Man Murders Girlfriend Over GTA


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Bare in mind that the game is not ENTIRELY at fault. Her addiction put thoughts into her Husband's head. Feeling extreme paranoia, he lashed out. Just goes to show that games aren't for the weak-minded.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Sigmar Heldenhammer said:
NoMoreSanity said:
Wow, this is a different tale than what usually goes on in GTA 4 controversy. Even though she was addicted, she didn't deserve to die. Also, she let her son play till midnight? She obviously needed to take some time away from him if she wanted to play in a way that didn't piss off her husband.

"I think I might've killed her" he says after stabbing her 20 times. I wonder about people sometimes...
Now for the Sigmar the insane version of background events that did not happen.

Clearly the husband was a wow addict who found out his wife was going to play warhammer, so he decided to stun lock her to stop her...but he forgot he was 79 levels higher than she was and accidentally killed her with his cheap shot...

Everyone got that right?
I did, shamefully xD

Sergeant M. Fudgey

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Well, god, there was a reason for it! He can't sleep, his wife is up all night, he has to sleep on the couch if he can at all, she has an affair, and then she decides to move! If I were him I would be pretty pissed off too, but... I wouldn't kill her. I'd just scream at her and tell her she should move immediately. Then put her possessions on the lawn and lock her outside, she would be moving anyway.

P.S. If the genders were switched, I would have done the same thing as I detailed here, don't go calling me sexist!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
the media: always blaming games, fantasy, and imagination for all the problems in the real world

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
stormcaller said:
Wow...for once games actually have a part in this but still can't be blamed.

Also having an affair!? With what? Niko? (To my knowledge there is no Multiplayer)
There is. Online Multiplayer. The PS3 is wireless, so it's possible she was playing and conversing with someone online.

Red Dragon414

New member
Apr 3, 2009
MA7743W said:
Too bad this'll somehow become twisted in the media so it seems like he was the violent 'addict' who decided to 'emulate' his favorite game and stab his wife.
Indeed. and I dont know what you people are talking GTA IV was a good game. I even downloaded the expansion for it, and saw some man privates.. :p. I am surprised no one is talking about that in the news.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
i think it may have more to do w/ the fact she wsa cheating on him and threatening to take his kids and not let him see them again.
Feb 13, 2008
Captain_Caveman said:
i think it may have more to do w/ the fact she wsa cheating on him and threatening to take his kids and not let him see them again.
Can I just clear this up? He 'said' she was cheating on him and wouldn't let him see his kids.

As there's no proof of either, the only evidence the police have was that he was angry about the GTA, hence the title.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
People blame games because they know they contain violence, and when something goes tits up and someone gets killed people instantly blame video games as the cause. This is really quite sad because it leads to good games being the center of controversy such as GTA and Manhunt. I think that its down to the player rather than the game, if they decide to chop some-ones bollocks off with a sickle it wasn't because of a game, it was because of the twisted mind of the murderer.