Therumancer said:
I can't think of the video game industry ever having tried to recruit a Miss America or similar celebrity (which is a bit differant than being a model or porn star) as a spokesperson.
Different how? She just threw away her chances of using her broadcast journalism degree with her comment on tv's. Her face ain't gonna get her on any fashion magazine covers. That mouth however is just full of potential, and I don't mean its speaking ability.
Your argument does have merit, but she is trying to sell herself to the government that has been suppressing physical education year after year until quite a few schools don't even have anything beyond extra curricular sports(and how much longer before those start getting targeted as being too dangerous for kids?). And you have to be fit to qualify for those. So where does that leave those who aren't getting out on the teams? They are focusing more of their energy either wasting away on something else, or spending time behind the computer.
Obama is all about kids getting physical, but has he done a single thing to reverse Bush's policies? Nope. So the schools are stuck helpless while parents whine that their kids aren't getting fit, and these days a lot of parents ain't got the time themselves to help train their kids to keeping fit.
Argh! Now I gone got on another rant. Bad Sam!