Man Murders Girlfriend Over GTA

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
What strikes me as sadly ironic is him believing she was having an affair, given that she was clearly home every night, tied to the PS3.


New member
Oct 29, 2008
To let it get this far without having a serious chat or in a worse case scenario get rid of the console or lose me shows how wrong these people were for each other.
Relationships are about love and connection not tolerance and altruism.

I think the son would prefer his parents were separated rather than dead and in jail.

This is incredibly sad.

Susan Arendt said:
What strikes me as sadly ironic is him believing she was having an affair, given that she was clearly home every night, tied to the PS3.
Exactly, when would she have time. Did he think the affair was online GTAIV where they killed each other over and over every night? How Shakespearean.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
Daddy kill just like Video game...weeeeeeeeeeeee.........Oh no hes busted....hes going to have money taken away and stripeed of his weapons...ill see him in a day.

*20 years later*

where daddy? He must be getting a slow respawn!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
rekabdarb said:
i personally think it's more her fault than his because... she was going to move the fuck out because of GTA4 i'd be pissed to if my wife did that
I hope to God you're joking. Pissed, sure (although unless I missed something she's not leaving because she likes GTA IV, I'm sure there are other reasons. Unless she's running away with the PS3) but there's a big difference between "pissed" and "stabbing twenty times."


New member
Dec 18, 2008
bad rider said:
James called the police after the attack. When they were on the line, his father took the phone from him and told the authorities, "I'm sorry. I think I've killed her."

After the twentieth stabbing you thought that did you? Really? I mean I would have thought after the tenth time you might have figured that.
My thoughts exactly. If you kill someone, you should know you killed them, it's not that hard to tell...

And why is the blame on GTA? Didn't he say it was because she was having an affair and was going to leave him? Sure having to sleep on the couch while his wife played video games probably added to his anger, but I don't think it's entirley fair to say Man Murders Girlfriend Over GTA.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
I'm can't say I understand the story. She's addicted to GTA, and plays it all hours, but then he claims she is having an affair? Is this related (in his head), which seems ludicrous, or is his accusation bourne of more evidence than her obsession with a shaven headed eastern European named Nico? Her leaving seems to suggest that she was having extra-marital relationship, unless she felt so guilty about ruining his sleeping habits, although surely stopping playing the game would have been the better option. Both people are maladjusted to my mind, she was, unfortunately, an addict who allowed her problems to interfere with her marriage, and he obviously had deep seated rage and paranoia, the age gap probably fuelling this. It's tragic but the bad guy here is not Video Games, but wait for the first major news outlet to spin it that way...


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Glerken said:
bad rider said:
James called the police after the attack. When they were on the line, his father took the phone from him and told the authorities, "I'm sorry. I think I've killed her."

After the twentieth stabbing you thought that did you? Really? I mean I would have thought after the tenth time you might have figured that.
My thoughts exactly. If you kill someone, you should know you killed them, it's not that hard to tell...

And why is the blame on GTA? Didn't he say it was because she was having an affair and was going to leave him? Sure having to sleep on the couch while his wife played video games probably added to his anger, but I don't think it's entirley fair to say Man Murders Girlfriend Over GTA.
But that's what sells the story. VIDEO GAMES TO BLAME!!!! (*rolls eyes*)


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Lord_Ascendant said:
SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Video Games may cause death

thats the most terrible thing ever, hope he gets locked up for a good long time
He's in his 60's. They could give him a 50 year sentence and he will be out in 3 due to his age (they let people out when they get too old or infirm to be a menace) and this wasn't the worst thing ever.

If the man had been the game addict cheating on his wife and SHE had done this to him, I can promise you that it wouldn't have even been a blip on the radar as women went "Well, he was cheating and ignoring her so he deserved to die," while their husbands feared to say anything because the wives would leave and take everything with them.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
Kind of a clumsy and misleading headline, since it doesn't sound at all like GTA had much to do with her actual murder. Sounds like it was more the man's paranoia and belief that she was messing around with someone else. I'd expect a sensationalist headline like that from the non-gaming, mainstream media, but I'd have thought the Escapist would know better.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I'm pretty sure the reason he stabbed her was because he thought she was having an affair and not because she was playing GTA, even though she was obviously an addict.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
this is sad and to the killer THANKS ALOT ASSHOLE this act of stupidity just added gasoline to the fire and mr thompson and anti gaming groups will never shut up now what do these hypocrites expect us to do ?like rock and roll thet can't stop it either so shut up


New member
Jan 2, 2009
More evidence that playing video games does not cause violence: Not playing them does.

Lord Kofun

New member
Mar 18, 2009
Dear God. That is several different kinds of screwed up.
hotacidbath said:
I feel so terrible for the son in all this.
Amen. Poor kid. I can't imagine walking into my parent's room and seeing my dad standing over a shredded pile of meat that USED to be my mom. That thought evokes a statement that I would likely get banned for.

Lucky me, I never liked GTA.