dystopiaINC said:
Humanity1 said:
Am I the only one who's annoyed by this trade-off? Personally, two of the feature's I was most looking forward to were the ability to share games online with friends and family and the ability to play installed games without the disk, which have been removed along with always online requirement. I mean, the disk thing is just a matter of preference, but I live on the opposite side of the country to my family and quite a few of my gaming friends so just handing them the disk isn't really an option. This was going to mean I'd still be able to share games with my sisters and let my friends try out a game I've been raving about.
Now, instead of there being three fairly different consoles for three fairly different purposes (with Sony and Nintendo reprising their roles from the previous generation and MS having a more online-integrated approach) we're now back exactly where we were for the last two generation but just a little bit prettier; Nintendo is playing off in it's own little corner doing it's fun Nintendo stuff and PS and XB are both playing essentially the same kind of games with naught but a few exclusives separating them and trying to cater to the same audience.
If I wanted what the XBone is now providing, I'd have been planning to buy the PS4 as they're doing it cheaper and just as well (even if I dislike their controller). Now I'm just kinda left with a sour taste in my mouth at my ability to choose the kind of console I wanted taken away from me...
yeah I'm miffed by that too. the biggest, coolest, most interesting feature this whole console generation is gone. THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS. god damn it this in not a victory this is a loss. god fucking dammit I hate the internet sometimes. it's shit like this that makes me ashamed to be called gamer it really does.
I knew it too, as soon as my friend told me why they changed I told him to mark my words and the cool sharing feature would be pulled. why? it's to easy to abuse with out the DRM. A feature like that can't exist with out some sort of system of checks to make sure it isn't abused. I thought that would be clear and understood. so much for my hope in the community. Fuck.
The thing is, if they remove the sharing feature completely , it is only to be assholes about it. There is absolutely NO reason why they could not still have this in place for digitally purchased copies of games. Sure, physical copies would be as they are now, share the disc how you do now, but it sounds like they are sulking now. "You complained about some parts of our things, so we are taking away ALL of it. Because fuck you for not accepting our shit".
The can still move in the direction they wanted to without fucking us over in the process, if only they weren't blinded by their own smug and arrogant selves. They are holding back progress by demanding it comes with conditions. Not the consumer for demanding the progress come without their sacrifice.
EDIT: Keeping the sharing option for digitally purchased games while leaving discs how they are would have actually benefited their goals perfectly. It would have left the step to the future up to the consumer to take, and not being manhandled into it, which i think many would have done gladly. Also, would have justified the same price point for digital games and physical copies, by giving the cheaper to produce version a benefit.
Really, corporations can't see the forest for the trees sometimes. Give consumers a choice. Make the choice you WANT them to make seem the better of two GOOD choices, and you will get the outcome you desire.