Metal is not "Screamo"


New member
Nov 28, 2010
Zekksta said:
amoamaremetallum said:
Zekksta said:
amoamaremetallum said:
Zekksta said:
Lnc0 said:
Zekksta said:
Novskij said:
Zekksta said:
Novskij said:
Their similiar when your ignorant, or you dont understand them.
Holy shit, so much grammatical suck in the one sentence.

OT: No, Metal is not Screamo. Of course there are so many different types of metal nowadays it's hard to keep track of what's what I suppose.

Not really that much. Every metal band pretty much falls into one of these even if they have industrial, avant garde, or any other influences.
Metal, Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Alteritive Metal, New Metal, Morotic Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Speed Metal, Dark Wave Metal, Hip Hop Metal, Gothic Metal, Deathcore Metal, Thrashcore Metal, Trash Metal, Alteritive Gothic Metal, Black Metal, Dark Industrial Metal, Deathcore Metal, Grindcore Metal, Mathcore Metal, Glam Metal, Hardcore Metal, Industrial Techno Metal, Metalcore, Melodic Thrash Metal, Melodic Black Metal, Power Metal, Rock Metal, Melodic Trash Metal, Rap Metal, Noise Meta, 80's Metal, Grove Metal, Pirate Metal, Hardcore Metal, Doom Metal, Electric Metal, Folk Metal, Viking Metal, Traditional Metal, Orchestral Metal, Symphonic Metal, Progressive Metal, Dark Melodic Death Metal, Love Metal, Hair Metal, Epic Metal, Melodeath Metal, Extreme Metal, Funeraldoom Metal, Blackeneddeath Metal, Unblack Metal, Melodicblack Metal, Symphonicblack Metal, Drone Metal, Neo-Classical Metal, Sludge Metal, Post Metal, Stoner Metal

Read more: Can you list all the metal (Music) types? | Answerbag
You missed 'Nu Metal'

But man that's so many labels, why are they needed? 'Rap Metal'? What's wrong with just saying it's both Rap and Metal? So redundant
Oh, it's not my list, I just grabbed it off the link I posted.

I don't even know what half of those even mean. It is annoying when things are put into the wrong genre, but when you have SO fucking many, is it really that hard to believe it happens?

The amount of times my friends have bitched me out because I call something Metal when it's grindcore or something Heavy Metal when it's Death Metal is kind of annoying. I see where they are coming from but really.
I do agree with you on that nitpicking on the specific genres is irritating and unnecessary, but screamo is a very condescending term that just insults us.
I don't get why it insults anybody, the only real definition I can get from screamo is there's a lot of screaming in it. Which is exactly what a lot of metal seems to have.

To be clear, As I have made perfectly clear in earlier posts, I know Metal is not Screamo, I'm merely asking why the label is so condescending/offensive

Well, most people who don't listen to/understand metal are people who think it is nothing but reckles yells and unsophisticated bashing on guitars, when most of it is actually considered an art. There are people who spend hours a day trying to perfect their riffs and tap melodies and other stuff which requires WAY more skill than some popular genres of today.

Screamo is used (it really doesn't mean it) to the point WITH THAT BELIEF that metal is nothing but horrible bashing and wailing, that everyone who uses the word 'screamo' thinks metal is 'see above'.

I'm not trying to get in an argument or anything, but how would you like it if you spent 10 years learning how to play guitar masterfully and joining a band and creating EXTREMELY complex music, only to be insulted by a teen who hasn't listened to your music or taken the time to properly understand?
Sigh, again I have to plead ignorance to why it's an insult. I'm probably missing some key argument between screamo and metal fans, but I've never really seen anyone call something *screamo* intending it as an insult (then again I don't frequent many music boards). Also implying that learning to play guitar masterfully in a screamo band is less of an achievement just seems exceptionally arrogant to me.

To answer the question though, If I was in a successful band, playing extremely complex music I probably wouldn't give a shit what some random teen said to me to be honest..
Well like I said it's not ther term itself. It's only used by trolls/people who believe what I said, and because we associate that word with mindless wailing bashing and grunting, we feel crushed and devastated.

And for that point you said about skilled guitar in a screamo band, WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT? Go listen to some August Burns Red or some Dragonforce. I'm not a huge fan of these bands, but they work as an example of why great guitar is used so often.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Zekksta said:
amoamaremetallum said:
Zekksta said:
Lnc0 said:
Zekksta said:
Novskij said:
Zekksta said:
Novskij said:
Their similiar when your ignorant, or you dont understand them.
Holy shit, so much grammatical suck in the one sentence.

OT: No, Metal is not Screamo. Of course there are so many different types of metal nowadays it's hard to keep track of what's what I suppose.

Not really that much. Every metal band pretty much falls into one of these even if they have industrial, avant garde, or any other influences.
Metal, Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Alteritive Metal, New Metal, Morotic Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Speed Metal, Dark Wave Metal, Hip Hop Metal, Gothic Metal, Deathcore Metal, Thrashcore Metal, Trash Metal, Alteritive Gothic Metal, Black Metal, Dark Industrial Metal, Deathcore Metal, Grindcore Metal, Mathcore Metal, Glam Metal, Hardcore Metal, Industrial Techno Metal, Metalcore, Melodic Thrash Metal, Melodic Black Metal, Power Metal, Rock Metal, Melodic Trash Metal, Rap Metal, Noise Meta, 80's Metal, Grove Metal, Pirate Metal, Hardcore Metal, Doom Metal, Electric Metal, Folk Metal, Viking Metal, Traditional Metal, Orchestral Metal, Symphonic Metal, Progressive Metal, Dark Melodic Death Metal, Love Metal, Hair Metal, Epic Metal, Melodeath Metal, Extreme Metal, Funeraldoom Metal, Blackeneddeath Metal, Unblack Metal, Melodicblack Metal, Symphonicblack Metal, Drone Metal, Neo-Classical Metal, Sludge Metal, Post Metal, Stoner Metal

Read more: Can you list all the metal (Music) types? | Answerbag
You missed 'Nu Metal'

But man that's so many labels, why are they needed? 'Rap Metal'? What's wrong with just saying it's both Rap and Metal? So redundant
Oh, it's not my list, I just grabbed it off the link I posted.

I don't even know what half of those even mean. It is annoying when things are put into the wrong genre, but when you have SO fucking many, is it really that hard to believe it happens?

The amount of times my friends have bitched me out because I call something Metal when it's grindcore or something Heavy Metal when it's Death Metal is kind of annoying. I see where they are coming from but really.
I do agree with you on that nitpicking on the specific genres is irritating and unnecessary, but screamo is a very condescending term that just insults us.
I don't get why it insults anybody, the only real definition I can get from screamo is there's a lot of screaming in it. Which is exactly what a lot of metal seems to have.

To be clear, As I have made perfectly clear in earlier posts, I know Metal is not Screamo, I'm merely asking why the label is so condescending/offensive
There is a real definition of Screamo, it's a subgenre of PUNK. Its been explained many times here already, it has very little in common with metal. Go wiki it and listen to the example I gave. Screamo is nothing like metal, there's a lot more rock out there that has more in common with metal than screamo.

It is NOT used to describe music with screaming in it (which metal does not have btw), it is used to describe emo hardcore punk with screams (as in the screams you hear in horror movies, not death growls) in it as well post-hardcore (emo) with screams in it, hence the SCR-EMO name.

It is insulting to metal enthusiasts because it means you're basically describing metal as emo, which is about as polar opposite to metal as you can get and is against basically the whole point of metal or you are ignorant and think that screamo is some name for any music with harsh vocals and nothing else, which is also insulting (there is far more to metal than that).

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Screamo is metalcore, specifically the emo-er branch of it.

Metalcore is a mix of hardcore, and well, metal.

That's how I've always thought of it. That said, I god damn hate screaming and or growling in my metal, but whatever.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Zekksta said:
Zeriah said:
It is insulting to metal enthusiasts because it means you're basically describing metal as emo, which is about as polar opposite to metal as you can get and is against basically the whole point of metal.
I know this is besides the point, but considering you cleared up my other questions I figured I'd ask.
Weren't you asking why 'metalheads' would be offended if you called their music screamo?

Zekksta said:
I know the actual definition of Emo and the music genre of Emo are considered different things, but most reputable metal bands seem to have songs that would most certainly be considered Emo.
Sure I guess, there are some emotional metal songs. The same as there are emotional songs in just about any genre, but as you've said there's a whole lot of difference between 'emotional music' and the 'emo' genre that almost anybody would be aware of. You're not going to call an emotional rap song 'emo rap' or an emotional pop song 'emo pop'. Basically If you (mistakenly or not) refer to metal as this:

It is insulting.

Btw to be clear, I don't care if people mistakenly call I don't know, Metallica, death metal, I wouldn't be remotely offended (I'd probably laugh it off), but to basically call metal 'emo' is in a whole other ball park.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
edit: sorry, something happened with my cache and wasn't showing my earlier post so I figured I'd made a mistake and reposted it but, well it came back!


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Zeriah said:
Screamo was a form of Hardcore, emotive Punk in the early 1990's and when Punk eventually lead to the creation of Post-hardcore (emo), Screamo also evolved to become a term for Post-hardcore bands which incorporated some of the Screamo sounds of the early 1990's. Screamo never has and never was a description for metal or the metal growls. It is always either dickhead trolls who knowingly group together Screamo (emo bands) and metal bands to make you rage, or ignorant people who just don't know any better.

Screamo is not, I repeat IS NOT a term used to describe music with "screaming in it", it is used as a term for EMOTIVE HARDCORE PUNK as well as the newer post-hardcore emo stuff with screams in it, hence the Scr-emo way it is pronounced. Jeez, even the vocals aren't alike they are high pitched and literal screams. The stuff that is in metal are lower pitched growls, or in the case of black metal, higher pitched shrieks. There are no screams in metal.

Yes it is a pet peeve of mine too, either the guy is calling metal emo or is another ignorant, metal bashing douche who doesn't know jack squat about the genre and very likely, not much about music in general.

This is Screamo:

You see, it is nothing, NOTHING like metal or metal growls.

For reference:
Quoted for truth. This is something that grates on my nerves as well. The term Screamo, although referencing another genre entirely, is also used as a pejorative almost every time. I've never heard anyone use it positively. It's always someone who doesn't listen to metal and just lumps it with other things they associate with the "counter culture" scene. Wearing black and listening to music you don't like (and is viewed in negative light by a lot of the public). Alas, these two images are often used to describe Emo and are so prevalent in modern pop culture that I don't think the term Screamo is going anywhere soon.
Which is a shame, I never heard it growing up and listening to metal, only when I got older. Call my music noise if you want, I'll laugh, but when people started equating it with whinny self-loathing, arms need to be taken up.

Ignorance only buys you so much leeway.

On a related note, although I'm not one to get anal about categorization, (even wikipedia lists 30-odd different metal genres, not including fusion genres), I am glad that they are there. I'm glad for the same reason I'm glad every other type of music is heavily categorized. Categorization allows for one to track its influences and spin-offs, tracking music historically. Sure, it's largely useless knowledge, left to band geeks to fight over for the most part, but the existence of so many genres means people out there are knowledgeable enough to tell the difference and are essentially writing history while performing all these subdivisions.

Which is why telling us Screamo and Metal are the same is stupid. It's essentially telling us Punk and Metal are the same. And although I will agree that they have similarities, if you think they are the same I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to step outside.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
kinapuffar said:
Metal isn't even music. When push comes to shove, it's not an attempt to create something, it's just there to piss off your parents. A bland form of rebellion for the children trapped in their middle-class, suburban nightmare.
What? Seriously?

Does it have back-masking as well, according to you?

kinapuffar said:
Novskij said:
kinapuffar said:
Metal isn't even music. When push comes to shove, it's not an attempt to create something, it's just there to piss off your parents. A bland form of rebellion for the children trapped in their middle-class, suburban nightmare.
Or your just being ignorant.

In non-irritating speak, that reads "Learn to not be a dick, people make mistakes and English isn't everyone's first language".


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Novskij said:
emeraldrafael said:
Oka? I get metal is a heavier rock,
Hehe no, it developed much further than just being "heavier rock"...
its heavy rock, settle yourself down. There's only about four greater music genres and the rest are sub genres.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Novskij said:
Zekksta said:
Novskij said:
Zekksta said:
Novskij said:
Their similiar when your ignorant, or you dont understand them.
Holy shit, so much grammatical suck in the one sentence.

OT: No, Metal is not Screamo. Of course there are so many different types of metal nowadays it's hard to keep track of what's what I suppose.

Not really that much. Every metal band pretty much falls into one of these even if they have industrial, avant garde, or any other influences.
Metal, Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Alteritive Metal, New Metal, Morotic Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Speed Metal, Dark Wave Metal, Hip Hop Metal, Gothic Metal, Deathcore Metal, Thrashcore Metal, Trash Metal, Alteritive Gothic Metal, Black Metal, Dark Industrial Metal, Deathcore Metal, Grindcore Metal, Mathcore Metal, Glam Metal, Hardcore Metal, Industrial Techno Metal, Metalcore, Melodic Thrash Metal, Melodic Black Metal, Power Metal, Rock Metal, Melodic Trash Metal, Rap Metal, Noise Meta, 80's Metal, Grove Metal, Pirate Metal, Hardcore Metal, Doom Metal, Electric Metal, Folk Metal, Viking Metal, Traditional Metal, Orchestral Metal, Symphonic Metal, Progressive Metal, Dark Melodic Death Metal, Love Metal, Hair Metal, Epic Metal, Melodeath Metal, Extreme Metal, Funeraldoom Metal, Blackeneddeath Metal, Unblack Metal, Melodicblack Metal, Symphonicblack Metal, Drone Metal, Neo-Classical Metal, Sludge Metal, Post Metal, Stoner Metal

Read more: Can you list all the metal (Music) types? | Answerbag
Why dont you make up your own mind on this instead of quoting someone full of shit.

Anything ending with CORE is a fusion beetween punk and metal.
Viking,Pirate metal is made up bullshit, because lyrics do not make a genre.

Sludge,Stoner, Funeral Doom, Drone, their all pretty much are very close to Doom Metal, they all pretty much fall into Doom. Gothic also falls into here, but often its got other elements too.

Post Metal falls easily into Progressive Metal.

Extreme Metal is an umbrella term for Death,Black,Doom and Thrash.

Glam Metal/Hair Metal is not valid, because image doesnt make the genre, "Glam/Hair" bands fall into either Rock, or Heavy Metal.

Traditional Metal = Heavy Metal.

Groove = Metalcore.

80s Metal is not a subgenre, its simply refering to metal from the 80s. Which is mostly Heavy,Thrash and the early Death/Black bands.

Speed Metal is kind of a bridge beetween Heavy Metal and Thrash, but ussually the band in that spot belong to one or the other genre.

Subgenres that are fused, such as Industrial,Hip Hop,Rap,Nu Metal well theyll still fall into Heavy Metal/Thrash Metal mostly, or other subgenres.

Symphonic=Orchestral and thats simply an aesthetic with the use of an orchestra or a MIDI synth, these often fall into Blak Metal or Power Metal.

I did miss out folk though, as for noise, well that isnt promiment as a subgenre, its valid enough though. I also missed out Avant-Garde, but alot of that is often progressive or experimental.

Neoclassical is valid, but still the bands are either power, black or death metal.

Shit that is fucking stupid: Dark Wave Metal,Love Metal, Dark Melodic Death Metal, Melodic Thrash Metal, Electric Metal, Rock Metal, Unlack Metal, Melodic Black Metal, Epic Metal, Dark Industrial Metal, Industrial Techno Metal.

But i hope you get my point. Alot of metal bands will be part of one of the big subgenres, while there is also alot of stupid shit made up by clueless people.
A good post, except that I don't think Groove and Metalcore are the same.

Metalcore is Hardcore Punk + metal, and Groove is very heavy, with slow, thick riffs. Later Pantera, some Machine Head, that sort of thing. With your system, it'd fall under both Thrash and Doom, mostly thrash though.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Lnc0 said:
Zekksta said:
Novskij said:
Zekksta said:
Novskij said:
Their similiar when your ignorant, or you dont understand them.
Holy shit, so much grammatical suck in the one sentence.

OT: No, Metal is not Screamo. Of course there are so many different types of metal nowadays it's hard to keep track of what's what I suppose.

Not really that much. Every metal band pretty much falls into one of these even if they have industrial, avant garde, or any other influences.
Metal, Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Alteritive Metal, New Metal, Morotic Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Speed Metal, Dark Wave Metal, Hip Hop Metal, Gothic Metal, Deathcore Metal, Thrashcore Metal, Trash Metal, Alteritive Gothic Metal, Black Metal, Dark Industrial Metal, Deathcore Metal, Grindcore Metal, Mathcore Metal, Glam Metal, Hardcore Metal, Industrial Techno Metal, Metalcore, Melodic Thrash Metal, Melodic Black Metal, Power Metal, Rock Metal, Melodic Trash Metal, Rap Metal, Noise Meta, 80's Metal, Grove Metal, Pirate Metal, Hardcore Metal, Doom Metal, Electric Metal, Folk Metal, Viking Metal, Traditional Metal, Orchestral Metal, Symphonic Metal, Progressive Metal, Dark Melodic Death Metal, Love Metal, Hair Metal, Epic Metal, Melodeath Metal, Extreme Metal, Funeraldoom Metal, Blackeneddeath Metal, Unblack Metal, Melodicblack Metal, Symphonicblack Metal, Drone Metal, Neo-Classical Metal, Sludge Metal, Post Metal, Stoner Metal

Read more: Can you list all the metal (Music) types? | Answerbag
You missed 'Nu Metal'

But man that's so many labels, why are they needed? 'Rap Metal'? What's wrong with just saying it's both Rap and Metal? So redundant
It's extremely helpful for fans. I mean, there's a good amount of variety in metal, and without any kind of label, it'd be really hard to find new music.

I mean, I hate death and black metal, but love thrash and such, and I can just look through the thrash section of amazon without having to worry about any death metal creeping in.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
SovietX said:
Hairetos said:
SovietX said:
Screamo is also known as Hardcore, which is a load of crap.
Example of screamo would be Bring Me The (Hairstraightners) Horizon, Parkway Drive etc.

I dont know if its just me but Screamo is essentially the Emo kid genre, along with stuff like Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance.
Screamo is nowhere near metal, I believe it should be its own stupid genre instead of being a sub genre of metal.
Example of Metal would be Anthrax, Anvil, Megadeth, Testament, Iron Maiden etc

Im a death metal man myself (Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Terrorizer, Napalm Death, Hate Eternal etc etc)
So wait, metal only includes the metal bands you like? Because it's inconsistent to say that metal includes the classics (Anthrax, Megadeth, Testament) AND your personal death metal while not including what other people like that's called metal. Until you get some objective criteria, I'm calling bullshit.

Sorry, you pissed off a Parkway Drive fan.
I never said I liked Anthrax, Anvil etc. They were EXAMPLES. Im sorry but im going to have to say 'welcome to the internet' We all have opinions and I was simple adding my point of view to this discussion. Now back to this point,

The tempos and scales used in Screamo music differs greatly to Metal, Often in screamo there are alot of breaks and bridges with lots of pinch harmonics, usually resulting in a 'break down' Now the tune in most of these screamo bands ascends. Basically, it goes from a low riff to a high bar. This is in every screamo song ive ever heard. Perhaps you should pay closer attention to what people are saying, as I said that there are many sub genres in metal, but the actual genre of 'Metal' involves the bands stated above. And, like other people in the thread, I posted my favorite genre and some examples.

So please, dont let fanboyism cloud your judgement.

Zeriah said:
...the most complex musical compositions around right now.
This. Just take a look at the new artists in music today. Everything is done in mixing programs using samples and voice filters. Nowadays its just the 1 bar of music repeated, no complexity whatsoever.
Lol, you say "judgment" as if there's something to prove after telling me it's opinion.

And your entire case is based around one point: it has breakdowns it's screamo. News flash: death metal has breakdowns (even Carcass has them) and they do not disqualify a band from also being called metal. We instead create fusion genres like metalcore, melodeath, etc.

Hop off your high horse sonny.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
To be honest, that kind of thing is so common I don't even pick up on it anymore. Accept that most people don't like metal, quite understandably too, and that it's hard to distingiush things you don't know. For example, there are plenty of different eras and styles of classical music, all quite different if you're into classical, but I couldn't tell you which is which.

However, the people who go around saying 'DATZ NOT METULZ!' to any band that doesn't suit their tastes are more annoying. Even though I don't personally like them, Bullet For My Valentine and the like are metal.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
DustyDrB said:
I've not found any metal I enjoy listening to. I've tried a wide variety, though I couldn't tell you the name of the bands because I've long forgotten them.
SovietX said:
Screamo is also known as Hardcore, which is a load of crap.
By who? Hardcore means hardcore punk to me. So I think of Minor Threat, early Husker Du, Black Flag, Bad Brains, and many others that mostly came from within or right around the 80s.
Black flag is more of a early grindcore band I think. Or hard punk. Oh and when I said "Load of crap" I mean its a load of crap for the hardcore bands, being associated with screamo. Screamo is basically a bunch of angsty teenagers with emo haircuts yelling.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Hairetos said:
Lol, you say "judgment" as if there's something to prove after telling me it's opinion.

And your entire case is based around one point: it has breakdowns it's screamo. News flash: death metal has breakdowns (even Carcass has them) and they do not disqualify a band from also being called metal. We instead create fusion genres like metalcore, melodeath, etc.

Hop off your high horse sonny.
Sigh.. Stop taking segments of my text and taking it out of context, I was explaining the song structure behind the screamo genre, The pitch plays a bigger part but its typically a rising scale, bridge then breakdown. Im not saying its an incorrect way to compose songs, im just showing the diference. My argument is that the genre Metal is not related to Screamo, Screamo isnt metal, its a sub genre of metal, and this thread if I remember correctly is about the association of Screamo with metal. Now, if the OP meant Metal as a whole or just the single Metal genre it changes the context of all the discussions on this thread.
tl;dr - Was explaining typical song structure of screamo, similar but not a typical composition for the genre 'Metal' It is suitable as its on genre as a sub genre of metal.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Kenbo Slice said:
zehydra said:
I hate screamcore, screamo whatever. I actually just hate anything that's done because "it's hardcore". I like some Metal (Alice in Chains, some Nirvana), and more classic Metal.

Often times I enjoy blends of metal and some other genre too, like with Porcupine Tree. They have psychedelic rock + metal in a number of their songs.
Nirvana's not metal!
you're right. As a whole, they're not metal. But they do have some metal songs, especially in the first and third albums. It's really more like a hybrid of metal and punk.