Metal is not "Screamo"

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
I hear a witch fanboy.

Anywho, considering the fact that a decent amount of the "harder" metal sub-genres contain vocals which could at the best be called "noises", I can see where they would get the genres mixed up. I do understand how you would be upset at the implied connection with the two. "Screamo" isn't that much like Metal. Then of course some of the stuff called "punk" is pretty ridiculous.

skitzo van

New member
Mar 20, 2009
Who gives a damn? its all music and the labels are just for idiots to identify with, or so the music store isn't all fucked up in its organization.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Don't bother with morons that label it as such. Take solace in that they're confined to their terrible pop music and that rap shit that everyone wishes was music. Based on that alone, you're probably a better person than they could hope to be.

Btw, there's nothing wrong with screamo if the song/band focuses more on the music portion than the vocals. Fall of Troy's a great example of that. Their instrumental sections are orgasmic.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Screamo is emo music with terribly lame "hardcore" screams. Scream+emo= Screamo simple


New member
Jan 30, 2009
Now. I will not insult others or the genre by calling myself a metalhead however I understand there are various subgenres of metal. That being said:I listen to some metal and the types they refer to as 'screamo' are metal songs where the lyrics are screamed. The reason the mainstream thinks all metal is like this is because, for the most part, this is what they have been exposed to, either by someone they know who listened to those kinds of metal songs, or even someone they don't know who had the music too loud. Even the media, during the multiple attempts to 'warn parents of the dangers of metal' would use this psecific type, probably to put metal in as negative a light as possible

Dimensional Vortex

New member
Nov 14, 2010
Gado911 said:
People that confuse the two genres deserve to die in a fiery abyss. Every single time i listen to any form of metal there is always an asshole who asks me 'Why do i listen to that screamo grabage?" Biggest pet peave of all time.
Really? I deserve to die in a fiery abyss because I don't want to take the time to distinguish someone screaming in a certain manner along with fast loud music from some other person screaming in a different manner along with a slightly different fast loud music? I'm not trying to be that one guy in the posts who gets a bunch of shit, but to me it all really sounds the same, if this offends anyone I am sorry but I really can see almost no difference between nearly every form of music that has loud and fast music played while someone screams at the top of their lungs ( I don't know how this is even classified as music in the first place)

P.S. That is all I have to say and please don't get all pissed off, this is just myyy opinions about them.

Merry Christmas :D


New member
Oct 25, 2009
I hate screamcore, screamo whatever. I actually just hate anything that's done because "it's hardcore". I like some Metal (Alice in Chains, some Nirvana), and more classic Metal.

Often times I enjoy blends of metal and some other genre too, like with Porcupine Tree. They have psychedelic rock + metal in a number of their songs.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
I'm not a metalhead and I enjoy real screamo from time to time. But people have told me that Greenday, the Gorillaz, and My Chemical Romance are all screamo bands. Some people just need to big thirsty gulp of drain cleaner

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
Yoshemo said:
I'm not a metalhead and I enjoy real screamo from time to time. But people have told me that Greenday, the Gorillaz, and My Chemical Romance are all screamo bands. Some people just need to big thirsty gulp of drain cleaner
How is Gorillaz "screamo"? I don't even think you can consider them rock...

OT, people often generalize things they have no interest or experience with. It's like people who think all video games are Halo or Grand Theft Auto. Sure, it's annoying to hear that generalization and try to correct them, but they just do not care, and you should not worry yourself with their ignorance. It will make your life a lot easier.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I came across this problem when I got into college. I had always listened to either country or classical and I had always dismissed all forms of metal because my only exposure to the genre until that point was what some might deem 'screemo' or 'black metal'. It was not until I was introduced to other forms of metal that I began to appreciate metal music.

It all depends on what kinds of metal you're exposed to. The genre is quite diverse and has many good bands in it, anywhere from classic metal such as Judas Priest
to more modern groups such as Stratovarious


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Screamo is also known as Hardcore, which is a load of crap.
Example of screamo would be Bring Me The (Hairstraightners) Horizon, Parkway Drive etc.

I dont know if its just me but Screamo is essentially the Emo kid genre, along with stuff like Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance.
Screamo is nowhere near metal, I believe it should be its own stupid genre instead of being a sub genre of metal.
Example of Metal would be Anthrax, Anvil, Megadeth, Testament, Iron Maiden etc

Im a death metal man myself (Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Terrorizer, Napalm Death, Hate Eternal etc etc)


New member
Sep 10, 2009
I get them confused all the time. I don't see the difference, and I don't like either genre, so why should I care?

(Sorry, don't mean to be offensive, but everyone has different tastes.)


New member
Dec 25, 2010
I love that kind of music.but i just define my music as screamo simply because theres screaming in it and its the most commonly recognized name for it. Without that title, people would think of thinks like metallica and haste the day as similar


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Oka? I get metal is a heavier rock, but is there really a difference? I mean, I've listened to liquid metal and it sounds like pople screaming. So can you really blame others for saying its screamo music?


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Wardnath said:
SimuLord said:
The only subgenre of metal that matters is melodic/epic power metal. Everything else is just noise.
Pfft. Black metal or GTFO. =)

Seriously though...

Wintersun FTW!
Them and Eluveitie(among others).



New member
Oct 25, 2010
Screamo is a type of metal...not one I particularly enjoy I must say. I don't see why it would bother you though. I don't really bother trying to put music into sub genres because peoples opinions differ from mine.

Bored Tomatoe

New member
Aug 15, 2008
No metal is not screamo. However, I believe that people continue to label it that because metalheads get so up in arms about the tiniest mislabeling. Relax and maybe people will take you seriously.


New member
May 22, 2010
brumley53 said:
Screamo is emo music with terribly lame "hardcore" screams. Scream+emo= Screamo simple
Thank you for this. For all the people who are saying that screamo is some sort of subgenre of metal: please read the post I just quoted. It's a subgenre of a subgenre of punk, which is the polar opposite of metal, at least when the discussion is kept within the offshoots of rock. Saying screamo is a subgenre of metal because they both involve screaming is like saying whales are fish because they spend their whole lives in the water.