Megan Fox: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Haters Can "F*ck Off"


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Why did she use a specific example of a movie she wasn't in? She should have used Transformers 2 as the example since that's the last Michael Bay movie she was in.


New member
May 5, 2010
On the one hand, I really do not like Megan Fox. On the other hand, I'm kind of glad someone is telling the hypocrites in the mewling masses to fuck off. On the other other hand, I don't like that she's basically legitimizing them when the status quo up to this point was just to pretend that they mattered rather than actually acknowledging them. Or is she? Hm, maybe she is a really good actress.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I can appreciate what she's saying and even concede that she has a point, it's how she said it that I have a problem with. Outright telling the "haters" to "fuck off" is not exactly very classy esp. in a public interview nor is it good for the films PR. Maybe I'm just old fashioned and used to a world were people had social filters. I don't know.


New member
Feb 26, 2011
Zontar said:
How is she still getting work again, and why should we care about what she has to say on the matter? And why the hell does Fox want HER of all people to star in a sailor moon movie?
You ever notice how her face is in that same face that looks like she got done shooting porn? It's just so static... it's fine for modeling, but...come on man, how is this attractive?

Captain Anon

New member
Mar 5, 2012
Well fuck you too *****, you know I wasn't gonna watch this movie but I'm going to avoid everything that Megan Fox gets involved like The Fucking Plague. what do you think of that *****?! you won't get my money and neither will Bay for any of his shit directing


New member
Jun 18, 2009
I was a fan of TMNT, but I have no intention of going to see this in the theater. I will rent it for a buck someday or something. Megan Fox is as suitable for the role as any other actress as far as this movie is concerned. She is a pair of tits and a voice and that is all that is needed; the April O'Neil character in this movie is about as deep and meaningful as Fox is a talented and classy actress. She seems a bit thin skinned in the face of criticism so perhaps some (more?) plastic surgery is needed.

What surprises me is the voice cast for the turtles, some interesting choices there. I thought for sure one of the Wayons brothers was doing the voice of Michelangelo, but boy was I wrong.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Not G. Ivingname said:
Isn't this coming from the same actress that utterly hates Michel Bay?
Apparently they patched things up.

Eh, didn't really care about her before, but anyone getting the hate from Bay and LeBouf the way she did can't be all bad...hell, even in this thread, every other poster is saying she's a whore.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Well that isn't the generic babyface work I'd expect from her. The heelwork is alright but I'm not a fan of using swearing to do it. My advice would be to insult the haters in better ways such as usage of the words "fat/out of shape", "virgin", "losers"...however going after the males may well not be the best choice for her. Insulting the women and telling them out of shape sweathogs to pipe down while she (in her new movie) shows their men what a real women is supposed to look like would make for much better heelwork.


New member
May 25, 2011
Mahorfeus said:
Well, that was... subtle. But you know what? She's absolutely right. There are people that say that they already hate this movie that will inevitably spend their money on a ticket anyway; just so that it will give them more fuel to throw on the fire, I guess.
Indeed. Anyone remember this [] hilariousness from a while back? For those who don't remember, before the release of Modern Warfare 2, there was a huge internet fuss about it not having dedicated servers for PC, and a big drive to boycott the game entirely. There was a Steam group set up for people to join in and let everyone know they would boycott it. That link shows a picture of the boycott group immediately after the game was released. The majority of members were playing Modern Warfare 2.

I'm far from a fan of Megan Fox, in fact I don't think I've seen a single film of hers that I actually liked, but on this point she is absolutely right - the majority of these whining about the Turtles film on the internet will be the first people into the cinemas when it's released. You vote with your wallet, not with internet Facebook likes and Twitter whining. Until people are actually willing to stand by their words and actually not pay money for things they claim not to like, Fox, Bay, any everyone else involved with films like this are well within their rights to just tell the whiners to fuck off. They have no reason to care what anyone says, it's what people do that matters.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Kahani said:
I'm far from a fan of Megan Fox, in fact I don't think I've seen a single film of hers that I actually liked, but on this point she is absolutely right - the majority of these whining about the Turtles film on the internet will be the first people into the cinemas when it's released. You vote with your wallet, not with internet Facebook likes and Twitter whining. Until people are actually willing to stand by their words and actually not pay money for things they claim not to like, Fox, Bay, any everyone else involved with films like this are well within their rights to just tell the whiners to fuck off. They have no reason to care what anyone says, it's what people do that matters.
They do have no reason to care what anyone says, which is exactly why Megan needs to shut up and ignore a tiny minority of fans that are bent out of shape over an unsurprisingly stupid-sounding narrative shot by a special effects-porn director and featuring a woman that's become famous by selling her own sex appeal.

Instead of focusing on things that matter, she's become the whiner. She had every right to say what she said, but there's every justification to say that she's an unprofessional twat and a shitty role model that only gets away with what she says because of her looks and fame -- both of which will fade.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Res Plus said:
Nice to have some blunt speech rather than the generic "I fink peplz will like it". People are too prissy these days.
We must be living in different realities. This sort of thing is fairly common. The only reason it's getting so much attention is because hate lightning rod Megan Fox is saying it.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Well, I was going to try and see the movie, even though I didn't like any of the trailers. But it's a new TMNT movie, so I might as well try it.

But now, I think I'll just wait for it to come out on DVD or cable.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
She's got a point. The internet acts like Bay's Transformers series is an affront to film making and yet it's spawned three sequels and keeps making money. Either these films ARE insanely popular or too many people just aren't voting with their wallets (or purses.)

On the other hand, there are plenty of people, such as myself, who will realise the movie is a steaming pile and simply not pay money to see it. I've never seen any of the Transformer movies simply because they look like overblown CGI spectacle shows and I have no interest in them. So what is Fox going to say to people like me, huh?

She really does look like a rubbish April O'Neil though. Just another damsel in distress which was NOT part of April's character.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Res Plus said:
Probably my shallow appreciation of current news events then I guess, I do have a throughly modern tendency to skim stuff. :)

I can agree Megan does seem to attract a lot of abuse, I always quite liked her but then I wasn't deeply invested in Transformers as a kid so I don't very the films as an appalling betrayal. I suspect TMNT is going to be equally popular.
On the flip side, I think she's a pretty terrible actress but my reaction is simply not to watch her movies. I mean, I don't like her, but I think the drudge people harbour against her is stupid. Especially if they're still nursing the "fake geek girl" grudge.
Nov 28, 2007
GamerMage said:
canadamus_prime said:
Classy Megan Fox, really classy. ¬__¬ I guess PR isn't your strong suit is it? Along with acting and doing anything other than flaunting your body all over the place.
Ah, the smell of model rage. We knew this was coming, (As is the reviews, which I'm anxiously waiting. =]) all I really have to say is: "Yes, give us all your rage. >=) (Insert Jeremy Irons D&D reference here)".
Hold on, I got you covered.

As for the topic at hand...I saw the trailer. Looks like standard Michael Bay stuff. I don't think it looks that good, but the rage over the trailer baffles me a bit. At the same time...Megan Fox, there's this thing called tact. It's not just the other half of ticks. Use it.