Mark Wahlberg Confirmed For Lead Role in Uncharted Movie


New member
Jan 26, 2010
That's two video game movies that Mark Wahlberg will have ruined.

And besides, I wanted to see a Nathan Fillion movie more than an Uncharted movie.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
So...instead of hiring the guy that looks the part, acts the part, wants the part and has half the internet wanting him to have the part, they hire a guy who may have a vague resembalance, and will likely not have as good comic timing, who many people seem to agree isn't suited to the part and the last memorable thing he was in, which was also a video game adaptation stank to the high heaven of dung and was universally panned by critics, gamers, film lovers and you're general everyman too....good call there, real solid call.

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
Really? Wahlberg? He has the charm of a tree, how is he going to pull of cocky prick Nathan Drake? I mean, I really wanted Nathan Fillon to be Drake, and I never even saw Firefly. He's just so perfect. Oh, well.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
aNimeKing33 said:
I honestly think they should have used James Roday(main guy from Psych)

but it doesn't matter since I'm still going too see it.
He would have been perfect.

Mark Wahlberg as Nathan Drake in the opening scene: "Hey pirates! So you're pirates, what's that all about? Say hi to your mother for me."

Terrible choice in my opinion. I like Mark, but he certainly doesn't fit well for this role. He is good at being somber and brooding, not cracking jokes during a gunfight. I'll still see it though just because I like the IP.
Aug 25, 2009
I don't like Mark Wahlberg. I don't know why, I just have never been able to get into anything he's ever done. I think part of it may be that the first movie I saw him in was Max Payne, which kind of coloured my opinion, and the other part of it might be that I see him as somewhat of a Matt Damon rip-off. (I know they're very distinct, but every time I see Marky Mark I think of Matt Damon as Jason Bourne)

I was almost going to see this when I thought Fillion had the lead. Ah well, it isn't like I know anything about the games either.


New member
May 31, 2009
aNimeKing33 said:
I honestly think they should have used James Roday(main guy from Psych)

but it doesn't matter since I'm still going too see it.
You win.

Drake and Shawn have virtually similar attitudes...just get Roday to buff up ever so slightly till its believable that he can pull himself up over a ledge...


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
*recalls who Mark Wahlberg is*
Eeeewwwww... that guy? Really? Not Fillion? Ewwww...


New member
Feb 3, 2009
I always thought of Mark Wahlburg as the poor man's Matt Damon. However, I don't really think Mark Wahlburg is a good actor.


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
I don't like Mark Wahlberg. Then again I've never played Uncharted.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
He doesn't seem like a happy, lady killing prick to me D: Since that is what Nathan is...though he does look like him.


New member
Sep 4, 2010
Don't really know what to think of an Uncharted movie. On one hand it could be the first good video game adaptation. On the other hand all video game movies suck(this includes the Silent hill movie and Prince of (Britain) in my opinion). One hand says "hey Nathan Drake has very little backstory and characterization you can add alot to the character to make him work". Other hand says "he is a very bland character that critics will put through the shredder". Indiana Jones ripoff/pulp adventure, eye candy for the women/poor story telling, amazing adventures/monotomy of explosion. i don't know!

Rigor Morty

New member
Aug 18, 2010
honestly, i dont see why they need to adapt every game that comes along. in my opinion (for what's its worth) it detracts from the gaming medium (comics too btw) as it makes it seem like games are a stepping stone to movies. i dont agree with that, can't a game just stay as a game. OF COURSE there are exceptions, such as using the 'universe' of the game to create something, similar to the halo live action stuff, that was pretty decent. but to summarise the other comments in this post...WHY NO NATHAN FILLION :mad:


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Dear Naughty Dog/Sony,

Pay attention to the people who made your franchise popular and want to see a movie adaptation of your game succeed.

Don't allow Columbia Pictures to destroy the acclaim that your series has garnered by letting them cast an actor who has shown no depth or acting ability relevant to the role of Nathan Drake. How many bad video game-movie adaptations must be made that fail solely for the casting of the lead before the movie companies start listening to the people who have played the games? These aren't books; we haven't had to form a mental idea of who the character is and what they look like in order to understand them. Our medium not only provides us with the chance to be shown what a character looks like, but we also learn alot of secondary information by how we act through them. We know fully what the character looks like, acts like, walks like, sounds like, etc. Why is it acceptable that video games based on movies use exact character likenesses and voice actors, but the same isn't expected of video game - movie adaptations?

Can you honestly tell us that you believe Mark Wahlberg is a good representation of Nathan Drake? Do you really think Nathan's bitter wit, supplemented with a constant smirk, will be able to be conveyed by Wahlberg without it seeming campy and forced? There are actors who are better suited for this role, and we all know it. It's time to stop allowing movie companies to tout the self-fulfilling prophecy that "video game movies don't sell". If they truly, honestly, want their movies to succeed, they will make sure that while opening the IP to a broader audience, they do every damn thing they can to show to the people that created the success of the franchise in the first place that they care about making as much of an accurate conversion as possible. Much like any adaptation, there's some room for interpretations, but at least get the damn basics right.

Here's a parting thought. Max Payne was a respected and acclaimed franchise before someone decided to take "fighting his own demons" too literally from the box art on the way to the movie studio. Not only was the movie an embarrassment to us as gamers, but it also irreparably sullied the name Max Payne; possibly to the point of killing the name.

Is it a coincidence that Max Payne 3 was cancelled?

Uncharted's success as a game has been largely related to the nature and banter of Nathan Drake. If you remove that with a poor actor casting, you remove a major component of what made the series entertaining, much like the result of making Max Payne a demon-hunter.

This casting will destroy this movie, and may possibly destroy your franchise. Please heed the warning, and do whatever you can to protect your creation - one that many of us have played and enjoyed - from being reduced to something that will only resemble Uncharted in name.


Video Game Enthusiasts Worldwide


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008

I've seen Wahlberg in a few movies. He's not a bad actor, but neither is he a great one. Then again, this is a video-game movie we're talking about. Studio probably has lowered expectations for it, willing to hire talent that.... eh, might not be the best fit, but come on a budget.

Let's face it, Wahlberg isn't exactly an A-list star. Neither is Fillion for that matter. More than ever, I'm convinced that the Uncharted Movie will be just another shlocky, relatively low-budget film that's destined for the DVD bargain bin.

Sorry. I really liked the Uncharted series, but video-game movies are never any good. Mostly because the studios don't put much effort or money into them. David O. Russell's not a good director either. I saw I Heart Huckabees. I was not impressed - I didn't hate it, but it was a relatively mediocre film.

But then again - Wahlberg was the best actor in that film. Maybe Russell knows how to use him.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
i think it should have been nolan north. i like nathan fillion but......


New member
May 13, 2010
Whytewulf said:
DSK- said:
I can't say I've liked any one of Wahlberg's movies. Not one. Still, here's hoping this turns out alright.
It depends for me. I liked the Departed, though he wasn't really the main charcater. I really enjoyed the Italain Job and Invincible. His humor comes out in his cameos on Entourage. This movie probably needed a name behind it, hence he was chosen.
You know, I genuinely forgot that Mark was even in that :/