Miyamoto Wishes Star Fox Was More Popular


New member
May 16, 2009
OK Nintendo... here's some ideas for you then.

1. Stop with the millions of crappy mini games. We're sick of wii-sports, wii-music, wii-fit, and all the other stupid mini games that's about 80% of the Wii games library, and I'm talking just 1st party here. That will give you more time to work on something good!

2. Stick to one genre in a game. There's nothing more annoying in a game than switching from one aspect to another. Everyone hated the platforming. Stick to flight combat. Take SEGA as a famous example, Sonic Adventure. How many people hated the levels that weren't the Sonic levels?

3. Actually release a game of the damn series!! Wii hasn't had a Starfox, any kind of clue there? Also maybe if there wasn't so few copies of Assault released in the EU they might have sold more.

Ugh... a formerly great company now just mere sell-out shells (no reference intended) of their former selves.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
I'm really hoping that he has a Star Fox game for the Wii that's really good. Star Fox is the big game that I grew up with on the 64.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
I'm gonna go slightly controversial here and say that there's nothing essentially wrong with Fox being on foot, it's just the way it's been handled that's poo. I mean, there are a lot better ways to handle third person shooting than how Assault did.

Just look at Command, you didn't even touch ground and it sucked more than the other games combined!

Nintendo just needs to give the series to a decent developer.

Orange Monkey

New member
Mar 16, 2009
I loved Lylat Wars, It was the game that got me in to gaming, if they released something like that again, me and quite a few Nintendo64 nostalgic gamers will most certainly get it.

After all, what other game had you get saved by a seductive cat in a pink Arwing with the hots for your Bird wingman?

Mr. Fister

New member
Jun 21, 2008
Littaly said:
Nintendo just needs to give the series to a decent developer.
Or better yet, make the next Star Fox game themselves, as the last three (Command, Assault, Adventures) were all handled by different teams and were released to mixed reviews.

And I don't know about keeping Fox in an arwing the entire time. Yes, Star Fox 64 was good and is great for quick runthroughs, but its gameplay is quite dated and shallow, and essentially doing that again in this day would make that even more obvious.

What I would like to see for the next Star Fox game is something like Assault, in which you have a bit of variety in the missions, but with branching paths, lesser emphasis on story, and, above all, not broken. It would probably be the best direction for the series, as it is primarily about shooting and blowing up stuff.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Greyfox105 said:
heh. 1997. what a year.
I know, right? I mean, your talking starfox 64, Half life, mortal kombat 4...all that stuff.

EDIT: Do a barrel roll!


New member
Mar 21, 2008
You make a fair point, but I though Starfox DS was pretty good. I mean, until the repetitive strain of a million same-y battles on the small screen got to me.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Mr. Fister said:
Littaly said:
And I don't know about keeping Fox in an arwing the entire time. Yes, Star Fox 64 was good and is great for quick runthroughs, but its gameplay is quite dated and shallow, and essentially doing that again in this day would make that even more obvious.
Agree... sort of. One of the reasons Command was so horrible was that it tried too hard to be retro but ended up feeling outdated. Don't get me wrong, railed Arwing segments are the bomb, but I can see how they could be potentially dangerous if they made a new game.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
I agree entirely with the OP. We need another game like Starfox 64. Or at least a game 3 times as long as Starfox Assault.

The land portions of the other games were good as well, but save them for their respective games.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
And yet they crush fan projects about Star Fox... "If we can't make Star Fox popular No One CAN!!!"


New member
Jul 21, 2004
Though my opinion rarely counts, if ever, I'm going to post it anyway! I felt Star FOx 64, while being the original could've used more...shall we say large scale battles? Assault, at least the air and space portions, got this right.

As for Adventures, I liked it. I felt it had a bit of a deeper story, more likable characters, and the very fact that I DIDN'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO SLIPPY AS OFTEN! I MEAN, COME ON! Slippy and Navi are by far TIED for WORST support character EVER, with AMY from the Sonic series right behind them! But, that bit of fanboyish ranting aside, the only problem I had with Adventures was
Andross showing up at the end, using the Krazoa spirits to revive himself. I felt it was shoehorned in at the last minute, and was a big cop-out to what could've been an awesome battle with General Scales.

Now then, if Miyamoto would give more epic battles, on a large scale with the Cornerian Army at your back, make Slippy better/kill him off, and give me MORE Falco...I'll be a bit happier.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I liked the fighter pilot games. Not the battlefront ripoffs. Fighting on foot, tank, and air, that just took away from the experience for me


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Hey the DS version wasn't bad, okay so it was Starfox on the 64 with more ships, but you can't beat the formula.

Make a game like that and i'll play it.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
It's the same reason I don't buy 90% of Mario games nowadays... because 90% of Mario games AREN'T Mario games... They're all... baseball and golf and tenis... Seriously! I like it when I get to go on an adventure and beat up Bowser! I know other people like sports games, but it's not my cup of tea. Nintendo needs to recognize that while taking games in new directions is essential, sometimes you take games in the wrong direction, and when that happens, instead of randomly selecting new directions, you get back to basics and work back from there. A perfect example of how NOT to do this is giving Sonic the Hedgehog a sword and then turning him into a werewolf.

On an unrelated note, I actually think that a Mario game where the combat system was more than "jump on that guy" would work. If they just got rid of that "Mario gets hurt just from touching the other guys" then giving him one or two extra moves would be cool. Punching Goombas in the face was fun on the 64 and I'd like to see Mario drop kick Bowser in the face in some context other than in Smash Bros., because I really have no idea what's going on in that game, I'm just smashing buttons and hoping for the best...

The Bandit

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Feb 5, 2008
Tank207 said:
I'd love to see Nintendo go back to Star Fox's roots, that is one of my favorite SNES games. The last game in the series I cared about was Star Fox 64, and that was even a little bit of a disappointment to me because it was a remake, not a direct sequel(I also really, really, missed the original theme song). I'm still bitter to this day that they canceled Star Fox 2, the game was pretty much finished and ready for release. Yeah, I could play it on an emulator, but I hate emulators with a passion(especially SNES emulators).
No offense to you, and I realize this could probably be turned around and slapped in my face for a few of my beloved franchises, but I like to think it was cancelled largely because it was unnecessary. At that point, sequels didn't really "do" anything. Take the Mario series. Each new installment really only remade the original (or its predecessor) in new ways, much like a remake does. From what I've seen, Star Fox 64 was entirely superior to Star Fox 2. I've never played 2, but I've read about it. Maybe I'm just speaking from ignorance. Can you tell me what would have been better about 2 compared to 64? Or maybe you just have an understandable aversion to remakes?