Soylent Bacon said:
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
I still don't see why this is a bad thing, other than speculation on how Microsoft will apparently "RUIN IT FOREVER!"
But Microsoft is a BIIIG BAAAAD CORPORATION! Anything they touch will be CORRUPTED by their GREED for MONEY, which is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL! They're probably using their newly aquired video chatting service to SPY on us for the GOVERNMENT so they can ROB US OF OUR FREEDOMS somehow! Also, OTHER WORDS USED TO VAGUELY SOUND BAD FOR NO GOOD REASON! MICRO$OFT, AMIRITE?
Almost. You see, as a corporation, Microsoft per se is an intangible. It doesn't exist, just like any other organization (cities, states, countries, the United Nations, etc.). So it can't be eeevil.
How Microsoft got their eeevil reputation is by providing a sheltered venue for self-interested people to wag the dog of their entire market base with horribly unethical practices - basically, anything to control the people using their technology into buying more of their technology was promoted. Even if it broke laws, so long as the move was worth the lawsuits, they did it, and while simultaneously strong-arming and suing small developers working with Microsoft technology to prevent the growth of competition.
So the issue here is, are the same "anything goes as long as we make money" people still calling the shots and in charge? Generally, yes. While employees come and go, executives tend to stay, unless they cash out their stock options and go do something else. And worse, their past practices become part of the corporate culture, meaning that the new people operate in the same manner.
But I don't think that's the fear here. My personal fear is about their competence level. You see, Microsoft's people have never been really competent at anything that customers have to deal with directly. Even their newest OS has me shaking my head as I try to use it for common tasks like file management.
So the main fear is that MS's collective incompetence is going to mess up something that currently works pretty well. Imagine if MS bought Steam (which is an imperfect service, but currently the best around) and gave it to the Games for Windows division. /shudder