Mark Wahlberg Confirmed For Lead Role in Uncharted Movie


New member
Aug 6, 2010
I think Marky Mark will do a good job, and he looks pretty close to him (not as close as Fillion but pretty close).


New member
Jun 18, 2009
The Arbiter of Cool said: least they didn't pick Nick Cage.
LMAO! True that. But Marky Mark in no way makes fits the character of Nathan Drake. I was all for Nathan Fillion to play it. Occassionally I like Wahlberg's acting but a lot of the time I think it sucks. And he has been terrible in adapations of other IP's he has been in. His acting in Planet of the Apes was just bad and Max Payne as a whole was just bad. But I don't expect the movie to be very good any how, another unnecessary film version of a game that doesn't need to be; the Uncharted games are good enough and cinematic enough in scope that they don't need movie versions.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
The Arbiter of Cool said: least they didn't pick Nick Cage.
I was about to say that I wasn't going to watch it now because it had Wahlberg, but thank you for setting me straight and realizing it could actually be worse. I completely forgot about Cage's attempts to act.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Shale_Dirk said:
Is it a coincidence that Max Payne 3 was cancelled?
I assume you are referring to the computer game? Max Payne 3 hasn't been cancelled yet...might as well be though seeing as Max Payne is no longer Max Payne.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
mad825 said:
Shale_Dirk said:
Is it a coincidence that Max Payne 3 was cancelled?
I assume you are referring to the computer game? Max Payne 3 hasn't been cancelled yet...might as well be though seeing as Max Payne is no longer Max Payne.
Indefinitely postponed means cancelled in today's day and age of video games.

Hopefully the next time they even bother to put screenshots out, he's dropkicking a mafia don in black and white.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
DaxStrife said:
Okay, Wahlberg can act (see: "Three Kings"), but he hasn't done that very well lately (see: "The Happening," "Max Payne").
Fillion needs a break more than Wahlberg does, and he's practically ready to be the next Harrison Ford if Hollywood would just give him the screen time.
Therein lies the problem with Hollywood politics. Fillion is great on TV however the few full length features he's done unfortunately read like a 'worst of' list [except Serenity]. (Generally the director/ producers fault more than his own), add that to the fact that Fillion is still something of a niche actor. Wahlberg however has had quite a few successful films, even if he has been struggling lately. That alone raises his preference over Fillion even before role suitability is factored in. Still, as you said, he can act when put to the task properly.

I personally would have preferred Filion, but I'm not going to praise or bash the film-makers decision until I see the final product for myself.

Super Toast

Supreme Overlord of the Basement
Dec 10, 2009
They have a choice between one of the greatest pop culture icons in recent history, and a guy who's most famous for starring in a bunch of shitty movies (with a few exceptions) and they pick the latter. They couldn't of fucked it up worse.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Shale_Dirk said:
mad825 said:
Shale_Dirk said:
Is it a coincidence that Max Payne 3 was cancelled?
I assume you are referring to the computer game? Max Payne 3 hasn't been cancelled yet...might as well be though seeing as Max Payne is no longer Max Payne.
Indefinitely postponed means cancelled in today's day and age of video games.

Hopefully the next time they even bother to put screenshots out, he's dropkicking a mafia don in black and white.
not indefinitely, the expected release date is 2011 Q2 but then I guess we'll have to see if Rockstar makes another excuse.


Darth Conservative
Aug 12, 2009
manythings said:
Shale_Dirk said:
mr_rubino said:
Shale_Dirk said:
Mark Wahlberg: ruining movie adaptations of things people like since he was Marky Mark.
He's been in other adaptations?
Planet of the Apes, Max Payne.

But mostly Max Payne.
Was Planet of the Apes a book first? I thought it was just the movies as allegory for something that I can't think of at the moment.
YeaH it was basicly allegory to the Cold War and what might happen if the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. would push the big red button.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Yes, because he's such a great actor.

I say vote for Nathan Fillion anyway!


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Mark has seen better and worse days. Let's hope he pulls a good turn in this movie. But on the whole I'm not expecting much. He doesn't really do the Drake type at all.

But its not Drake himself that keeps the game together, its mostly the chemistry between Drake and Elena. So here's hoping they find someone he can trade jabs with.

It could work like it did in Six Days and Seven Nights (Harrison Ford and Anne Heche in a pretty bad movie that comes to life because of the two of them). That movie seems like the base template for the interaction between the two Uncharted main characters. Just add generic plot.
Falseprophet said:
I kind of enjoy the made-for-TV Librarian movies.
Wait, what? There's more mutants like me?
We should find a bald professor and start a team!


New member
Feb 19, 2009
And just like that, it becomes clear I will never see this movie.
Marky Mark took my money in The Happening, and he will never see another dime of my moolah. M. knight shimalayadingdong or not, he was fucking awful


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Mark Wahlberg? Really? He's not even my 352nd choice for Nate! What is he doing starring in the Uncharted movie?!

Let me spell it out for you:

Uncharted Movie - Nathan Fillion As Nathan Drake = Loss Of Me As Your Paying Customer.

As for De Niro? Well it's certainly not the most questionable thing he's starred in (cough*Rocky&Bullwinkle*cough)


New member
May 19, 2010
MmmFiber said:
Flac00 said:
aNimeKing33 said:
I honestly think they should have used James Roday(main guy from Psych)

but it doesn't matter since I'm still going too see it.
Hmm, i haven't seen him do anything were he needs to be tough....but that would be a pretty cool choice. As long as we don't have gus tagging along.
You're right. If Gus tagged along it would be too awesome and funny for our mortal minds to handle.
We'd all have awesomeness aneurisms.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
the OP mentioned that this movie has some weight to it... for some reason I feel like that hurts more than helps... they always tend to tie some big names to things when they know that said things are gonna suck. I really would hate for this to suck... especially since it's such a great series of games...

and changing the backstory and everything... that's just stupid, why not make a spin off then and have someone else play Drake, while mark and pesci deniro (sorry for spelling) are their own crew and run into Drake, I think thatd be cool!


New member
Jun 15, 2009
No no no no no no noooo!! I'm sorry, but did David O. Russell not see Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog?! This is an outrage!