Metal is not "Screamo"


Nov 11, 2009
amoamaremetallum said:
Its not so much it being called Screamo for me as it is just the negativity of it. And I've always just followed the idea that 'Screamo' was literally just metal that contained screaming...

But I do agree with you, but then again, most people don't listen to it and don't pay attention to the various 100,000,000 subgenres that metalheads get offended to if you label them incorrectly. And I'm pretty sure the world is conspiring to belittle it by not calling it Metal.
I agree with this.

As a person that listen to very little Metal I do confuse the genres A LOT. But seriously there is a lot of screaming in some of the genres. Never heard the word Screamo before though, so cant coment on that


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
Novskij said:
FreelanceButler said:
Screamo might as well be metal, I'd still probably rather be listening to something else.
Even if Screamo isn't a sub-genre of metal, is it really worth getting in such a tiz over it? Let's be honest, they can be pretty darn similar.
Their similiar when your ignorant, or you dont understand them.
Or you don't listen to them much. Which is probably the case with a lot of people that mix them up, myself included.
I'm just saying that if people don't like something, they're probably going to put it in the same "pile" so to speak. If someone likes pop music and thus only listens to pop music, anything fast, loud and "rocky" will be classed as metal.
Mass generalization here, but you see my point.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Drakmeire said:
Metal only refers to the style of the music while screamo refers more to the vocals.
so metal sound=<youtube=P6ZJP1QyeBo>
screamo sound=<youtube=Q6Jt-0B0WpU>
even if the song has a metal sound, the vocals make it screamo.
or something like that.

Siris said:
Consider this: not all metal is screamo, but all screamo is metal
You couldn't be more wrong...

Screamo was a form of Hardcore, emotive Punk in the early 1990's and when Punk eventually lead to the creation of Post-hardcore (emo), Screamo also evolved to become a term for Post-hardcore bands which incorporated some of the Screamo sounds of the early 1990's. Screamo never has and never was a description for metal or the metal growls. It is always either dickhead trolls who knowingly group together Screamo (emo bands) and metal bands to make you rage, or ignorant people who just don't know any better.

Screamo is not, I repeat IS NOT a term used to describe music with "screaming in it", it is used as a term for EMOTIVE HARDCORE PUNK as well as the newer post-hardcore emo stuff with screams in it, hence the Scr-emo way it is pronounced. Jeez, even the vocals aren't alike they are high pitched and literal screams. The stuff that is in metal are lower pitched growls, or in the case of black metal, higher pitched shrieks. There are no screams in metal.

Yes it is a pet peeve of mine too, either the guy is calling metal emo or is another ignorant, metal bashing douche who doesn't know jack squat about the genre and very likely, not much about music in general.

This is Screamo:

You see, it is nothing, NOTHING like metal or metal growls.

For reference:


New member
Dec 27, 2010
Well, as I am a metalhead I feel that i have to respond.

I like many kinds of metal, from the new wave of british heavy metal to the blackned norwegian death metal. So I am to the "normal people" of this world, a screamo fan.

The music I listen to is called satan-music where I live, even if it's Iron Maiden or Metallica. The answer? It's really simple, just flow with the ignorance. I just agree with them, and often add that I enjoy my churchburnings, sacrifices and orgies. Creeps most people out...

Or just deny that whatever you are listening to isn't satanic, and instead put on some old Mayhem/Gorgoroth and point out that THIS is satanic.


New member
Nov 26, 2010
Metal isn't even music. When push comes to shove, it's not an attempt to create something, it's just there to piss off your parents. A bland form of rebellion for the children trapped in their middle-class, suburban nightmare.


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
Novskij said:
FreelanceButler said:
Novskij said:
FreelanceButler said:
Screamo might as well be metal, I'd still probably rather be listening to something else.
Even if Screamo isn't a sub-genre of metal, is it really worth getting in such a tiz over it? Let's be honest, they can be pretty darn similar.
Their similiar when your ignorant, or you dont understand them.
Or you don't listen to them much. Which is probably the case with a lot of people that mix them up, myself included.
I'm just saying that if people don't like something, they're probably going to put it in the same "pile" so to speak. If someone likes pop music and thus only listens to pop music, anything fast, loud and "rocky" will be classed as metal.
Mass generalization here, but you see my point.

But atleast you accept that Metal and Screamo are not similiar in any way?
I wouldn't say they're not similar in any way. They can both have similarities to rock. They can both have shouty people. I'm sure most of the time these similarities are minimal at best, but surely they can be there every now and again?


New member
Nov 26, 2010
Novskij said:
kinapuffar said:
Metal isn't even music. When push comes to shove, it's not an attempt to create something, it's just there to piss off your parents. A bland form of rebellion for the children trapped in their middle-class, suburban nightmare.
Or your just being ignorant.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Gado911 said:
People that confuse the two genres deserve to die in a fiery abyss. Every single time i listen to any form of metal there is always an asshole who asks me 'Why do i listen to that screamo grabage?" Biggest pet peave of all time.
No shit. Screamo has those high pitched fags singing that sound like they have their nuts tied up. I say, "I listen to metal, not Bullet for Cry by Myself."

i present

King Diamond,

who has made metal long before many, many of you were born
so about that whole screamo is metal with high pitched screams , and the whole they sound like they have their nuts tied up deal... this should render such arguments invalid. since metal has had high pitched screaming in it since, well since metal itself was born.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
kinapuffar said:
Metal isn't even music. When push comes to shove, it's not an attempt to create something, it's just there to piss off your parents. A bland form of rebellion for the children trapped in their middle-class, suburban nightmare.
Eh I've heard your nonsense from more ignorant people than I can count, I've long since given up caring about this tired, old cliche. Fact is you are the one that is missing out. Even discounting the extreme technical proficiency that is required to play the stereotypical, fast paced death metal that you are referring to, the more musically respected genres of metal (technical death metal, progressive metal and neoclassical metal to name but a few) contain (with the exception of classical and jazz) the most complex musical compositions around right now. You don't get anywhere in these genres without having a profound understanding of music, they use everything at their disposal; key changes, odd time signatures, time changes, arpeggios as well as many types of modes and scales to form some real musical masterpieces. There are many metal guitar riffs that could easily become the base melody for a classical piece, in fact there's neoclassical metal which is basically classical music sped up, with only limited (or even without) orchestra.

I wont deny that there are some real garbage metal bands out there that do nothing musically and just burn your ears with tired, old power chords, growls and tremolo picking but because of metals' huge scope there are sooo many bands out there that combine technical playing as well as vast musical knowledge to create songs that are a mix of fast-paced intensity and high level musical composition, that is just awesome.

I get that people are turned off by the intensity, but there's no reason any rational human being who has spent more than a moment researching with an open mind would think metal isn't music.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Hairetos said:
SovietX said:
Screamo is also known as Hardcore, which is a load of crap.
Example of screamo would be Bring Me The (Hairstraightners) Horizon, Parkway Drive etc.

I dont know if its just me but Screamo is essentially the Emo kid genre, along with stuff like Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance.
Screamo is nowhere near metal, I believe it should be its own stupid genre instead of being a sub genre of metal.
Example of Metal would be Anthrax, Anvil, Megadeth, Testament, Iron Maiden etc

Im a death metal man myself (Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Terrorizer, Napalm Death, Hate Eternal etc etc)
So wait, metal only includes the metal bands you like? Because it's inconsistent to say that metal includes the classics (Anthrax, Megadeth, Testament) AND your personal death metal while not including what other people like that's called metal. Until you get some objective criteria, I'm calling bullshit.

Sorry, you pissed off a Parkway Drive fan.
I never said I liked Anthrax, Anvil etc. They were EXAMPLES. Im sorry but im going to have to say 'welcome to the internet' We all have opinions and I was simple adding my point of view to this discussion. Now back to this point,

The tempos and scales used in Screamo music differs greatly to Metal, Often in screamo there are alot of breaks and bridges with lots of pinch harmonics, usually resulting in a 'break down' Now the tune in most of these screamo bands ascends. Basically, it goes from a low riff to a high bar. This is in every screamo song ive ever heard. Perhaps you should pay closer attention to what people are saying, as I said that there are many sub genres in metal, but the actual genre of 'Metal' involves the bands stated above. And, like other people in the thread, I posted my favorite genre and some examples.

So please, dont let fanboyism cloud your judgement.

Zeriah said:
...the most complex musical compositions around right now.
This. Just take a look at the new artists in music today. Everything is done in mixing programs using samples and voice filters. Nowadays its just the 1 bar of music repeated, no complexity whatsoever.

Addicted Muffin

New member
Nov 6, 2010
finnally, someone who isnt a total retard...

metal has the more griddy older sounding vocals to it...and GROWLS, not screams...

Screamo, or to a lesser extent post-hardcore and emo, has a younger, more adolesent vocal to it, and actual screaming

even though i hate metal, it still bugs me when they mix the two into one genre...