Miyamoto Wishes Star Fox Was More Popular


New member
Aug 15, 2008
I think the problem is that the current StarFox games suffer from what I call "Superman 64" syndrome. They're not out-and-out bad, they're just labeled in a way that creates expectations that they don't fulfill. People expect certain things from the label "StarFox", as from "Superman", and when those things are missing people are disappointed.

Also, complaining about lack of "player support" for a game reeks of the same elitism that an out-of-touch politician or literary scholar might emanate.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Things that will make Star Fox good:

1. No out-of-cockpit adventures.
2. Kill Slippy.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Miyamoto Wishes Star Fox Was More Popular

Give us another game where you're in a ship. The entire time. If you must put us on land, put us in a Landmaster tank. In short: Make a Star Fox game that doesn't suck, Miyamoto-san, and you might see the fans coming back to it.

I loved Assault when you were in the ship.
ALL the missions on foot seamed like they wernt thought out to well.
Boring, Hard, Repepetive(Freaking Hatchers).
It wasent fun when you had to be on foot, in the Lv's that let me switich between Arwing and On foot, i just stayed in the Arwing and blasted evereything i could just so i didnt haft to get out.
A StarFox where the only things you pilot are the Arwing, Landmaster, or Blue Marine(i loved the aquas lv on SF 64) would be a great idea.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
Give us another game where you're in a ship. The entire time. If you must put us on land, put us in a Landmaster tank. In short: Make a Star Fox game that doesn't suck, Miyamoto-san, and you might see the fans coming back to it.
Right there.

Pay attention, Miya-moron, you might learn something as to why we loved Star Fox to begin with. Yeah, I know I'm insulting the great Miyamoto, but if it gets Star Fox back on the right path, I don't give a fuck. I loved Star Fox 64, and everything after has been promising but ultimately sucked the fat one. Kinda like every Sonic game since they went to 3D. Yeah, I went there.


Obfuscated Information
Jun 4, 2009
Wait Wait there were StarFox games after StarFox Adventures? I had no idea...
You know what, I thought that an on foot StarFox game would be awesome. This was right at the time Adventures came out... I bought it I played it and kinda liked it a bit but I wanted a Freakin blaster Dammit! not some staff... and then dinosaurs? WTH?! I didn't enjoy it because there was very little ship based combat and then the futuristic sci-fi setting wasn't capitalized on I like big sexy laser cannons and i like shooting hordes of Galaga style baddies that I can shoot said laser cannons at.
So basically it would seem nintendo is, as always, out of touch.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
I truely love starfox. Lylat wars was my favourite. ALthough intirely different Starfox adventures was a great game.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Seeing as every joke has been made, I'll go on the serious side.

I actually liked the recent(haha) Starfox games, but I would enjoy a more classic one.

Hell, I just want a Starfox game


New member
Apr 13, 2009
I would love to agree Mr Funk, but I just don't.

I'm sorry, but Arwings really look and feel terrible (not to mention derivative) when compared to an X-wing. Rogue Squadron did that type of gameplay so right that Nintendo would probably get lambasted for trying a space shooter because it "wasn't as good" as what Lucas Arts and Factor Five have come up with (and let's face it, it's an uphill battle to make it that good, there's been three RS games, and Star Fox hasn't gone there enough in the last few years).

Maybe a space shooter would be fun, but not all of us are into gaming, or Star Fox, for the shooting.

Trotgar said:
I liked Star Fox Adventures quite much.
So did I. It's really a shame that it wasn't appreciated more. Of course, I only rented it, but my memories of it were very pleasant indeed. Perhaps it was too short for people or something. That seems to be the biggest issue with Nintendo games lately.

XIII's Number XIV

Not in here, you idiot!
Sep 14, 2009
I loved the Starfox series right up until...oh...about Assault. I actually didn't play Adventure, but my cousin did, and never let me see nor play it. I did have the guide though, and it seemed like a pretty long and arduous game, but still, I don't know what to say on that.

Command was just...weird. I mean, the gameplay was just great, but the storyline kind of put Nintendo in a hole trying to figure out what they should do in the next game. IF there's a next game. Honestly, I don't know how they're gonna continue another Starfox game unless they completely disregard all the endings, or make one about Marcus.

Little Duck

Diving Space Muffin
Oct 22, 2009
I thought Starfox adventures was a good tiwst in the series and I thoroughly enjoyed every waking minute of it. The one after (assault) felt like a step in the complete wrong direction. I think there is still alot to get from the series, but they need to be careful who they flog it to. Personally I'd like a series of mini No more hero style levels, with a big open plain and a linear story path, with arwing mixed in along side with some RPG levelling up elements, but that also sounds like a mess.

Say you want to stop the incesant HELP FOX, you could level up your characters to be more evasive, to help with bosses, you level up their accuracy and so on. There could be a job set on planet X that requires you to get in via Route Y and when you land find base Z to make sure they don't report to enemy * in order to take item fish. Or using the arwing to go on bombing runs, or just getting through the good old asteroid belt.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
XIII said:
I loved the Starfox series right up until...oh...about Assault. I actually didn't play Adventure, but my cousin did, and never let me see nor play it. I did have the guide though, and it seemed like a pretty long and arduous game, but still, I don't know what to say on that.

Command was just...weird. I mean, the gameplay was just great, but the storyline kind of put Nintendo in a hole trying to figure out what they should do in the next game. IF there's a next game. Honestly, I don't know how they're gonna continue another Starfox game unless they completely disregard all the endings, or make one about Marcus.
I agree with most of the people who say that the flying sections of assault were good, everything else was just iffy. I liked command even though the strategy part was rather simplistic.

As for what next, out of all the endings I think the canon one, if there is actually a canon one, was
The one where Dash becomes ruler of Venom, also Fox and Crystal get back together.
However, wikipedia says that a new game might be based in the middle of Command to reveal the true ending.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
I also wish Star Fox was as big as the other Nintendo names. I sure hope we see some more from the franchise in the not too distant future.


New member
Mar 12, 2008
WTF is wrong with this guy?!

Everyone loves Starfox when he's in a plane, tank or even a sub.

Everyone hates Starfox when he plays dinosaur tamer.

The moral of the story: Don't make shitty-half-assed sequels and people will like your stellar IP's.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
You never fly the ship in Metroid. You ALWAYS fly the ship in Star Fox. this shouldn't be difficult, nintendo.