paticularly maddening. Plus if a relationship can weather one person or the other acting a bit wierd for a few months something was badly messed up to begin with.

Feb 13, 2008
Therumancer said:
Why is this article getting attention on "The Escapist", why because it mentions GTA, that is the only reason. Even if only to verify it's ridiculousness, how many hits have we given the guy?
Well, at least it wasn't a sleight at myself, which I thought for a moment. Anyway, there is a link as in the original article it mentions both the prosecution and the defence mentioning the console and the testimony alleges to GTA.

What I fail to see is how she actually managed to have an affair with all that time spent, and I think that was his delusion. There's enough evidence there to exonerate the original author this time I believe, and the Telegraph is one of the better tabloids. (Though that's not saying much)

It would have been a lot easier to blame the whole thing on GTA; the fact that the media are only using it as a sideline is at least starting to bring the issue back on track, and after JT, that's gotta be a good thing. Or at least we can hope that this won't get sensationalized now that the relevant details are out at the start.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
KamachoMcSagget said:
That's so sad, why'd you post this?
That's what I ask whenever a school shooting is the first item on the TV news headlines. If they didn't give them so much attention then that sort of thing wouldn't happen so often. Doesn't really apply in this case, just an aside I wanted to make.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Therumancer said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Therumancer said:
Hmmm, sounds like some reporter trying to get his name out there by using the well known "Grand Theft Auto" name to generate traffic.

... But whatever, the article has been written, and by discussing it we're giving the author exactly what he wanted.
Care to elucidate a little further there, Therumancer?

I thought I explained in enough detail, sorry.

Basically the guy wants attention. The game "Grand Theft Auto" has gotten tons of attention from the press for YEARS for being excessively violent and anti-social, and then there was the whole "Hot Coffee" thing, and how the developers censored Manhunt and everything else. Basically people know the name Grand Theft Auto and react to it. Gamers defend it, and a lot of non-gamers think it should be banned.

If he just wrote the article straight up without the inane focus on the video-gaming aspects, it would have just been another "invisible" story about violence and tradgedy. Some guy thinks his wife is having an affair and he kills her for it. Tragic and horrible, but happens all the time. The writer's article gets lost in the tide of similar articles. Nobody is even likely to remember it in a couple of days it's so "normal".

But now he's focusing on the off the wall video gaming aspects, dropping the name "Grand Theft Auto" which is going to get attention. Gamers are reading his article to see what he actually wrote and going on rants, and the whole "we must censor games" movement is doing the same thing and will probably use this "case" to support their arguements in the future. It basically means his work is now out there.

The more we discuss it, the more attention it gets, and the more likely someone is likely to produce equally ridiculous spins on stories specifically to get the attention. Any publiicity being good publicity for a writer if it gets people to read his stuff.

Why is this article getting attention on "The Escapist", why because it mentions GTA, that is the only reason. Even if only to verify it's ridiculousness, how many hits have we given the guy?
I think you're being a tad over defensive here.

They guy was kicked out of the bedroom because his wife had the friggin' huge plasma in the bedroom that keep him up at night. Because of his, he began to think she was sleeping around, and when it eventually came to try to move out, she was killed. Not to mention GTA would have been alittle off. I doubt the paper article was titled 'GTA CAUSES MURDER!' - Our papers, for all their faults, haven't really cottoned onto the idea of blaming everything on video games yet.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
i personally think it's more her fault than his because... she was going to move the fuck out because of GTA4 i'd be pissed to if my wife did that


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
bad rider said:
James called the police after the attack. When they were on the line, his father took the phone from him and told the authorities, "I'm sorry. I think I've killed her."

After the twentieth stabbing you thought that did you? Really? I mean I would have thought after the tenth time you might have figured that.

Well the thing is that killing someone with a knife it's quite like it seems on TV, especially if your not trained to do it. Plus the police consider a lot of things "stab wounds" that might not strike you as being stabbing.

It's like this, you come after me with a hunting knife and kill me. In the struggle I'm likely to try and deflect the blade with my arms and such to prevent you from hitting my vitals. Each time you cut my arms they are considering that an injury and honestly if I'm trying to avoid being killed that's probably going to happen a lot. Then assuming you get me in the body, your probably not going to hit me in a place where I'm going to die immediatly. Getting through the rib cage to things like the heart is harder than it sounds, so you could very easily wind up stabbing me a bunch of times in the torso before I go down, and not realize when I was dead.

Now yeah, there are very efficient ways to kill people with knives, but most people can't do that kind of stuff.

20 Stab Wounds doesn't strike me as being a lot for an unskilled murder on a target able to defend themselves. People have survived as many as 60 stab wounds.

In general I'd imagine if I was ever beaten/killed by some guy with a knife I'd have more than 20 wounds on me when it was over just going by what I've learned/seen.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Therumancer said:
Why is this article getting attention on "The Escapist", why because it mentions GTA, that is the only reason. Even if only to verify it's ridiculousness, how many hits have we given the guy?
Well, at least it wasn't a sleight at myself, which I thought for a moment. Anyway, there is a link as in the original article it mentions both the prosecution and the defence mentioning the console and the testimony alleges to GTA.

What I fail to see is how she actually managed to have an affair with all that time spent, and I think that was his delusion. There's enough evidence there to exonerate the original author this time I believe, and the Telegraph is one of the better tabloids. (Though that's not saying much)

It would have been a lot easier to blame the whole thing on GTA; the fact that the media are only using it as a sideline is at least starting to bring the issue back on track, and after JT, that's gotta be a good thing. Or at least we can hope that this won't get sensationalized now that the relevant details are out at the start.
Ahh well my apologies, no sleight was intended, bad communication on my part.
Feb 13, 2008
Therumancer said:
In general I'd imagine if I was ever beaten/killed by some guy with a knife I'd have more than 20 wounds on me when it was over just going by what I've learned/seen.
Well, as he was wielding two knives, I think he was far too gone by that point.

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007
Therumancer said:
bad rider said:
James called the police after the attack. When they were on the line, his father took the phone from him and told the authorities, "I'm sorry. I think I've killed her."

After the twentieth stabbing you thought that did you? Really? I mean I would have thought after the tenth time you might have figured that.

Well the thing is that killing someone with a knife it's quite like it seems on TV, especially if your not trained to do it. Plus the police consider a lot of things "stab wounds" that might not strike you as being stabbing.

It's like this, you come after me with a hunting knife and kill me. In the struggle I'm likely to try and deflect the blade with my arms and such to prevent you from hitting my vitals. Each time you cut my arms they are considering that an injury and honestly if I'm trying to avoid being killed that's probably going to happen a lot. Then assuming you get me in the body, your probably not going to hit me in a place where I'm going to die immediatly. Getting through the rib cage to things like the heart is harder than it sounds, so you could very easily wind up stabbing me a bunch of times in the torso before I go down, and not realize when I was dead.

Now yeah, there are very efficient ways to kill people with knives, but most people can't do that kind of stuff.

20 Stab Wounds doesn't strike me as being a lot for an unskilled murder on a target able to defend themselves. People have survived as many as 60 stab wounds.

In general I'd imagine if I was ever beaten/killed by some guy with a knife I'd have more than 20 wounds on me when it was over just going by what I've learned/seen.
I gotta say I didn't think about it that much. But I wouldn't go with against that idea it's likely he was overcome with rage and didn't stop stabbing in my mind. Then again thats an assumption, It's unlikely the details are gonna be revealed but hey Jack Thompson was right kinda, GTA causes violence, from people who don't play it.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
pffff blablablabla yawn...
games don't kill people, people kill people.
(and guns protect them from guys with smaller guns)


New member
Apr 23, 2008
rekabdarb said:
i personally think it's more her fault than his because... she was going to move the fuck out because of GTA4 i'd be pissed to if my wife did that

I think if the guy was that violent and mad he stabbed her 46 times he wasn't a nice guy in the first place. Although he confessed straight away, so I'm more leaning towards overly violent that violent sociopath.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
sorry user name taken. said:
rekabdarb said:
i personally think it's more her fault than his because... she was going to move the fuck out because of GTA4 i'd be pissed to if my wife did that

=/ nuh uh to you uh huh
um... what?