Man Murders Girlfriend Over GTA


New member
Apr 1, 2009
"James called the police after the attack. When they were on the line, his father took the phone from him and told the authorities, "I'm sorry. I think I've killed her."

Sounds about right.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Two things to say here..

Therumancer said:
Ahh well my apologies, no sleight was intended, bad communication on my part.
As a 3rd party reading this exchange between you two, I must say that I believe you are being overly and unneccessarily apologetic here.

There was no bad communication on your part. Your original comment was very clear and concise. You used terms like reporter and author. Rudamentory common words that have a very limited scope of meaning. Was the thread starter the reporter and author of the story, no. That would be Matthew Moore. I for one fail to grasp how there was any miscontrusion at all. That there was is not a fault of the language you used.

Yes, the main body of the article rambles on a bit about about Playstation/GTA and makes some suggestions, but only because that is the crux of the case the laywers are making. Can't fault the reporter for reporting what is happening, regardless if what is happening is bullchips. The real vulgar sensationalism is the headline and prologue.

Headline said:
Father killed partner who became hooked on Sony PlayStation
Prologue said:
A father stabbed his partner to death after she threw him out of their bedroom so she could spend the nights playing on a Sony PlayStation console.
The article only vaguely hints at suggesting what the headline says, and absolutely does not say anything the prologue does.

Now, I don't know how it works in the UK, but here in the States, headlines and catchy prologues are written by the editors, NOT the authors. For the sake of making this point, I will assume they work the same way. It's unfair to bash the reporter and author of the story for transgressions commited by the editor.


New member
Feb 20, 2009
I bet Jack Thompson is going to blame it all on games, even tho it clearly wasn't games fault.
The kid must be feeling terrible right now.
Feb 13, 2008
Artlover said:
Now, I don't know how it works in the UK, but here in the States, headlines and catchy prologues are written by the editors, NOT the authors. For the sake of making this point, I will assume they work the same way. It's unfair to bash the reporter and author of the story for transgressions commited by the editor.
I'd severely suggest you read the Daily Mail sometimes. That'll give you an idea of how 'fair' this report was. 'pologies for getting a little defensive but this was one of those stories I almost didn't write because of it's icky feeling.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Jesus Christ on a motor-powered jet-ski, that's awful. Thankfully, though, Jack Thompson's no longer a real lawyer, so he won't be on gamers' cases as much for isolated incidents like these.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
It's kind of arbitrary to link this to gaming, the woman could also have gotten a dog and the man would still have murdered her.

1: She was a massive *****, forcing your husband out of the room to play a video game?!!!
2: She could be his teen pregnancy daughter, 62-46 = 16!!! years of difference. His balls where probably so dried out she slept with multiple men.
3: She undoubtedly did have an affair.
4: That man was damned crazy
5: That man had no balls, he could ave pulled the damn thing out of her hands or told his son to keep it from mum but he thought a knife would be a better ball substitution.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
zauxz said:
The sad thing is that the deuchebag will probably to get to play it in jail.
Nobody noticed or commented on this? Incredible. Now, on to the pressing matter that I actually made an account on this website to address. Zauxz - did you miss the entire point of this conversation? He wasn't the one playing the game, SHE was.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
Man, I think that the real story is this.

The son got GTA and was playing it when his mum came into the room glanced at the game one time. Soon after the husband goes blood drunk through influences that have nothing to do with games and decides to murder his wife, THE END

Of course when the media got hold of this story the first thing that came to mind was 'hmm how can we make this murder the games fault'


New member
Mar 3, 2009
We all hurt the one we love sooner or later.
The thing is, most of us do it in ways considerably less barbaric, gruesome and irreversible than this. That way, we can then say we're sorry, and make it up to the person.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
The way the title was worded makes it sound like he killed her because it told him to on GTA4 but seriously I think this is a huge overreaction.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
Major textwall warning!!!

My interpretation of the events is that, assuming everything written in that article is true, the woman was playing the game on the TV and did not have a headphone (or she's using a TV that doesn't allow one for some reason) and the noise is driving the man insane so he has to sleep on the couch outside. This happened for a while until the man had a suspicion that she's having an affair with someone else which could be one of these two possibilities:
1) She is using the video game as a way to drive him away from the bedroom (where she will have an affair when he's asleep outside on the couch).
2) She's having an affair elsewhere that's not related to the game.
3) She was having an affair online in the game

The article was not clear on it, but I originally thought it was possibility #1. I re read the article, and I realize that her being obsessed with the game and playing it until 6 in the morning in the bed room, and the man thinking she had an affair and murdered her for it are probably two exclusive events that somehow got tied in together via journalism. To see what I mean, ignore the first two paragraphs of The Escapist's article, or read only this part of the Telegraph article, and I place emphasis on the world 'ALSO'.

The court yesterday (Monday) heard how Palmer had ALSO become convinced that she was having an affair, and went into a violent rage when she told him she wanted him to move out in November last year, threatening that he would never get to see their children again.
That evening he attacked her with two knives, inflicting 20 separate wounds to her upper chest. The murder was overhead by their son James, who called 999 before Palmer grabbed the phone and told emergency operators: "I'm sorry. I think I've killed her."

It becomes a normal 'man suspects woman of an affair, murdered her' which is on the news for a gazillion time. Attach the first two paragraphs to it (or several for the Telegraph), put on a neat title of 'Man murders girlfriend over GTA' and 'Father killed partner who became hooked on Sony PlayStation', and every gamers/anti-gamers and their gaming/non-gaming grandmothers are reading it.

For the possibility #3, who knows if he DIDN'T think it was a viable way to have an affair. You've been hearing about people meeting new people over the internet, haven't you? We know it's an absolute bull to have an affair on a game's multiplayer mode, but what do you think a 62 year old man would know about gaming and the internet?

That aside, what caught my eye was the suspicion that these two are probably not even married. The article never once mention the word 'wife' or 'husband', but rather 'girlfriend', 'mother of his children', 'partner' and the like. It said they had a 30-year long relationship, but they never get married? They never wanted to commit, and they have three bloody children (at least one of whom is probably now scarred for life)? Something is wrong in this relationship I can tell you that. Seriously wrong.

And are they telling me that the mother wanting to move out (which leads to her getting killed) stemmed on, and I quote Defence lawyer Timothy Spencer QC in the Telegraph article "The genesis of this tragedy bizarrely lies with the purchase of the PlayStation." ??? Well how the F would a guy react if he suspect his girlfriend is having an affair, and then suddenly she said she wants to move out and take all the children away? The guy is annoyed, and yet he's not the one moving away but it's the WOMAN that is moving away. How can all this make logical sense? Are all lawyers F-tards? Oh wait, that's a rhetorical question.....

No facepalms in the world is enough for this kind of media stupidity. Media watchdogs, he's another piece of juicy steak for you to feast on.

I wish someone would drop them a piece of poisoned streak for them to chew on one day.

I've said it so many times and I'll say it again: never believe the media.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
ok firstly ive had a girl that i liked A LOT and it hurts when she is about to leave you and starts neglecting you but still what the hell i would think this is a joke if i didnt find it on here


New member
Jan 20, 2009
stormcaller said:
Wow...for once games actually have a part in this but still can't be blamed.

Also having an affair!? With what? Niko? (To my knowledge there is no Multiplayer)
ya their is multi........