Manufacturing Firm Plans Adults Only 'Sex Box'


New member
Jul 12, 2009
RebellionXXI said:
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
Earnest Cavalli said:
For instance: which would you rather watch with your mom--hardcore violence or hardcore pornography?

/endless debate
With MY mom? Definitely porn! I mean, she would freak out either way, but at least with porn I could laugh my ass off at her reactions and not look like a psychopath. Ever see a two girls one cup reaction vid? I imagine it would be something like that.
So much different for me. I could watch the most violent thing ever and there would be no awkward moment. But if Bond gets into bed with a girl, cue the crickets.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
DeathWyrmNexus said:
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
Earnest Cavalli said:
Due to the endlessly debated moral double standard that sees hardcore violence as perfectly fine for our young ones, while the slightest hint of a nipple might drive them to rape and murder like tiny Vikings, only the most horrific scenes of torture and mutilation could ever hope to acquire the AO rating, while a few seconds of naked snuggling will earn the brand faster than you can say "Larry Flynt was right!"
The reason the debate is endless is because those are the only two sides of the debate ever presented: no one ever presents the idea that it isn't about how "the slightest hint of a nipple might drive them to rape and murder like tiny Vikings" but about how sex differs from violence.

For instance: which would you rather watch with your mom--hardcore violence or hardcore pornography?

/endless debate
I am slightly disturbed that you are not so subtly hinting at the idea of an orgasm or the faking thereof as more horrible than a murder.
I don't know what kind of video games you play, but no one ever gets murdered in any game I play. The 'faking thereof' of a murder might occur in the games I play, just like it does in the plays I enjoy like _Julius Caesar_ but there's never been an actual *murder* in any of my games; in fact, considering most of the games I play where people die it's a combat situation which means these are justifiable homicides and not murders, you must be playing very different games than I am.

See, here's part of the reason the debate is endless: there's no *real* violence in video games. There's the depiction of fictitious violence, but there's no actual violence, yet people talk as if there is. On the other hand, even when a depiction of sex is fake, well, it's still kinda real.

And another part: the idea that deciding what children see or not being a matter of how 'horrible' it is--no, it isn't. It's a matter of appropriateness. Some wonderful material is nevertheless not appropriate for certain age groups--it's not that the material is 'horrible' it's that they're not ready to handle it because it's too mature. That's a big problem in this debate: the idea of corrupting a child's *morals* gets conflated with harming a child's *development*.

I mean, roller coasters are awesome, but you don't go putting a kid on a ride that's too thrilling or else they get scared in a bad way. That's the dimension that's missing from this debate, and why it's endless.

EDIT: I can see where you are coming from but I don't tend to spend my evenings watching movies with my mom... I have a fiancee' for that, which makes your question kinda odd to me. @_@
Ah, I see you've never heard of the thing called a 'hypothetical question': here, this should help you
1. I have heard of a hypothetical question and when they are useful is when they are usually relevant. Asking about whether a person watches hardcore violence or sex with their mother isn't that relevant as a lot of people don't do neither. It is akin to asking if you would watch hardcore sex or violence with Jesus. It is an appeal to prudish innocence and silly to boot.

2. As for a murder in a game or movie, here you are playing games with terminology and need to stop. If you are watching death, you are watching death. Obviously you are not watching a person really and truly expire from this world but you are watching a director's best adaptation of such. You are still trying to say that the faked violence or death is somehow less icky than sex on film. It is a perpetually silly argument, which is why it is endless. People are too stupid in large groups to realize that an orgasm is not a horrible sin against nature, it is not worse than watching people get blown to bits and die horrible deaths.

3. You bring in children and I realize this has become pointless since they have nothing to do with this thread or topic. I am not even going to bother beyond this point because you grasping for something to talk about now.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Amnestic said:
Why would you need an sex console when you have a PC with an internet connection? It's not because people can't handle it it's because it's entirely unnecessary, like marketing a DVD Rewinder.
This. I'll never understand why people even bother to pay for the stuff with all the free porn there is on the internet. But meh if this does come out it'll probably sell like hot cakes.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
The console being called a Sex Box, listed as only having sex games on it and it's main focus being sex games, I don't think children getting one is a concern.

"Mommy I want a new console!"

"What's it called?"

"Um, never mind..."


New member
Jan 5, 2008
First of all I am going to apologize for not sending bile to appropriate person about bringing children into the discussion due to multitasking.

Second of all... "Granting that for the sake of argument, you've confused 'relevant' with 'likely'."

Um, if it isn't likely, then it isn't all that relevant now is it? As for the snuff films, I was talking about the depiction of murder not snuff films. You decided to go on that leap all your own. I was discussing the depiction since this is about video games, porn, and violent movies. And if you honestly want to go the route of which is worse, sex on film or a violent movie, I will still say that real sex is less horrifying than fake violence.

And for the sake of sillyness, I am going to state that my mother was the one who decided to buy me Playboys and she was the person I watched most of the horrors movies I took in growing up. My mom was odd so counting her would be like counting a sixth finger.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
I think the internets are much better, I mean which both hands on the control what can you really do? ;)


New member
Jan 5, 2008
That first part was what people call an apology for calling you on a point you didn't bring up. If you are going to act like I am the dumbass here, you can at least act like you know what is going on.

As for your thought experiment, I'm glad you are so determined to make us think about watching movies with mom but I have yet to honestly care. Neither is really bothersome and most porn channels aren't constant access anyway. You could go the point of Showtime playing one of its softcore features but I would avoid that simply because I don't want to think about sex with my mother present. It isn't about shame, it is simply about the fact that I have no desire to engage in ANY kind of sexual stimuli with my mother about.

So I guess what really needs to be brought out here is what your actual point is to the whole "thought experiment/hypothetical question?" Are you trying to get people of whether or not they want to be watching porn with their mother? And why on Earth would you even ponder such a thing? Freud's ghost wonders this and more about you.

"Obviously you are not watching a person really and truly expire from this world." Yea, notice the word Not as in Not what I am referring to.

As for your cock, I have my doubts as you bragging it about it on the internet. Meaning it practically doesn't exist. Also, when did I insult your mother? Seriously dude, get some sleep and come back when you actually have a point besides trying to decide whether or not we want to watch porn with our moms. You aren't trying to say sex is worse than violence. You aren't saying anything about kids, just responding to the previous guys. So what exactly is your point now?


New member
Jan 12, 2009
beddo said:
Interesting, I wonder what 'motion controls' it will use, I expect some amazing 'force feedback'. Okay, enough with the puns.

Now I'm imagining the AR suite in Red Dwarf with the force feedback cod piece. In fact add 3d headset googles with full rotation and augmented reality and I reckon that you wouldn't only have a winner on your hands, you might well cease the procreation of humankind.

EDIT: Trivia referenc to the end of the world:



New member
Jan 12, 2009
hansari said:
"Good news everyone!"

"I've finally found a place to put all those Japanese rape...err, 'platinum' games"
Bless you Professor Farnsworth.

*gasp* Oh, noes.



New member
Feb 25, 2009
Doesn't this already exist? My gf has a "sex box" with some great interactivity and the most lifelike visuals you've ever seen.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
hansari said:
"Good news everyone!"

"I've finally found a place to put all those Japanese rape...err, 'platinum' games"



no i wont be buying one.

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007
Difference between porn on computer and games console.

When you pre order games, the mail man won't look at you in the same way ever again.
You know when people find your porn file on your computer and it's really embarassing. Wait until they find this.
You can't really set this one up in the living room can you?