Manufacturing Firm Plans Adults Only 'Sex Box'


New member
Jan 5, 2008
And oddly enough, I apologized for the misunderstanding earlier but you decided to carry on. So now that you've hammed on about an age old delight and continue with the ad hominem attacks, care to move onto something constructive?

Magically what I find about how miserable I am is that I never felt the need to go ad hominem or brag about my penis. Thank you for showing me the way of all things.

As for this... "So that's why I brought up an "incredibly obvious" way of demonstrating how one thing can be *inappropriate* for a certain situation without its inappropriateness being because it's somehow 'horrible' or 'shameful' or anything else negative."

I'm still waiting for what you were going to do after it. Care to move onto that now or do you wish to continue name calling or perhaps something else incredibly proving of your awesome power.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
robert632 said:
huh. i think this might outsell the wii, ps3, and 360 combined.
If is to be believed about the income of the porn industry, I would be willing to take that bet with you.


Game Developer
Jul 31, 2009
The other day I saw a documentary on the prevalence of the porn industry on modern media and society and there was a segment on a particular type that would probably make a neat peripheral for such a console.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
I'd probably get one, the multiplayer itself would be an experience ;)

Seriously though.
Mankind doesnt really need this.

How hard would it be to strap a DS to a sex toy and package it all with a free Tetris game.
THATS what they need to be selling.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
I'm sorry, but I can't see this not selling. As disgusting as it is, sex is a huge industry

I know you can get porn for free on the internet, but think about this.

Is it interactive? There are loads of people willing to pay for porn that is interactive. How do you think things like "Girls gone wild" are so advertised on tv? BECAUSE PEOPLE PAY FOR IT.

With an HD, interactive medium like this that $3.3 BILLION is certainly going to spill over. That is JUST PORN it doesn't even count money spent on things like: strip clubs, callgirls, prostitutes, erotic massage, illegal or child porn, person trafficking, sex shops?(not sure if thats porn...), those dolls... (forget their name), the list goes on. All of which are expensive and most of which you need to leave the house for, anyone who says this wont sell is out of their minds.

The only problem now is how people are going to keep this kind of thing discreet from friends, lifepartners etc.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Actually I apologized for the misunderstanding as that was the root of my annoyance. An annoyance I take very, very seriously. Ergo, would be a retraction of the bile you endured previously though you seem to want to continue to ride your high horse so by all means, do yourself the favor of ignoring me. I'm sure I will wallow in anguish for days.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
People that are into porn are always looking for something new. They don't have one or two pieces of porn on their computers, or a couple of DVDs that they keep going back too. No they keep purchasing or downloading it. The reason behind this is that porn in its visual aspects (DVDs, photos etc) is not a purely interactive medium, or to put another way you?re a passive participant. So in order to get the necessary thrill you need new material, as the old gets stale and formulaic. What the sex box does is give you another avenue to indulge in porn and if it offers enough variation and degrees of freedom then it could be very successful.

However there are problems with this format:

1.Immersion. The most important thing with any medium is it?s ability to engage you in it?s alternative reality, the second that it breaks the immersion it can destroy the experience. Now with porn it?s pretty simple to become immersed in it. It?s pretty simple with the more conventional porn you find something you like and you sit back and enjoy. With video games there is so much more that can go wrong and ruin the experience.

2.Quantity. One of the things that makes porn such a lucrative business is that there is so much of it and it?s easy to produce. There is also literally something for everybody out there anything you want you can find. With the sex box it?s going to be a lot harder to cater for all those tastes. With the current state of technology it would be nearly impossible to produce a game that caters for everybody. On the PC this is easy and has been done already. Nor are you going to have enough developers out there, at the start, to produce enough games to meet the demand of tastes.

3.Talent. Taking an erotic picture or making a porn film is pretty easy. Making a
video game, on the other hand, that is a lot harder and requires a lot of talent and time. Now I can?t see the likes of Activision, EA or Ubisoft being in a hurry to produce games for the sex box. So we?re going to see a lot of first time game developers creating things. It?s probably going to take some time before anything worth while comes out.

4.Lawsuits. When this comes out how long is it going to be before somebody makes a game where you can bonk Princes Peach?

Despite these problems and no doubts a tanker load of others people will still buy this when it comes out. For one reason above all else sex sells.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Hey, hey, why're we all thinking of porn on a console here? I'd love some hilariously awkward party games. Rock Band for the first half of the party, Sex Box for the second half. Woo!


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Why pay extra money for a specific system that specialises in pornography when you could just download and play on the PC, xbox, etc? the most idiotic way to waste money IMO.

Besides, one of the most important rules with owning porn is that you do not show people you own any, which is why you place the magazines under the bed, the DVDs are hidden elsewhere.

Having a machine called a 'Sex Box' say by your TV is the same as walking down the street wearing a T-shirt saying "I play pornogames".

Eblis said:
4.Lawsuits. When this comes out how long is it going to be before somebody makes a game where you can bonk Princes Peach?
Or the obvious inevitability when a woman's rape is blamed on a sex box.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Speaking for myself it largely depends on what they do with it. Truthfully I'd prefer that game companies just do what is nessicary to release AO games themselves rather than seeing the release of dedicated hardware.

In general if this literally just turns into a device to download and play porn, I have no interest in it. As pointed out, you can already do that, and I see no reason why I would buy an adult movie in a console format when I can get a regular DVD anytime I have a mind to.

Generally speaking despite how it sounds at times, I'm not a huge porn hound. I simply believe that some fantasy sex, including over the top stuff, can add a lot to a production. The trick is to add this to augement something, rather than producing straight porn. I want a game with adult stuff in it, not straight porno. I'm not sure if I've articulated that well, but what I'm kind of getting at is how you have nasty and depraved stuff going on in horror novels by guys like Edward Lee, Richard Matheson, Clive Barker, and others. If your doing a survival horror game where the strength is the visuals and such, actually show that tuff as part of the game or whatever. Not to mention the fact that if I spend an entire game trying to rescue some babe, a sex scene would be nice. :p

IF a "Sex Box" brings out a bunch of good game designers to produce games with true adult elements, then I'd be all for it. If again it's just a fancy player for adult movies, and all it has are weak sex games like a lot of those imported Japanese H-games, I have no real interest.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
It was only a matter of time.

I guess like 50-150 bucks. Games should be like 15 bucks though, considering all the free porn


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
DeathWyrmNexus said:
Actually I apologized for the misunderstanding as that was the root of my annoyance. An annoyance I take very, very seriously.
Too seriously. Learn some manners appropriate for interacting with people you disagree with, or keep yourself away from discussions and debates. It's that simple.
Indeed, a lesson learned that I will only get people talking about their dicks and name calling if there is a mishap.

Keep your sermon (and your penis) to yourself.

EDIT: Awesome, I found the ignore function on the site. Go ahead and use it yourself.